Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. 5.1 for me today - a bit late getting up so not done until 09.50. For some reason was hungry all day yesterday and craving carbs. even found myself looking up which supermarkets had Christmas cakes on offer...Fortunately sense returned and I settled for downloading a new book from amazon. I do get a bit bored with keto sometimes...
I find that once I go "off piste" with the carbs I get terrible cravings. So far the thing that has got me back on the wagon again fairly quickly is to eat my fill of really fatty food (I ate a whole tub of Mascapone cheese with a spoon last time) and then it is such a relief to be back on the wagon and have a nice salad and then the cravings just stop.
I absolutely hate this rollercoaster of highs and lows and the accompanying cravings.
Morning everyone!
Body please... you aren't supposed to take a HS and double it. So close guys, so close 😛
Jokes aside, improvement again over some of the rubbish numbers I've had over the last few weeks.
I'm supposed to dropping down to 1 gliclazide today (keeping morning dose). I guess it will soon become clear if that goes okay :confused:.

Grats on the HSs of the day and hugs to everyone who are off targets (or anyone who just wants a free hug) x
@gll Well done on a double house special. I like the idea but suppose others may say it’s not allowed

I had a waking reading of 6.5 so was satisfied.
I find that once I go "off piste" with the carbs I get terrible cravings. So far the thing that has got me back on the wagon again fairly quickly is to eat my fill of really fatty food (I ate a whole tub of Mascapone cheese with a spoon last time) and then it is such a relief to be back on the wagon and have a nice salad and then the cravings just stop.
I absolutely hate this rollercoaster of highs and lows and the accompanying cravings.
Spot on - I didn't have mascarpone but I did have some vicious mature Gouda - told my taste buds to stop fancying marzipan and try that. I think they fainted...Just got my Hogmanay birthday to get though and temptations should reduce. I wish advertising of food (and "food" products) was banned...
@eggyg so sorry to hear about your granddaughter, glad she’s doing better xx
6.7 this morning so heading back down, day 2 of 3 of the 6 steroid pills - take my BG before those as have to eat before taking them and I know they would send my reading skyward, the steroid inhaler does that on its own! lol. Had more to eat yesterday with some naughty "tasters", Daughter and I (and granddaughter) went and did our Monday shop as usual, not that busy and even had a good browse round B&Ms first, shopped in Morrisons and then went back in there for lunch and a pot of tea. Now relaxing with a coffee 🙂
aww @eggyg they are such a worry <3
It is horrible finding your child unconscious like that. Done that dance a few times now and never gets any easier. Hope they get to the bottom of it.

I fell back asleep again. Super scratchy throat, a little sniffly n sneezy, headache and tired. LFT says I'm good thus far.
Woke up again on 10.6 so ticked over vs mopped up. 🙄
Morning all. 5.9 in purgatory, the lie ins didn’t last long. Been coughing and spluttering since 4.30.I really don’t know when this cold is going to do one! Almost two weeks since I started with the scratchy throat, now Mr Eggy has the scratchy throat! 😱

Big granddaughter home safe and well, nothing sinister the hospital said, probably viral. It was her BP that was in her boots, not BGs as I was lead to believe. She’s to rest and do everything slowly, she’s 15, 15 years olds don’t tend to do anything fast in my experience! Little granddaughter brightened up too, started playing with her new toys last night. They are going to celebrate Christmas all over again on New Year’s Day, turkey and all. 🙂

Nothing planned today, I didn’t get out for a walk yesterday, three loads of washing done me in. I did use the washing machine, I didn’t bash it on the rocks down the local river, but I was exhausted. Mr Eggy went out for an hour and I caught up with Call the Midwife Christmas special, and yes I did cry all the way through. If you don’t cry at Call the Midwife you have a rock for a heart!

Have a good day. It’s Tuesday, by the way.
You’re welcome. 😉
Good morning everyone.

Woke at 3am. Shut eyes for 10 minutes snooze and it was suddenly 6am !!!

BG 4.7

Hoping the local wood shop will be open this morning. Gotta make 2 new shelves for the kitchen.

Just been looking at the photos taken at Christmas. Some really nice pictures of my wife. Beautiful smile. A year ago there was 'something else' there as she was so so ill. She really has got a lot better thankfully.

Mind you looking back a year ago at me.... fat, ill, unhappy, lost, transformed, thin, fit, happy (if somewhat isolated and lonely).

This Christmas has been a good one for us.

Today will be a very quiet day here if the wood shop is closed.

Got out for a walk on the beach yesterday, 1.5 hours. My legs really ached by the end of it!!!

Have a great day today whatever you do or don't do
Morning all. 🙂 9.6 here. I just can’t work out what goes on after my evening meal - I mid-bolus (pre- or post-bolusing = instant hypo or prolonged hyper), have a hypo most nights after an hour, then sometimes go hyper after two hours. I’ve tried changing the ratio...nothing seems to work. Diabetes keeps you on your toes!😛

A double Phew! @eggyg.

OH is hoping to win “most popular neighbour” this year - Not! He was up at half six this morning, slamming the side gate (woke me up) and then the back’s a good thing most of our neighbours are ancient and deaf as posts.
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7.2 this morning. Nothing planned again for today.
@eggyg good news about your granddaughters and hope that cold goes away pronto.
@Gwynn good to hear life has bucked up for you and your family.
Have a good day all xx
Good morning woke up to 5.9 today

very different to yesterday‘s late wake up of 11.1
went to bed on Sunday evening without testing,
then woke up around midnight as sugars had dropped to 3.1

I haven’t looked out the window yet, but today it sounds like we’re being battered by wind & rain, however we are not planning on going anywhere today.

@Gwynn good to read you’ve had a nice Christmas

have a friend coming for dinner today, so we will do a LFT this morning
have a great day everybody
5.8 this morning. 🙂

7.3 thanks to steroid's side effect of making you so darned hungry ... sigh ...trying to resist, but ....
Last day to take the dreaded 6, so hopefully appetite will go back to normal cos my stomach wants to rumble on forever! Oh well, nothing really planned for today so will go with the flow
Morning all.
Still feeling rubbish with this cold and have been napping on and off since yesterday morning. Blegh.
Don't really have a proper morning reading so last one was 13.6.
Goal for today, stay awake until tesco has delivered my shopping in 2-3 hours. Keeping the expectations low 😛
7.2 this morning, depression lurking on the horizon,knowing if
I dont sew my mouth up the weight gain will be more than 4lb :(
off to M & S with a Xmas voucher, should cheer me up, think I
will buy me some Salad :confused: 🙂
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