Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. Very dark and cold out there right now 7:46am. Way late for me.

BG 4.7 which seems to be ok for me.

Plans for today... a bit of a walk and making a larger Easter egg. Other than that....nothing. yawn.

No news from the eye clinic yet about my second eye operation. I was hoping that they might have contacted me by yesterday. Sigh.

I always always wanted to be an astronaut from a very early age. I had no chance as the British Government scrapped the Blue Streak programme and decided not to do space stuff!!! So at about 5 years old my lifes ambitions were scuppered. Not the best of starts in life. I don't think I ever really recovered from that. Sigh.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to or down to...
Morning all!

Another day in the 5s with a 5.6 today 🙂

Had to do a finger prick today though - changed my sensor last night and having real issues with it at the moment! Keep getting a lot of bleeding every time I apply one which I think might be to blame so if anyone has got any advice on how to avoid this please let me know!

Have a good day 🙂
Morning all. A very nice 5.3, first time I’ve been in the fives this year. 🙂

No particular plans today, after a busy week looking after a 10 month old and a 61 year old, I’m having a day off! Bubbly bath, a bit of self care with the Bic and reading. 🙂

Quick question, does anyone know the Suffolk coast well? Thinking of maybe having a holiday down there in April/ May. But I haven’t a clue which area would be best. We want good walks, inland as well as coastal, nature reserves, good views, not bothered about staying in busy towns but don’t mind being driving distance away for a visit. We had hoped to go to Harris and Lewis in Scotland but hardly any accommodation available for our dates and what is left the price is astronomical. From £500 per week for a Shepherds Hut that you couldn’t swing a cat in, or £2000 for a decent cottage for two! And we want two weeks! It’s not even school holiday dates!o_O TIA.

Well done @rebrascora on yesterday’s HS and congrats to @Sitosea on today’s.

Have a good day all. 🙂
Morning all, 4.9 here. Foggy today, will have to grope my way to riding!
We went to Suffolk for a holiday once, about 20 years ago, @eggyg …and we liked it so much we’ve gone back every year since! We base ourselves either in the Woodbridge area, or in Snape, just inland from Aldeburgh. One has the Deben estuary and Rendlesham forest, and Sutton Hoo, the other has the Maltings, on the Aldeburgh estuary and Tunstall forest close by. We also do beach walks, and go to Dunwich Heath (NT, free car park, loos and tearoom) and do a heathland/Minsmere/ Sizewell (have to top up the green glow from the Nuclear Reactor) and back along the beach walk. That’s just a bit further North. You’re also within striking distance of Constable country at Flatford Mill to the south, if you cross into Essex…Inland theres Lavenham, a beautiful half timbered mediaeval town, and Framingham, with an NT castle. How many weeks can you spare?
6.2 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all!
A disappointing 7.6 for me this morning which involved a one unit correction at bedtime that really should have been 2.5 units but I was very conscious that I have too many hypos recently and I had done quite a lot of walking and running last night and fully expected levels to drop during the night, despite a Levemir reduction. Then needed another 1 unit correction at 1.42am when I woke up still in double figures. Nearly 4 hours above range! Arrgh!!
My Libre stats are shot and I am currently achieving a personal worst "Time in Range" (76%), not just for the past 7 days but across all 4 time periods! 😱 It can only get better. 🙄 Really annoyed as I wanted to inject more insulin last night but was so conscious of all the hypos I've had recently that I thought it would look bad if I had another one. Just some balance and predictability would be nice. Didn't sleep well with levels being high either.

Many congratulations to @Sitosea on your House Special this morning. That's two recently isn't it?

@MeeTooTeeTwo Dez, have you been hitting the chocolate again?? 😉 That reading is a tad high compared to your usual exemplary levels!

Very misty here this morning, 6.2 this morning so happy with that. Got my last counselling session this morning, it has been very helpful, then the joys of Saturday morning in Tesco followed by a quick run as I need to achieve a 5 day running streak for a challenge I signed up to, so just doing shorter runs while doing that. this afternoon going to see mum, tried to persuade her that we should go to the garden centre for a coffee but she is still a bit nervous of going out, so will not push it this week.

@Sitosea - congratulations on your HS

@eggyg - I agree with Robin, although I have never stayed in Suffolk but have visited some parts on day trips from home and others when passing through on our way to Norfolk. Again from Suffolk you can dip into Norfolk & Essex. A number of my colleagues love Aldeburgh, bit pricy to stay there, but worth a visit.
Morning everyone. 3.3 for . Oopppss! First hypo i've had in a couple of week, i've been more on the higher side. I had a takeaway last night as well which usually gives me a spike but not last night. Libre alarm went off very early morning warning the low but the JB obviously didn't work.

Congrats on the HS @Sitosea

8.7 today, thought my sensor was on it's way out last night (it's due to end Monday so I've had longer out of it then my others!) as LibreLink had me at 2.9 when I was in fact in the 8's, I'd calibrated diabox earlier in the day though and it was spot on

Don't think Bruce's main birthday present is going to here for his birthday on Thursday 😱 partly his fault seen as he took so long to send me a list of sets he was interested in (darts) but his other present is due to be delivered Monday so at least he'll have one! xx
Morning all. A very nice 5.3, first time I’ve been in the fives this year. 🙂

No particular plans today, after a busy week looking after a 10 month old and a 61 year old, I’m having a day off! Bubbly bath, a bit of self care with the Bic and reading. 🙂

Quick question, does anyone know the Suffolk coast well? Thinking of maybe having a holiday down there in April/ May. But I haven’t a clue which area would be best. We want good walks, inland as well as coastal, nature reserves, good views, not bothered about staying in busy towns but don’t mind being driving distance away for a visit. We had hoped to go to Harris and Lewis in Scotland but hardly any accommodation available for our dates and what is left the price is astronomical. From £500 per week for a Shepherds Hut that you couldn’t swing a cat in, or £2000 for a decent cottage for two! And we want two weeks! It’s not even school holiday dates!o_O TIA.

Well done @rebrascora on yesterday’s HS and congrats to @Sitosea on today’s.

Have a good day all. 🙂
Try Southwold Aldburgh and Thorpness in suffolk
Morning all, 4.9 here. Foggy today, will have to grope my way to riding!
We went to Suffolk for a holiday once, about 20 years ago, @eggyg …and we liked it so much we’ve gone back every year since! We base ourselves either in the Woodbridge area, or in Snape, just inland from Aldeburgh. One has the Deben estuary and Rendlesham forest, and Sutton Hoo, the other has the Maltings, on the Aldeburgh estuary and Tunstall forest close by. We also do beach walks, and go to Dunwich Heath (NT, free car park, loos and tearoom) and do a heathland/Minsmere/ Sizewell (have to top up the green glow from the Nuclear Reactor) and back along the beach walk. That’s just a bit further North. You’re also within striking distance of Constable country at Flatford Mill to the south, if you cross into Essex…Inland theres Lavenham, a beautiful half timbered mediaeval town, and Framingham, with an NT castle. How many weeks can you spare?
Thanks @Robin that all sounds amazing. When I started looking last night, after spending two hours looking at Scottish islands, I really didn’t know where to start. I saw a programme last year with Kate Humble and she was walking the coast and I thought it looked great but couldn’t remember where it was. At least I’ve got a good starting point now. I had thought we were fairly flexible but that’s not the case. I did think April for my birthday but my birthday this year is Easter so availability is low and prices are high. I’ve got jury service middle two weeks in March, away beginning of September with the family, so we’ve decided early May probably best as we try to avoid school holidays. I’ll get cracking straight away.
09:31 BS 10.4 Uhm! o_OBut, it’s better than yesterday’s monster number of 06:38 BS 16.1! 😱😱😱

Stuck with the same tresiba yesterday & steadily got my BS down when eating with NR: was finally down to 6.0 before dinner & went to bed on 8.0 at 21:00. Was too tired to watch DIP & will catch it on iPlayer while I eat breakfast now! 🙄 Yesterday I didn’t wake bunged up BUT, I woke today both bunged up AND nose running at the same time!🙄o_O:D😉

I’m STILL sticking with the same tresiba later this morning as I JUST know IF I increase it now; I’ll be caught out & swing the other way as I WILL get better at some point! 🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

PS:- TMI alert! Learnt the hard way it’s better to let my nose run gently than to forcefully blow my nose when I’m bunged up to save my poor ears from exploding! 😱:D😉 It’s a good thing I’m alone & nobody gets to see me!😳:D😉
@MeeTooTeeTwo Dez, have you been hitting the chocolate again?? 😉 That reading is a tad high compared to your usual exemplary levels!
Yes it is a bit high for me, but no chocolate was involved.
I am feeling a bit iffy and sniffy today which may account for it. :(

Oh, and well done on the HS @Sitosea
6.6 yet again on this cold, foggy morning. Not feeling 100% today. I need to go over to next estate to send a parcel back to Amazon, but will see how I feel - and what the weather is like - later, as long as they get it by early Feb it will be fine.
Got a nice hot cup of tea and, yes, I've added a smidgeon of sugar (not like the 3 spoonful's I used to have though! 😱), sometimes you just need to go with what you feel you need......and today I want to avoid sweeteners to see if my stomach will settle back down.
Have a good weekend whatever you are doing.
Morning all. A very nice 5.3, first time I’ve been in the fives this year. 🙂

No particular plans today, after a busy week looking after a 10 month old and a 61 year old, I’m having a day off! Bubbly bath, a bit of self care with the Bic and reading. 🙂

Quick question, does anyone know the Suffolk coast well? Thinking of maybe having a holiday down there in April/ May. But I haven’t a clue which area would be best. We want good walks, inland as well as coastal, nature reserves, good views, not bothered about staying in busy towns but don’t mind being driving distance away for a visit. We had hoped to go to Harris and Lewis in Scotland but hardly any accommodation available for our dates and what is left the price is astronomical. From £500 per week for a Shepherds Hut that you couldn’t swing a cat in, or £2000 for a decent cottage for two! And we want two weeks! It’s not even school holiday dates!o_O TIA.

Well done @rebrascora on yesterday’s HS and congrats to @Sitosea on today’s.

Have a good day all. 🙂
Hi @eggy I don’t know much about Suffolk but North Norfolk is pretty nice. ….. look up Sandringham, Snettisham, Hunstanton, Brancaster, Holkham, Blakeney, Wells, Sherringham, Cromer areas. Lots of walks and nature reserves
5.6 this morning. I’m even up early 8.25 on a Saturday unheard of! Best have a productive day.

Enjoy the weekend all ….. or Saturday if you’re retired !!!
Bit dull today, though dry, but hubby has done something to his ankle so no walk. Yesterday’s walk in the sun was lovely but the wind was absolutely biting.

5.3 this morning. Very late up due to staying up until 2am watching Below Deck on Amazon.

Need to spend some time watching training videos for the Omnipod prior to picking it up on Monday, but am more interested in researching holidays!

Good morning - slept in after a poor night and night and only with a mad scramble was I into the jeans and sweater before the gardener arrived. A quick stab at the digit revealed 5.3. Now, fully pilled up and breakfasted I shall head out to help with the tree planting program. We are doing a strategically placed copse to, eventually, break the wind from the orchard. Having to put in a strategically placed semi-permanent electric fence to discourage pruning by the pony. Putting the deciduous trees in today - next week the evergreens.