Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon! Didn’t wake until 9, after being awake at 5.30 and 6.50. I feel worse now than I for earlier! Anyhoo, 6.7 today.

A day of waiting, waiting for an Amazon parcel and waiting for a phone call from Diabetes Clinic. :( I am not the most patient of people.

Have a great day all and a very well done to @goodybags on your HS this morning. 🙂

And for all you Wordle fans ( I’d never heard of it until some of you mentioned it yesterday) I know how frustrated you were re the American spelling. This popped up on my FB page, I follow this poet, he’s so funny.


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Better morning this morning but had a whopper of a hypo at 1.30am. Woke up with Libre saying LO and finger prick 2.9! 😱 Wouldn't care but I was having a really lovely sound sleep, having gone to bed early... always the way! Anyway, 4 Lift brought me up and then 2 very large dried figs to stabilize things (never normally have/need slower carbs after hypo treatments but knew this one needed extra and had them in my bag by the bed) 5.20am I woke up again on 4.1 and dropping so another 2 JBs and back to sleep again. Then slept in and woke on 8.3 and rather late for my Levemir, so levels were climbing.
I guess I overdid the Levemir last night 🙄 with 2 extra units, but wasn't having a repeat of the night before with high levels and horrid dreams. The amazing thing is that after I treat the hypos I go straight back to that lovely deep sleep.

Many congratulations to @goodybags on your House Special this morning. They are all the more prized when they happen so infrequently.

Might have to look into this "Wordie" thing since it seems to be catching on thanks to@ColinUK...... but I would have been totally enraged with an "Americanism". Love the poem though @eggyg

6.5 today, so quite pleased with that as I had a meal out last night, although I didn't have a dessert I did finish the meal with a hot chocolate. Not sure the scales are going to like it when I weigh myself on Sat.

Managed an almost 8k run in my lunch hour, doing hill runs with the running group tonight, that should of been last night, but it was the running group's delayed Christmas meal. Going round to see mum again and try to persuade her to leave her flat and go for a little walk around the apartment block as she feels like she needs to hide away and be ashamed that she had Covid like she has done something wrong.

@goodybags - congrats on your HS

@rebrascora - sending you hugs, pleased to hear you got straight back to your deep sleep.
Good morning everyone 🙂 at 7:26 BG was 10.7 so a tiny bit above my target. 12u tresiba done.

At teatime last night I injected at 19:20 for 88g carbs but forgot to eat 18g of them which was a muller corner fruit yogurt. I realised this at 21:07 so decided to have my yogurt then. BG dropped at 21:36 to 4.2 so I had 4 dextro tablets then at bedtime 23:21 BG was 7.7.

Hope everyone has a great day 🙂.
6.7 this morning.
Didn't get to check yesterday morning as hubby came in and said daughter had been involved in car accident, so we just got ready and went to her - neither of us even got to take our meds, didn't realise until last night. Anyway, it was just a minor bump, but daughter was distraught - she was just setting off to take our granddaughter to pre-school, first accident, so in a real mess. Other car was a taxi, again just minor damage (mainly plastic grill) but loss of earnings looms there. Daughter uses our other car, the one I used to drive, but hubby took it to the garage and it has been "tidied up" and is safe and roadworthy so she is back on the road again. I went with her when she took little one to pre-school, then we came back here and then we took her to pick up little one later, then back here until they could go pick up the repaired car. Hubby does need to refit a side light bulb, it was a struggle getting that one changed just recently, so he will do that.
Just need to pop to chemist today, still blinking cold, but we are due a high of 6c today, yay!
Take care everyone, stay safe and warm.
6.7 this morning.
Didn't get to check yesterday morning as hubby came in and said daughter had been involved in car accident, so we just got ready and went to her - neither of us even got to take our meds, didn't realise until last night. Anyway, it was just a minor bump, but daughter was distraught - she was just setting off to take our granddaughter to pre-school, first accident, so in a real mess. Other car was a taxi, again just minor damage (mainly plastic grill) but loss of earnings looms there. Daughter uses our other car, the one I used to drive, but hubby took it to the garage and it has been "tidied up" and is safe and roadworthy so she is back on the road again. I went with her when she took little one to pre-school, then we came back here and then we took her to pick up little one later, then back here until they could go pick up the repaired car. Hubby does need to refit a side light bulb, it was a struggle getting that one changed just recently, so he will do that.
Just need to pop to chemist today, still blinking cold, but we are due a high of 6c today, yay!
Take care everyone, stay safe and warm.

I hope your daughter is feeling a bit better today. I understand how stressed you must have been feeling as we had a similar thing when my son was knocked off of his bike last year.

Sending hugs to you all.
I hope your daughter is feeling a bit better today. I understand how stressed you must have been feeling as we had a similar thing when my son was knocked off of his bike last year.

Sending hugs to you all.
Thank you. It was also a worry as she only found out she is expecting again on new year's day and she was getting some cramp. She left a message with her GP and they rang her back, thankfully it settled down. I hope your son made a full recovery. xx
Morning all... a nice day but nowhere near as cloud free as yesterday when a friend and I met at the local Lido which has a restaurant with an outside terrace, no one swimming, but we were able to sit on the terrace with no coats on and it was really warm! Had a fishburger - delicious but I couldn't eat all the bun that I'd bolussed for, so enjoyed the treat of a caramel crunch ice cream (made locally with clotted cream)... sun and icecream = bliss!

4.8 this morning.

CONGRATULATIONS to @goodybags on the HS.
Thank you. It was also a worry as she only found out she is expecting again on new year's day and she was getting some cramp. She left a message with her GP and they rang her back, thankfully it settled down. I hope your son made a full recovery. xx
He is fine now, hurt his leg but nothing major just needed a bit of physio for a few weeks and light duties at work as he has a very manual job.

Congratulations to her on the pregnancy, pleased to hear the cramping has settled, but fully understand her and your worry. I found my daughter and daughter in laws pregnancies more stressful than being pregnant myself.
Just had a lovely invigorating walk to Sainsburys to collect the script the Dr sent over this morning halving BP meds that have been sending me too low... walked on the coast path and caught the bus home as I was carrying groceries.IMG_20220113_141718716.jpg
Gorgeous place to live @Pattidevans. We were there pre Covid for a holiday (we're grockles) but we didn't want to leave.
Just had a lovely invigorating walk to Sainsburys to collect the script the Dr sent over this morning halving BP meds that have been sending me too low... walked on the coast path and caught the bus home as I was carrying groceries.View attachment 19740
I love Cornwall, it’s just a pity it’s anything between 8-12 hours to get there ( and back home). Just been watching Rick Stein and I got “homesick” for it and we’ve only been three times!
I love Cornwall, it’s just a pity it’s anything between 8-12 hours to get there ( and back home). Just been watching Rick Stein and I got “homesick” for it and we’ve only been three times!
Living here has it's advantages and disadvantages. It's lovely but it rains a lot (I mean a LOT!) , and as it takes you all that time to get here, it takes us hours to go visit our friends in the home counties or go on holiday to furrin places as the nearest "proper" airport is 3 hours away and never sure whether there will be traffic delays so we always have to stay over one night before we go.. and 5/6 hours to Heathrow. But hey, it's pretty and there are lovely walks and excellent pubs and restaurants. Been here 34 years and we are still not "proper Cornish"!
Just had a lovely invigorating walk to Sainsburys to collect the script the Dr sent over this morning halving BP meds that have been sending me too low... walked on the coast path and caught the bus home as I was carrying groceries.View attachment 19740
Is that St Michael's Mount? Almost went there. but got into Penzance and the skies opened - too many cornish voices stating it would be in for the day, so it was the bus back to St Ives for us - did get to see some great scenery though, even if it was a touch misty.