Group 7-day waking average?

Would it be worth you both going for a PCR? My older daughter tested positive just before Christmas on a LFT (though it was a really faint line and the second LFT showed negative. She went for a PCR and it was positive). She basically started with a sore, dry scratchy throat which within 2-3days changed into a cough, cold symptoms and left her feeling worn out. I know you had a test and it was negative but it might be worth you both getting one just to check?
I hope you are both ok.
Just done a LFT it was negative. I’m sure it’s just a lingering really bad cold but if I start feeling any worse if I can get an appointment ( there appears to be a shortage) I’ll get a PCR.
Just a thought, but it could be too much Tresiba.
I doubt it, I have spells of a few days of it here and there and then back to normal xx
I doubt it, I have spells of a few days of it here and there and then back to normal xx
Ahhh... I'm going on my own patterns where I some days I have to put on temporary basals, either higher or lower. Of course that's much easier with a pump and Tresiba isn't very flexible.
Ahhh... I'm going on my own patterns where I some days I have to put on temporary basals, either higher or lower.
I know my basal needs are far less through the night (hence getting off with up to 6 digestives at bedtime) but my current problem happens every 1-2 months, could be hormones although I don't go through "it" due to the contraceptive injection hence I can't say if it's anything to do with it lol xx
Been AWOL a couple of days. Nothing wrong but just resting.
12hrs sleep last night thanks to a combo of zopiclone and quetapine.
Might head off to the flicks later to see King’s Men

And a 6.2 this morning.

Hope you’re all well.

@Gruers how are you doing?
I’m ok, my BP is now under control but still not sure which procedure I’m having or when I’m having it. I’ve been here 10 days now and getting a bit bored. Enjoy the film
I’m ok, my BP is now under control but still not sure which procedure I’m having or when I’m having it. I’ve been here 10 days now and getting a bit bored. Enjoy the film
I'm a bit concerned that they have taken you off your diabetes medication.... especially considering how high carb most hospital food is! Are they checking your BG levels regularly? As I understand it they will not operate if your BG levels are too high as there is a risk of infection, so I would be wanting to know how my levels were doing, particularly if I was no longer on medication. Hope you get your surgery promptly and it all goes well but please ask pertinent questions about your diabetes management as these things can easily get overlooked in hospital and if necessary monitor your own BG levels. If you are laid up and not walking the golf course regularly, your levels will almost certainly rise even without considering hospital food.
Completely forgot to post this morning. It was a 5.9 for me. back up to 92% TIR for the past 7 days and that includes 3 bad days so if I can keep things as they are now I might hit a PB by the end of the week!! Nothing like coming off the rails for helping you become more focused!
I don’t think it’s bird flu. It appears to be very rare in humans, thank goodness!
Glad to hear it.
A few years ago a colleague collapsed and was rushed to hospital, they went into complete panic when they questioned him as he had about 120 chickens at the time. Put him in isolation whilst they did some tests. It turned out he had pneumonia.
The year my daughter got married it was swine flu that was an issue, her husbands best man got it and was unable to do the necessary.
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Evening all, a horrific 21.6 for me this morning 😱😱
My pump had detached in the night, handset calculated and bolused a correction, then just over an hour later I had a spectacular crash hypo 🙄
I’ve been an unwilling passenger on the blood sugar roller coaster and just evening out now.
Slacking today with getting online 🙂
10.2 this morning with a creep up to and hovering in the high 16s for the last 4 hours.

Feeling a bit better today, throat is less scratchy at least. Still tired but managed to last most of the day without naps.

Had to cancel my eye clinic appointment for today as I would have been ejected out the door on first sneeze and sniffle and I'm trying to be a good human by not spreading my (likely) cold germs to anyone else. Plus I'd probs fall asleep in the car on the way over :')
LFT still negative 😉

Back to non xmas eating today (goodbye to all the extra cheese and total picking at the cold meats and the extra cream with coffee - see you again on friday night because calories don't count on NYE too right?). Was actually craving lettuce and veg.

Roll on bedtime o_O
29/01/21 21:59 BS 6.7 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

While waiting for reduced tresiba to come into effect I’ve been trying to run a bit higher with less NR to avoid hypos & to regain hypo awareness that I lost the day before! 🙄 Didn’t manage to stay awake for long yesterday morning & barring nothing much to watch or read I dozed off again in the afternoon around 2pm ish? Got up a bit more comfortably, not that yesterday morning’s 5.0 was THAT low, & have had breakfast & lunch already: had planned on 36 or 34 NR but, only 30 left in the pen & couldn’t be bothered to go to the fridge & back so, stuck with that & ended up on a pretty decent ish BS 7.8 before lunch which surprised me! So, went with 30 again for lunch but, ended up at BS 10.3 which is a tad high & added a wee correction just now of 2 NR.

I’m wondering if the change from tresiba in the morning, 11:30 ish, to evening, now at 10pm last night, is affecting things & I’m trying to slowly move it back around by delaying the dose a bit more each day until I get it back to lunchtime ish? :confused:

I clearly needed a change & there’s good & bad about the change to double strength tresiba but, it’s not as flexible especially in the night time hours of recent days! 🙄

1 silver lining though in that I’m using less NR: did order another box yesterday as the health centre reopened after Christmas & will get chemist to deliver later this morning, when they open at 9am; but, since I still have 1 box & 1 pen left I’m ok until well past New Year’s Day week! Still it’s good to start a little stockpile as my health centre will STILL only ever gives me 1 box despite me asking for another one just so I don’t need to order SO often! 🙄