Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning, hope everybody had a lovely day yesterday. Note the comments on the regal underclothes - maybe at 92 or whatever the old girl is, comfort trumps elegance? Eat your hearts out: HS for me this morning: 5.2. Pretty much undeserved as the Yorkshire puddings gave me several hours of well over 11. Ah well, back to 20 carbs or under.
Congrats on the HS!!
Morning all, 6.2 here. A slightly more eventful day than planned yesterday, involving daughter’s cat, of course. She emerged from the back of daughter’s wardrobe with the sticky pad of a moth trap attached to her tail. Now this wouldn’t be a problem for a normal cat. (Did I mention, this cat is not normal). But because of arthritis and neuropathy in her spine, she Will Not let anybody touch her back or tail. But she couldn’t get the thing off. And it was upsetting her. Much discussion and planning ensued upstairs, all while I was trying to cook a meal downstairs. In the end, daughter managed to entice her on to her lap, wrapped blanket round both arms to save a trip to A & E for tetanus shots and antibiotics, and managed to pin her down and pull it off. Last year she tried walking along a narrow ledge overlooking the stairs…and fell off into the hall below (she was fine, but we were worried, she’s an elderly rescue cat, and daughter hadn’t had her long then). I’m wondering what her next trick will be.
Morning all, 6.2 here. A slightly more eventful day than planned yesterday, involving daughter’s cat, of course. She emerged from the back of daughter’s wardrobe with the sticky pad of a moth trap attached to her tail. Now this wouldn’t be a problem for a normal cat. (Did I mention, this cat is not normal). But because of arthritis and neuropathy in her spine, she Will Not let anybody touch her back or tail. But she couldn’t get the thing off. And it was upsetting her. Much discussion and planning ensued upstairs, all while I was trying to cook a meal downstairs. In the end, daughter managed to entice her on to her lap, wrapped blanket round both arms to save a trip to A & E for tetanus shots and antibiotics, and managed to pin her down and pull it off. Last year she tried walking along a narrow ledge overlooking the stairs…and fell off into the hall below (she was fine, but we were worried, she’s an elderly rescue cat, and daughter hadn’t had her long then). I’m wondering what her next trick will be.
Oh dear. Poor thing.
Good morning 8.1 today,
to many chocolates eaten yesterday (whilst watching TV) didn’t test before bed
@Gruers Wishing you well and an awesome cardio team to get you back up on your feet soon.
Good morning

very grey here, just like I feel, anyway a massive 9.2 fir me which was probably fuelled by Christmas pudding, mice pie and chocolate, oh and forgetting to take Amy meds yesterday. Really hoping that is the reason and I am not coming down with something.

today will consist of clearing up as my guests did not leave until 9.30 last night, going for a run and then watching all the stuff on telly that I couldn’t watch yesterday due to guests and maybe a nap. Hubby is at work from 2pm until 10pm so loads of time to do all of the above.

@Gruers - sorry to hear you are spending the festive period in hospital.

@TinaD - congratulations on you HS.
Hi guys, I’ve had another heart attack so I’m spending Christmas on a cardio ward
im told I need a triple by pass and I’ll be here till mid January at least
a bit bored to say the least but thank god for Wattsapp
I'm tested for BS and BP all day long it’s a days highlight
have a great Christmas everybody and stay safe
Sorry to hear that. If it helps, Mr Eggy had a quad bypass 14 years ago. He’s still here. It’s actually amazing what can be done now, and there’s probably been more advancements since then. Take care and rest.
Morning all. A high 10.7 for me this morning and been high all night. Yesterday was a day of spikes and drops all day. The alarm woke me to a high overnight and i must have gone straight back to sleep. Oh well, hopefully a better day today.
@ColinUK just reading my new cookery book. The Pie Room. Top pastry chef, loads of recipes for amazing pastry, suet, choux, puff, shortcrust, hot water etc. then this. It made me laugh so much my Diet Coke came out of my nose! 😛


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Happy Boxing day!

7.7 for me. As far as diabetes was concerned yesterday was a right old lash up as I completely forgot to bolus for Christmas dinner which was excessively carby by any standards! Still I got the main course on the table hot and my roasties behaved nicely. Must have been good as guests went back for seconds. They arrived as arranged at 3pm and didn’t leave until just after midnight after playing a quiz game that had us all in stitches. Turned on Pavarotti and just slumped. Due to the dishwasher breaking the kitchen is piled high with dirty crockery and pans, so I guess that’s our first job today!

@Gruers wishing you a speedy recovry.

@TinaD congratulations once again.
I had a very quiet Christmas although Christmas lunch in hospital was fine except no alcohol. Ive been taken off my diabetic meds for now so not counting the numbers. My BP is in reasonable range now. Waiting to hear when I’m going to have the op, probably next year. I’m fine and in the best place for now. Have a great Christmas everyone
7.4 this morning, but nowt to do with Christmas food as I wasn't up to cooking yesterday. Have had to take 6 steroid tablets this morning so BG is going to be crazy I reckon.
Happy Boxing Day All - 7.5 this morning, Xmas goodies affect, whats
worse than that, got on scales and have put 4lb on !!😱 how did that
happen only ate a mince pie with cream and a few sweets and a full Xmas dinner
and pudding etc etc roll on 2022 and back to basics ...🙂
Happy Boxing Day folks. Hope you all have a relaxing day now that the big day is over for another year.

8.8 for me this morning which is disappointing as I injected 3.5 units for a 12 at 5.30am. Injected 6 units at 9am for breakfast and correction and just come down low enough to eat breakfast.... which I really should have skipped considering how much I ate yesterday!

@eggyg I am REALLY impressed with your rolling fells graph. This is mine... IMG_20211226_100220690_BURST000_COVER_TOP[864].jpg
The first of those 3 peaks was 2JBs because I was 4.3 just as I was about to drive to my sister's for dinner. The second (biggest one) was lunch and then I had to wait ages after everyone else had their xmas pud before I could have mine because levels were just too high to risk it. It was worth the wait though! I then walked with my sister round to her livery yard about half a mile to do evening stables and back and then drove home and had my beasties to feed. That last little dip into the red just as I got in the house prompted a serious hypo hunger which i failed to control hence my high readings this morning.

@TinaD Many congratulations on another House Special and all the more impressive the day after Xmas!

@MeeTooTeeTwo Loving your CS!
Morning All
Well a funny day yesterday. All went well until 22.50. Things controlled well testing every two hours due to working. Then
22:50 BG. 8.3
23:34. As 4 hours 45 mins after last NovoRapid gave myself the 6 units Lantus ( this was on coach returning to Stansted from London )
00:34. BG before driving home 4.8
Snack of 6 cream crackers
00:50. BG. 4.6
Snack of 3 cream crackers and banana
01:05. BG 5.0
Drove home
01:55 BG 9.6

Woke this morning to BG of 6.2. (Well I got the .2 for a special but missed the House)

I have a feeling that the basal layer may be slightly high but seems to act quickly at start and then is about right during the rest of day. Probably just my thinking. Any ideas?
Lantus isn’t as 'flat' as the manufacturer would have us believe,@DuncanLord , but it normally starts slowly and has a peak at around 4-5 hours in, so not sure if it would have got going soon enough to have caused your problem last night.
@DuncanLord I think it is likely your own pancreas spurting out some insulin rather than the Lantus taking effect so quickly. I believe it slowly builds up to a peak about 5hrs after injecting.
I know we are all different but 9 cream crackers and a banana would have had me closer to a BG of 20 from 4.8 which again suggests to me your own insulin production is contributing. I was 4.3 and dropping yesterday when I wanted to drive to my sister's and 2JBs took me up to 8.8.