Group 7-day waking average?

Well, i am mightily sick and tired of D. This past week i have had more hypos than i usually do. I usually up my basal during school holidays but i haven't yet and i'm over half way through the hols. The hypos have been a bit longer lasting than usual, taking more glucose to bring up then the rebounds are huge.
Today, we planned a walk after lunch. I had less insulin with lunch, still needed glucose before the walk and a banana during. Within 15 mins of the walk i felt i was dropping again so just came home. It still dropped to 2.9.
I'm so tired of D, not being able to do anything spontaneously, struggling to predict what will happen with levels this week, fed up of the sight of JBs and glucoseetc.
Sorry about the moan, i just needed to say it out loud (well, write it), nobody else undetstands what its like.
Well, i am mightily sick and tired of D. This past week i have had more hypos than i usually do. I usually up my basal during school holidays but i haven't yet and i'm over half way through the hols. The hypos have been a bit longer lasting than usual, taking more glucose to bring up then the rebounds are huge.
Hi @freesia you sound like me with more hypos than you usually have. Mine though aren't actually hypos they're below targets. I've lost my hypo awareness so I've increased my target from 5-8mmol to 6-10mmol and I need to keep above 6mmol as much as I can but my levels are dropping all the time :(. If my levels go below target I have to correct with dextrose the same way as you do if you were hypo but depending on where you are in the 4s or 5s you correct with a small amount of dextrose at a time. At the moment it's taking certainly a couple of attempts of taking the dextrose before I'm back in target again then on a couple of occasions I've had a huge rebound.

fed up of the sight of JBs and glucoseetc.
Same here - I will be having shares with dextrose soon.

Sorry about the moan, i just needed to say it out loud (well, write it), nobody else undetstands what its like.
I'm sure other members don't mind a good old diabetic moan. We all understand what it can be like so you're not on your own.
@ColinUK just reading my new cookery book. The Pie Room. Top pastry chef, loads of recipes for amazing pastry, suet, choux, puff, shortcrust, hot water etc. then this. It made me laugh so much my Diet Coke came out of my nose! 😛
The Pie Room is a rather enjoyable dining experience albeit one I can’t enjoy quite as often now since diagnosis. Unfortunately.
I'm sure other members don't mind a good old diabetic moan. We all understand what it can be like so you're not on your own.
If people here start to object to us lot moaning I’ll have to post my stuff somewhere else!!
Hi @freesia you sound like me with more hypos than you usually have. Mine though aren't actually hypos they're below targets. I've lost my hypo awareness so I've increased my target from 5-8mmol to 6-10mmol and I need to keep above 6mmol as much as I can but my levels are dropping all the time :(. If my levels go below target I have to correct with dextrose the same way as you do if you were hypo but depending on where you are in the 4s or 5s you correct with a small amount of dextrose at a time. At the moment it's taking certainly a couple of attempts of taking the dextrose before I'm back in target again then on a couple of occasions I've had a huge rebound.

Same here - I will be having shares with dextrose soon.

I'm sure other members don't mind a good old diabetic moan. We all understand what it can be like so you're not on your own.
Thanjs @mum2westiesGill. My hypo awareness is usually pretty good and i have the libre alarm set at 5 so i can head off anything/make decisions on what to eat. This past week though, levels have dropped suddenly and quickly so even though i have tried to stop them, i've still had them. Sometimes i can go for a couple of weeks without one then have 1-3 a week, but not usually this many. Hopefully when i get back to a normal routine with work things will go back to normal. I even changed my lunchtime ratio so i had less chance of a hypo but ended up with a higher level late afternoon/tea time. I don't want to reduce my bolus as i have overnight highs else, though i may have to. Its just tiring trying to second guess everything.
Late posting as I got up, tested and did meds and crashed for another couple of hours then went straight out to sis in laws for a coffee in my PJs :D

Anyway 14.4 this morning which is a small improvement. Has taken all day to drop down to single figures - 8.4 (not so awesome) 🙄

@freesia isn't that the point of this place, to share the ups as well as the downs. I'd be demented without you all, even just reading stuff and not feeling quite so alone x
isn't that the point of this place, to share the ups as well as the downs
It is, and i'm so glad of it! This forum is the only place i can say how i feel and people "get it"! Even family and really good friends, however well meaning they are, just don't understand how it feels day after day after day to live with this. I know there are people who are worse off than me and dealing with other medical conditions, so i feel guilty having a moan and be positive about things but some days, you just have to.
Thank you to every one of you on here for reading and supporting on the bad days and congratulating on the good. Without you alll, i think it would be much worse.
18:25 BS 10.3 😳 Eventually went to sleep: don’t know when; up now with tresiba & meds in very late!😱

Dithering about NR for breakfast sausage muffin: have had a wee bit of trouble nailing the bolus on this & have gone a bit low ish with usual breakfast dose of 40, as it’s a small muffin with a sausage patty, dollop of ketchup & a slice of cheese; think I’ve more or less worked out that 38, or 36 if lower in the target range, but, I’m over target with everything late today so, 40 I think & see how it goes? :confused:

Right! In it went & I’ll ding my sausage muffin for breakfast! 😛

My sleeping pattern is obviously off & I may well be posting at some STRANGE times the next few days? o_O😳:D😉:confused:
Oh yes! Almost forgot! I’ve actually eaten less than I’d planned for this Christmas & therefore used less NR: I’m 2 pens up from the estimate of last pen in opened box used by Sunday! I’ve got 2 pens left but, still nice to have had the new box delivered on Thursday before Christmas so, that unopened box with the 2, well 1 & a bit as I’m about to start one of those pens, will last me a bit longer left & it’s not as “hand to mouth” as I’d feared! 🙂
Munching & checked TV guide for the BBC AND I see there’s a Christmas special of Death in Paradise on BBC 1 around 7:30 ish after Around The World in 80 days on now! 😛

Ooh er! Bright Caribbean sunshine with a comforting murder at Christmas: aw! it can’t get much better than THAT! 😛😎:D😉
Happy Boxing Day folks. Hope you all have a relaxing day now that the big day is over for another year.

8.8 for me this morning which is disappointing as I injected 3.5 units for a 12 at 5.30am. Injected 6 units at 9am for breakfast and correction and just come down low enough to eat breakfast.... which I really should have skipped considering how much I ate yesterday!

@eggyg I am REALLY impressed with your rolling fells graph. This is mine... View attachment 19570
The first of those 3 peaks was 2JBs because I was 4.3 just as I was about to drive to my sister's for dinner. The second (biggest one) was lunch and then I had to wait ages after everyone else had their xmas pud before I could have mine because levels were just too high to risk it. It was worth the wait though! I then walked with my sister round to her livery yard about half a mile to do evening stables and back and then drove home and had my beasties to feed. That last little dip into the red just as I got in the house prompted a serious hypo hunger which i failed to control hence my high readings this morning.

@TinaD Many congratulations on another House Special and all the more impressive the day after Xmas!

@MeeTooTeeTwo Loving your CS!
Didn’t know theme parks were open yesterday. Looks like you were on the Big Dipper!
Didn’t know theme parks were open yesterday. Looks like you were on the Big Dipper!

That's the problem! I got stuck on it on Friday and it seems like they locked up and left me to go round and round and up and down.... currently trundling along at the very highest level and rapidly approaching a huge drop! 😱 Lost track of how much insulin I have injected over the past 6 hours (just counted up on Libre...12 correction units have gone in in 4 doses!) to try to bring me down but just kept going up and eventually leveled out the last 40 mins so the drop is coming. All I've eaten is some soda bread and butter and I injected a decent amount for it at lunchtime. It's all gone now so hopefully tomorrow I will get back to my low carb eating and some better control. Wouldn't mind it I had eaten a box of chocolates but bread really is my nemesis! Not enjoying the heart racing spills and thrills of the fairground at my age!
Weeeee! I'm on the way down.... 9.4 with a vertical downward arrow. Half relieved that the upward trend has stopped and I'm back into single figures and half anxious about where it will end!

Interestingly my hypo awareness has become incredibly sensitive the last few days. I have had a few quite unpleasant ones recently in the mid 4s but I felt an obvious hypo yesterday evening which the Libre said was 3.6 but a finger prick check was 5.2 and I double checked it and it gave me 5.2 again so I didn't treat it and it went back up. I have had horrible hypo hunger recently as well. I think this is a consequence of sharp spikes and drops. "Normal eating" just does not agree with me anymore.
Aw! That was a great episode of DIP & a right “humdinger” of a uniquely excellent case with the temporary return of a well loved character! 😛:D😎 The new series to start on January 7th. The first Christmas special of DIP! I LOVED it!😛
Well, amazingly it looks like I have leveled out in the mid 5s. Would like to claim that was skill but considering I have come down from mid teens with 4 stacked corrections amounting to 12 units, I think it has to be entirely luck and sheer desperation!
Fiasp really just stops working for me once I get into double figures! I also jabbed yet another extra unit of Levemir tonight so I am now up to 7 units.
Just totted it up and I've had 27.5 units of Fiasp today in the form of 8 injections to try to keep a lid on approx. 100g carbs about 50g of which were bread. Most low carb days (without bread) I only need about 10 units of Fiasp. It's just weird how badly bread affects me. I thought someone said sourdough was less problematic!
A very late good evening everybody from me 🙂

I've not posted any waking BGs since Wednesday 22nd so here's a little catch up

Thursday 23rd
07:50 BG 4.7. Below target 6-10mmol. 15 units tresiba done. Had 2 1/2 dextrose tablets to get me back into target which it did 🙂

Friday 24th
08:04 BG 6.2. Within target. 15 units tresiba done.

Sat 25th
08:01 BG 4.4. Below target. Had 3 dextrose tablets which got me to 6.9.

07:01 BG 4.3. Below target. Had 2 1/2 dextrose tablets which got me to 6.4. Decreased tresiba by 1.0 unit from 15.0 units to 14.0 units because I keep going below target.
07:34 BS 5.3 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Now that Christmas is over there’ll a wee lull before New Year’s Eve which always seems a bigger thing than New Years Day: all about the party; not that I’ve ever been a party girl! I’ve only ever gone to one & that was the millennium party at the end of 1999/2000 with fireworks & all to see in the new millennium! 🙄 It all seems so long ago now, in the days when I still drank alcohol albeit only on special occasions: had a tia maria & coke that night; also, before I became diabetic I’m guessing at the end of 2000 but, not diagnosed until March 2001! I was at a friend’s country manor house outside Ballymoney, near Drumaheglis Marina on the River Bann, with a huge garden & plenty of space for a fireworks display!😛😎:D I just had Ribena and sparkling water on New Years Eve since then & this year, the last couple since the recipe change due to the sugar tax, Polish raspberry syrup with sparkling water!🙄