Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning!
5.9 for me this morning. Didn't have any Levemir last night and no bolus for my low carb dinner and I had cut my daytime Levemir by 2 units, so 5.5 units down on Levemir for the whole 24hr period but did A LOT of walking yesterday. Took my levels up into double figures (11) at bedtime because I expected them to crash once I fell asleep but they remained high most of the night and I didn't sleep well as a result..... totally different to the night before when I slept blissfully apart from waking up for hypos every few hours! It's such a strange condition!! I was really looking forward to a good uninterrupted night's sleep last night and thought I had a good strategy for managing my levels but I struggled to get to sleep (most unlike me) and tossed and turned all night..... and no Moderna jab to blame in my case. At least I woke up on a nice number but odd that it only dropped in the last couple of hours before waking when you would expect it to rise. At least no overnight hypos which was the object of the strategy, so I guess it was a success in that respect.

@gll Absolutely delighted for you! So hope it isn't a fluke and they have found a combination of medication which will work well alongside your dietary measures. Got fingers crossed for you. You will feel so much better when your levels are more in the normal range.

@Gruers Best of luck for tomorrow. Hope it all goes ahead smoothly and you can be back out on the golf course soon!

5.8 this morning, I can't remember the last time I had a trip into the 5s, but not going to complain, doing a happy dance, maybe not quite so excited as @gll but certainly happy.

Can finally go an see my mum today as she is finally out of isolation and testing negative.

Have a good day everyone
4.2 for me first thing this morning. 🙂
Weather seems to be improving (probably famous last words knowing my luck)

aww enjoy seeing you mum @Grannylorraine

and pfft excited...wait until you see me hit a HS then you will see excited 😛
Joking aside, been a real rollercoaster of a month and not felt totally awesome. give it a few days and I can crack on with food (re)testing again.
Got a bonus of 2 pots of test strips to play with on yesterdays script!

Speaking of those test strips...Why, or specifically who, did what for them to have to put on the label "not to be taken by mouth"?
6.3 this morning for me. But I got wordle today in three so not all bad!
6.1 this morning so not complaining. Off to the hospital later as son has his physio check up, he says he's been doing his exercises, I'm sure they'll be able to tell if there's any improvement or not....
Granddaughter started at pre-school nursery yesterday after a couple of settling in sessions last week. She went all day so daughter was a bit low, feeling like she'd lost her right arm. Full day again tomorrow then just the morning on Thursdays and that will be her weekly routine. I hope I'll still get to see her at least once a week! I never did like this "children growing up" phase!!! lol
Have a good day
A 6.0 at 05:42 this morning. Still dull, overcast and drizzling in West Berks. On calls most of the day so in the home office with a double espresso to keep me awake. Have a great day everyone
Update on volunteering. Set off at 8am, very cold, could feel my chest tightening. Arrived at pharmacy at 8.50. Two girls standing there, obviously staff, assuming the manager opened up, I quickly introduced myself. I knew straight away she didn’t have a clue. I gave her the name of the contact. Her area manager. Apparently off sick with Covid. They only had 30 appointments and likely 10 wouldn’t show and she’d got double staff in. She was very apologetic, I said it was fine, lied and said I didn’t live far, and walked back, another 45 minutes. At least Mr Eggy and Zara were pleased to see me and I’d walked 4.5 miles before 10am! Every cloud!
Morning all... bit brighter today, which is good as I am going out to meet a friend this afternoon and hopefully won't get soaked as I will go into town on the bus to avoid outrageous parking fees.

4.8 this morning after a flat line all night 🙂

Made the marinated pork wrapped in ham and roasted over fennel and lemon for dinner last night. It took a lot longer than the recipe said (after the recommended 30 minutes the pork was uncooked according to my thermometer and the fennel was still hard). I think the 160 fan oven temp was to blame. Nonetheless it involved me dropping to 3.8 as I had bolussed in the expectation of eating on time. Ruined my week without lows!

@Gruers , fingers crossed for your operation and subsequent release from boredom.

Evryone else I wish you a good day today.
@Gruers keeping everything crossed for you for tomorrow and hopefully you will be home lickety split!!
@eggyg oops, you must have done your full days worth of steps in a couple of hours.
@Grannylorraine great number this morning, have a lovely time with your mum.
Now my grandson and daughter in law have Covid, DIL has been unwell recently so am hoping she will be okay, she is at the moment thankfully.
Good morning everyone!
Couldn't keep my eyes open last night at all. Crashed around 7pm.
Anyways 9.3 this morning.
Didn't take new tablets last night as planned so it can be taken in the mornings instead.
Sitting with a much needed coffee and will start on the online tesco order when my brain catches up with my body and wakes up properly 😛

Have a wonderful day everyone 🙂
Morning all 7.2 today. Have a good one x