Group 7-day waking average?

Happy Christmas Everyone
A late start as working today piloting a driver down to Portsmouth.
Well I must be a very naughty boy. Definitely on Santa’s naughty list. . I sent him my list and nothing delivered.
Just a 7.5 for me this morning. Come on Santa, Father Christmas, Papa Noel or whoever you are.
All I wanted was a House Special, a House Special, a House Special
But no condemned to the naughty list.
Happy Christmas 7.9 today, went to bed on 5.3 so was hoping Santa and the Christmas Elves were going to deliver a HS, but not

Have a lovely day everybody,
spend it with family and loved ones (if able to)
this year I’m remembering family & friends no longer with us,

Merry Christmas Everybody 🙂
I’m already looking forward to 2022
Happy Xmas All went to bed at no 11 last night that was the sausage rolls x 2 a mince pie
a small piece of Stollen 😳 never mind, did enjoy it woke to a 7.2 this am and still at 7.1
3 hrs later Ahh well its Xmas so Im having a couple of days off and back on track after
Have a Good Day All xx
After some sleep, finally, I wake on 14:57 BS 6.5 🙂 after a wee correction of 4 NR earlier with the 9.5.

Now for some leftovers! 😛 Oops!😳 Meds, tresiba & NR first: completely forgot to take my pills yesterday until late last night; counted my pills & thought they’re right so, MUST have taken them by rote & forgotten! Realised now after another count that my first notion WAS correct & I DID forget to take them: must have been fuzzier headed than I realised last night; it’s a good thing I don’t drink alcohol!😳:Do_O😉

So, from taking a new week of pills on Monday at the start of the year I’ve now slipped all the way down to Saturday!😱 When/if I slip a couple more times it’ll be back to Monday’s & all will seem right with the world!:D😉
Hi guys, I’ve had another heart attack so I’m spending Christmas on a cardio ward
im told I need a triple by pass and I’ll be here till mid January at least
a bit bored to say the least but thank god for Wattsapp
I'm tested for BS and BP all day long it’s a days highlight
have a great Christmas everybody and stay safe
Hi guys, I’ve had another heart attack so I’m spending Christmas on a cardio ward
im told I need a triple by pass and I’ll be here till mid January at least
a bit bored to say the least but thank god for Wattsapp
I'm tested for BS and BP all day long it’s a days highlight
have a great Christmas everybody and stay safe
@Gruers i hope you feel better and get sorted out soon.
Hi guys, I’ve had another heart attack so I’m spending Christmas on a cardio ward
im told I need a triple by pass and I’ll be here till mid January at least
a bit bored to say the least but thank god for Wattsapp
I'm tested for BS and BP all day long it’s a days highlight
have a great Christmas everybody and stay safe
@Gruers hope you feel better soon
@Gruers so sorry to hear this but good to hear you are being taken good care of. Keep us updated of how you are getting on xx
@Gruers so sorry to hear this my lovely, best wishes and hope you are on the mend soon! xx
@Gruers So very sorry to hear about your health scare but pleased they have you where they can monitor you until they can fix things. Hopefully 2022 will be a healthier one for you. X
Morning all on this chilly Boxing Day. Mr Eggy’s new weather station says it’s only 2.8 degrees. Snow is knocking around in the county but not on lower ground unfortunately. It’ll be on the fells I dare say. Anyhoo, 6.3, which I’m very pleased with after a very up and down day yesterday. TBF it was just up! 😉

A very nice, but exhausting day was had. Apparently the meal I spent two days preparing and cooking tasted good. I wouldn’t know, my sense of taste is still AWOL. :( Baby Zara seemed to enjoy her first Christmas. Unfortunately, Lady Sadie, almost 4, was poorly and didn’t eat much at all. Poor little thing, mum is going to phone the out of hours GP service today and hopefully get an appointment, she hasn’t been right for a few days.

We surprised the girls and their families by giving them a holiday for their Christmas present this year. We’ve booked Center Parcs, up here in Cumbria, for us all for September. They were very happy, better than just giving “ stuff”, although the kids still got some “ stuff” from us. It’s something to look forward to and everyone is excited.

Happy Boxing Day everyone, a lazy day for us, although getting up at 5.45 doesn’t count as lazy by most folks’ standards, but I still can’t breath and I’m still coughing so got up. I’ll have pigs in blankets for my breakfast, cold obviously, flick through my new cookery books, I may or may not eat some chocolate and I probably won’t get dressed until midday. Perfect relaxing day. Hope yours is too. 🙂

Here’s a photo of the fells from my bedroom window. Oh no, sorry I’ve accidentally deleted that, this is my Libre graph from yesterday. Very similar! :D


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Good morning everyone. A brilliant Christmas day yesterday. The meal was the best I have ever cooked...following some UTube video recipes and methods. Presents went down well. My daughter briefly visited...good to see her and her daughter too. Wife was well and very positive all day.

I was exhausted by the end of it all.

I always find cooking lots of different dishes very hard work. How those professional cooks, chefs in restaurants, etc do it day after day for lots of people I do not know.

I ate far too much yesterday but my BG in the evening was 4.8 !

This morning it is 5.3 so that is fine and doing well.

It could be because even though I ate far too much I still managed to keep my carbs low (ish).

Today I will extend the kitchen shelving a bit and have a place for the new gadgets and stuff. I thought I had made enough space, but a few more shelves are needed. I am surprised at how short the Ninja Foodi mains cable is. It's a good job there is a mains socket near enough! Oh and I will have to clear out the tons of wrapping paper this morning.

Turkey with lemon and parsley stuffing (my mothers recipe) was really really nice. The stuffing recipe my mother always used to say was a Scottish recipe. No idea, but it is so delicate and so pleasant. I do not like sage and onion stuffing though.

I hope you all have a great Boxing day whatever you are or are not doing.
06:50 BS 6.6 but, not waking as I’m about to go to bed soon! o_O🙄

Just finished watching on iPlayer the Pavarotti documentary shown on BBC 2 last night & followed by the legendary Pavarotti Concert in Hyde Park in 1991: I actually switched on the telly around 2am & JUST missed the concert that was shown on BBC 2 after the documentary; watched the concert on iPlayer first. It was a trip down memory lane when the heavens opened, people put up their umbrella’s & nobody could see so, the announcement was made for them to be put down, the late Princess Diana put hers down first, the crowd followed, everybody got drenched including the Princess & Pavarotti dedicated the aria “Donna non vida mai”, “I have never seen a woman like that” to her! The Princess went up to meet him after the concert with her hair absolutely dripping wet still looking radiant with a bright smile shining on her face: anybody else would have looked like a drowned rat! 😱😛😎:D😉 Catch it on iPlayer if you missed it & the documentary too!:D

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Hope you were all “Nice” & got your pressies & had a Wonderful Christmas! :D😉
6.6 this morning. Went to bed on a 6.4 so I’ll take that.

Yesterday was a little like the curates’ egg I guess.

We don’t “do” Christmas as a rule so no turkey or presents etc but obviously gave the folks their Echo Dots on Christmas Eve so they were still trying to figure those out and providing much hilarity in the process.

I was up and out early to do a local Park Run which was about 20 mins drive away on what’s effectively the flood plain for one of the major Thames tributaries.
I was the only tourist at that run and it showed because I was woefully under equipped. Almost everyone was wearing mud spikes on their running shoes. They were needed as the course was so wet it was ridiculous. At one point I was up to my mid calves in mud and at no point in the circuit were we on firm ground, mostly it was deep standing water.
It wasn’t for me so I bailed after the first lap and went home.

My trail shoes are still sodden. But the plus note was pace. Even with the awful conditions etc my pace was 40sec / km faster on the flat than it was on the usual hills so that’s a huge positive.

Watched Come From Away with the folks and they enjoyed that (AppleTV) and then introduced them to Schmiggadoon (also AppleTV) and they like that as well so I did good with the telly stuff.

Watched the Queen and couldn’t help wonder how she had such an ill fitting bra!

Brother, sister in law, nephew and her parents joined us for dinner (salmon en croute, celeriac dauphinois plus assorted veg) and her dad is frankly one of the rudest and most obnoxious people I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet. Thankfully though I only see him a few times a year.

Nothing else to report really. Going to head home today after a marathon chocolate tasting session. I’m trying to convince the folks that they do like dark chocolate so I’ve got a selection of bars ranging from 69% to 85% and we’re going to blind taste them and focus on things like bitterness, fruitiness, complexity, mouthfeel etc. I’m expecting that at the end they’ll still think that anything over about 60% is an abomination but I live in hope!

I’ll probably have breakfast today consisting of black coffee, a pint of water, and maybe a couple of eggs and avocado to keep things low. Although in the fridge there’s both a chocolate mousse and a lemon posset so maybe….
6.6 this morning. Went to bed on a 6.4 so I’ll take that.

Yesterday was a little like the curates’ egg I guess.

We don’t “do” Christmas as a rule so no turkey or presents etc but obviously gave the folks their Echo Dots on Christmas Eve so they were still trying to figure those out and providing much hilarity in the process.

I was up and out early to do a local Park Run which was about 20 mins drive away on what’s effectively the flood plain for one of the major Thames tributaries.
I was the only tourist at that run and it showed because I was woefully under equipped. Almost everyone was wearing mud spikes on their running shoes. They were needed as the course was so wet it was ridiculous. At one point I was up to my mid calves in mud and at no point in the circuit were we on firm ground, mostly it was deep standing water.
It wasn’t for me so I bailed after the first lap and went home.

My trail shoes are still sodden. But the plus note was pace. Even with the awful conditions etc my pace was 40sec / km faster on the flat than it was on the usual hills so that’s a huge positive.

Watched Come From Away with the folks and they enjoyed that (AppleTV) and then introduced them to Schmiggadoon (also AppleTV) and they like that as well so I did good with the telly stuff.

Watched the Queen and couldn’t help wonder how she had such an ill fitting bra!

Brother, sister in law, nephew and her parents joined us for dinner (salmon en croute, celeriac dauphinois plus assorted veg) and her dad is frankly one of the rudest and most obnoxious people I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet. Thankfully though I only see him a few times a year.

Nothing else to report really. Going to head home today after a marathon chocolate tasting session. I’m trying to convince the folks that they do like dark chocolate so I’ve got a selection of bars ranging from 69% to 85% and we’re going to blind taste them and focus on things like bitterness, fruitiness, complexity, mouthfeel etc. I’m expecting that at the end they’ll still think that anything over about 60% is an abomination but I live in hope!

I’ll probably have breakfast today consisting of black coffee, a pint of water, and maybe a couple of eggs and avocado to keep things low. Although in the fridge there’s both a chocolate mousse and a lemon posset so maybe….
I’m glad it wasn’t just me re the Queen’s bra. It was the first thing I noticed, I don’t normally stare at 95 year old women’s boobs! Honest guv! I think she’s lost weight and it’s well known she’s frugal, and let’s face it, who’s going to tell her she needs new underwear?
I’m glad it wasn’t just me re the Queen’s bra. It was the first thing I noticed, I don’t normally stare at 95 year old women’s boobs! Honest guv! I think she’s lost weight and it’s well known she’s frugal, and let’s face it, who’s going to tell her she needs new underwear?
And the late Prince Philip no longer by her side; HE definitely would have told her!
I’m glad it wasn’t just me re the Queen’s bra. It was the first thing I noticed, I don’t normally stare at 95 year old women’s boobs! Honest guv! I think she’s lost weight and it’s well known she’s frugal, and let’s face it, who’s going to tell her she needs new underwear?
She had a falling out with Rigby & Peller a while back and clearly her underwear game has gone tits up ever since. Which is ironic considering.
Good morning, hope everybody had a lovely day yesterday. Note the comments on the regal underclothes - maybe at 92 or whatever the old girl is, comfort trumps elegance? Eat your hearts out: HS for me this morning: 5.2. Pretty much undeserved as the Yorkshire puddings gave me several hours of well over 11. Ah well, back to 20 carbs or under.
Reporting another CS (chocolate special) of 5.7 this morning. 🙂
