Group 7-day waking average?

@rebrascora i hope your levels have settled a bit. You're really going through it atm.
@eggyg, we all have non positive days, i hope they ring you at a convenient time.
Good Morning
It feels strange saying morning at 17:20 but it’s dark outside and just woken from a seven hour sleep. Got 3 hours before going into work for a 10 hour shift.
Oh sorry blood Glucose. 5.7.
Enjoy your day evening night and see you in the next twilight.
Good morning err no sorry good evening 🙂 at 8:02 my BG was 7.0 and within target of 6-10mmol. I reduced my tresiba this morning by 1u from 13u to 12u because I seem to keep dropping through the day to below the bottom number of my target :( then I have to keep treating with 3 or 4 dextro tablets as though it's a hypo....

Hope everyone has had a great day 🙂
*Yawns* Morning Peeps

8.8 greeted me on the meter this morning.
Having 3 days in single digits for waking readings and actually having some decent sleep for the past few nights 1000% makes a difference. :D
Ideally would like it to be a wee bit lower to start the day but compared to previous weeks, I'm much happier.

Today's some food with the new medication regime. How many I manage to do will entirely depend on how the previous meal went and if I need to shut it down and go carnivore for the rest of the day :confused:.
New spreadsheet time and discard the old one. As long as my maggi noodles and diet shakes are still safe I can deal with the rest :D (not on a shake diet but it is perfect for the mornings when food doesn't appeal to me).

Have a wonderful day everyone. x
Good morning wow 5.2 today
I think that’s only the second time since I joined in posting on here

Have a great day everybody
Good morning! - 5.3
I have had a few days of feeling rather 'down' no idea why. But this morning I feel fine again. No idea why. All health readings good. Got the rubbish bins out without getting rained on! App working just fine. Wife seems really good and happy atm. Oh an my minor neuropathy in my feet seems to have diminished to zero now too.

I think I had better tread carefully lest the hidden trap door springs open....

BG 5.4

Well done goodybags on that elusive HS

Have a great day whatever you are doing or not doing
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Morning all. 6.1 for me with a flat line overnight. 3rd night of sleep, moving the time of the Tresiba by a couple of hours seems to be working atm.

@goodybags congrats on the HS
I have had a few days of feeling rather 'down' no idea why. But this morning I feel fine again. No idea why. All health readings good. Got the rubbish bins out without getting rained on! App working just fine. Wife seems really good and happy atm. Oh an my minor neuropathy in my feet seems to have diminished to zero now too.
I get that - just a sense of foreboding. Just can't always shake it
Morning all. 7.5 today but nice sunny day outside.
@goodybags many congrats on your HS, well deserved I’m sure x
Have a good day all x
Well done @goodybags on that HS.
5.0 for me today. 🙂
Today's Wordle was a doddle. :D

07:29 BS 10.0 Uhm!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I spent almost all of yesterday being pretty miserable with sinuses that were both blocked AND wet & even both together at one point! o_O😱 Dithered about putting up tresiba but, in the end stuck with the same dose as, hopefully this is just a head cold, by the time the increase comes into full effect I’ll be more or less better THEN, having to dial it back down again: that’s the trade off in tresiba; slow changes!:confused: So, compensated with more NR: not quite enough to start with & highest was BS 13.9 after breakfast; got it down to 11.0 after lunch! Finally got it down to 9.6 after dinner & went to bed on 7.7. But, I STILL wake on 10.0 & I feel a lot clearer this morning so, that’s a good sign!🙂

I did quite a bit of googling yesterday to find out why you can’t take decongestants with blood pressure medication: why did I not do this before; simple answer is it temporarily puts up your blood pressure even more! o_O😱 And it flag up something else that I never thought about but, should have really: have to be VERY careful about over the counter cold remedies as most of them have decongestants in them; good thing I stopped taking those Lemsip type things a long time ago as they zombiefied me & that was in the days before BP meds!o_O

Already had breakfast & gave it 60 NR, yesterday’s 50 just didn’t cut it, & will see how today goes? :confused: Being clearer today is already a plus!🙂

Been a rough one so far, woke to 9.9 and knowing I can drop like a brick as soon as I get up had 2 Lifts, 45 minutes later low 6's and dropping so had 5 more, 20 minutes later 4.9 and still dropping so had 3 more, come breakfast time 8.7, getting a bit fed up with it!

@goodybags congrats on the HS!

@Robin still pitch black when I get up at 5:10 lol xx