Group 7-day waking average?

7.1 today. Op tomorrow
I hope the op goes ahead for you tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

My daughters op has been cancelled twice now, once the day before and once when she was on the ward waiting to go down.
7.0 this morning - my fault, woke in early hours, felt peckish and ate half a Hovis cracker - could have been worse!
Been shopping and shortly going to next estate over to send parcel back to Amazon, first return I've ever had to do, but it seems simple enough. Will look for some peppermint tea whilst in the shop, forgot to add it to my list - and my own various mint plants have died down for the winter, so no freebies for me yet. The "After Eight" mint is divine, has a chocolate edge to it 🙂 I'm going to try more new mint varieties this year and some other herbs too.
Good Morning (well evening really)
Woke up for tonight’s night shift, guiding a driver up to Norwich university and back to Stansted.
BG 5.4 so close but not quite.
Have a good night all.
Unfortunately the cat doesn't leave them alone if we do that! Don't know why he can't just leave them as he was wary of the excluder when we first got it and gave it a glower and a wide berth whenever he walked passed it for weeks! And rolled up items are only useful when someone is in the room lol xx
Shame you can’t persuade the cat to lie there. 😳😉
Shame you can’t persuade the cat to lie there. 😳😉
Can't have him getting the draught, imagine how cold his head would get with wearing his plastic cone of shame! 😱 he generally sleeps in the corner on some wrapping paper he unravelled from the roll to make a bed! 🙄 lol xx
Good morning, a respectable 5.3 today

Have a great day, especially if yesterday you felt slapped in the face by life’s challenges
Good morning my fine folks. A very nice round 6. When I woke for the loo at 3.30 I was 5.2, don’t suppose that counts though. 😉

Another day of The Baby Club, week three of our three full days of child care, only two more to go. Then it’s only 1.5 days. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a good girl but babies are very tiring and by 5 o’clock we’re cream crackered! We can’t even have a chill tomorrow as we’re getting the boiler serviced, the engineer is coming between 8-1! Any guesses at what time he’ll arrive? I’m saying 12.59!

Walking into town with Zara after lunch to meet eldest daughter and second youngest granddaughter ( she finishes nursery at 1pm), that’ll be nice, I think, daughter wants new jeans and she’s a terrible shopper, we’ll zigzag through the town and she’ll end up getting them from the first shop she went in! Ah well, I’ll get my miles in. :D

Have a great day all and good luck @Gruers for your op today. 🙂
Morning all 🙂

9.5. Was expecting worse to be honest. I swear I could look at a carb and spike yesterday. 😱
Anyways, feeling a little better than yesterday :D

@Gruers again, keeping fingers crossed that today is a go and hoping things go smoothly x