Group 7-day waking average?


Late as was on the "wake up phone call" to Bruce duty today then trying to figure out what we were needing from Lidl's, hopefully they have what we are needing as grandad said on the phone last night the shelves were pretty bare (although he does go in at opening time usually including Boxing Day 🙄)

Anyway, 8's at 5:08 and 3 Lifts, 5.6 at 5:57 so some more Lifts, 6.3 come 7:10, getting thoroughly fed up of sugar so early in the morning! 🙄 xx
Good morning. A somewhat belated FBG today as I slept in after a night disturbed by the sky emptying itself on West Wales. FBG 5.4 so not too bad, just on cusp of normal, and yesterdays daytime figures were pretty good, so hoping the desire to pig out on cake/marzipan/mince pies or pasta/spuds/naan etc has departed and I am back to stoically facing meat and greens. The Covid figures for Cardiff are quite startling - feel a bit curmudgeonly for hoping there will not be an easterly migration over New Year. I see poor old London has Norovirus to add to their troubles. Fingers crossed that all on here avoid both.
Morning all, blue skies but a vicious wind.

This diabetes is a fickle partner. Yesterday’s 11.1 was followed at 9am today with 5.1 following a straight line overnight and I did nothing different at all!

Nice to hear some good news from some peeps this morning.

Sympathy to all those feeling rough!

Not doing much today except continue working with hubby on a Printerpix photobook featuring a holiday in Granada, Seville and Malaga in 2015. Was a bit shocked at how fat I was then and I still had dark hair (courtesy of the hairdresser). It’s very odd how white hair takes years off, when you’d think the opposite would be true!
10:08 BS 6.7 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Had Vicar of Dibley binge last night on iPlayer although I have the entire DVD collection up to the last Christmas Specials of 2006/07 where she married Harry the accountant: The Vicar in White was on last night; discovered the 3 Lockdown episodes done last year that I totally missed! 😛 I LOVE The Vicar of Dibley & the funniest ever episode, I think is The Handsome Stranger & specifically the dream/fantasy sequence where Harry is walking down the aisle with the then unknown pretty girl she followed on their walk earlier.My favourite bit being what I call her “5 Pack” backing dancers behind her of her fellow village council meeting members!😱😛😎:D😉 Maybe TMI but, watching THAT the first time I ALMOST wet myself I laughed SO hard! 😱😳 Before that was her attemts to start the “5 Pack” on art classes: jaws opened in dazed shock by the artist model in the first class; delayed reactions of the 5 in the second outdoor class when they finally painted the nudes instead of the landscape!😱:D Not to mention her vaulting the fence to get to Harry after spotting him, jumping into the VERY deep puddle to hide while stalking him & histhen unknown sister & that completely OTT, MUCH more so than Emma Thompsom’s portrayal in Sense & Sensibility, reaction to his proposal!😛:D😉

It was a trip down memory lane again & I’m all ready to watch series 2: saw 2006/07 specials, lockdown episodes, the 6 series 1 episodes & the Easter Bunny & Christmas Lunch specials last night! Series 2, if I remember correctly, is all about Alice & Hugo: match making, engagement & wedding! 😛
Good morning

8.8 today, but did have a very carby buffet for the family yesterday, that is it for entertaining until New Year’s Day. Going to have a lazy day today, might go for a short run later, but apart from cooking a simple dinner nothing else planned.

@eggyg - so pleased to hear both your granddaughters are on the mend.
9.8 the first time I woke up. Jabbed 2 correction units and had a glass of water whilst I was in the kitchen getting a new cartridge of Levemir out of the fridge. Jabbed my Levemir and went back to bed for a doze whilst Levemir started to do it's work and woke up nearly 3 hours later!! Reading was 3.9! That is my Levemir getting to work but not having any FOTF to work on because I was being lazy!

Anyway, an altogether better day yesterday thank goodness, as my graph below shows. The low flat spell last night was after a big meal of antipasti (cheese stuffed peppadew peppers, olives, chargrilled artichokes, mozzarella balls, sun dried tomatoes and deep fried beans) followed by rib-eye steak with sweet potato and mushrooms served with a large salad and a big dollop of cheese coleslaw. I then had to eat a square of dark chocolate and some peanut butter to bring levels up to go to bed. 🙄 So that was 7 units of Fiasp all day yesterday as oppose to 27.5 the day before because I ate some bread!

I'm a much happier bunny! Back in control!
9.8 the first time I woke up. Jabbed 2 correction units and had a glass of water whilst I was in the kitchen getting a new cartridge of Levemir out of the fridge. Jabbed my Levemir and went back to bed for a doze whilst Levemir started to do it's work and woke up nearly 3 hours later!! Reading was 3.9! That is my Levemir getting to work but not having any FOTF to work on because I was being lazy!

Anyway, an altogether better day yesterday thank goodness, as my graph below shows. The low flat spell last night was after a big meal of antipasti (cheese stuffed peppadew peppers, olives, chargrilled artichokes, mozzarella balls, sun dried tomatoes and deep fried beans) followed by rib-eye steak with sweet potato and mushrooms served with a large salad and a big dollop of cheese coleslaw. I then had to eat a square of dark chocolate and some peanut butter to bring levels up to go to bed. 🙄 So that was 7 units of Fiasp all day yesterday as oppose to 27.5 the day before because I ate some bread!

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I'm a much happier bunny! Back in control!
Good work @rebrascora, and that meal sounds divine!!x
I'm the same Patti. A few potatoes or sweet potatoes occasionally are not too bad, but bread really seems to blow my levels out of the water. I am starting to wonder if it is some sort of allergic reaction due to gut biome response. I don't have any of the obvious symptoms of coeliac etc but just my levels going high and not responding to insulin. I also find it incredibly tempting once I have some, to eat more, but if I don't have any I am not that tempted. It is just not worth the aggravation for me.
Good Morning All
04:25. Here I sit in Oxford having just had breakfast of cheese sandwich 3 cream crackers Greek yoghurt and peaches. Waiting now to go back to Stansted.
Before breakfast BG was 7.2 but where does the House Special fit if working overnight?
Does it go on waking for shift at supper time. Or now at breakfast?
Not that I’ll even try for it as 5.2 too close to 5 for comfort when driving or working for a living.
I’d be interested to know or do new rules have to be created. @Northerner
Good morning woke to a 6.9 today
yesterday I went to bed on 7.2

hope everyone has a great day.
Good Morning All
04:25. Here I sit in Oxford having just had breakfast of cheese sandwich 3 cream crackers Greek yoghurt and peaches. Waiting now to go back to Stansted.
Before breakfast BG was 7.2 but where does the House Special fit if working overnight?
Does it go on waking for shift at supper time. Or now at breakfast?
Not that I’ll even try for it as 5.2 too close to 5 for comfort when driving or working for a living.
I’d be interested to know or do new rules have to be created. @Northerner
Great to see your back at work now @DuncanLord.
my thoughts ref your dilemma.
Im not going to read through all 4,101 previous pages to check
But thinking (unless there’s an appendix somewhere in the rules (that confirms anything different)
shift / night workers should be reporting BS waking, I’m sure somebody possibly @Northerner will confirm.
Great to see your back at work now
I’m still not driving the coaches as DVLA still messing around, but at least I’m earning money again either piloting drivers on routes or doing customer care work or luggage.
Good morning everyone.

We had a few very good days over Christmas then my wife had a big melt down yesterday. Paranoia was very pronounced and now she won't leave the house in fear of intruders and enemies. Sad, so sad. It upset me greatly to see and to hear the nonsense comming out of her. No rational thinking at all. Such a disappointment after a while of things settling (I thought). But it turns out that she has just been hiding her upsets and thinking (she says). NHS no bloody help at all. She has to harm herself or me or someone else before they will do anything.

Anyway BG 4.8 this morning.

No plans today. Feel like running away screaming.
Morning all. 9.8 for me after an excursion into the 12s all night, which two corrections failed to make a difference to. Why? Who knows, i'm just tired from the alarms going off.

Up and out this morning. Got a routine mammogram first thing then off to Sainsburys to get a bit of shopping for us and older daughter who tested positive on LFT and got PCR results Christmas Day.

@Gwynn i hope your wife has a better day today.
@eggyg i hope you are feeling better and Mr eggy is no worse.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 🙂 6.4 here.

So sorry to hear about your ongoing troubles @Gwynn. You know you’ve got lots of support and sympathy here. (((Hugs))).

Well, the dry-root hedge I planted last week is still alive / standing. Just waiting for a gap in the rain to carry on planting. Come on sunshine!😎