Group 7-day waking average?

I spoke too soon last night. My levels wandered back up towards double figures again last night and I had to inject another correction when I climbed into bed which achieved a very minor reduction. Levels then stayed level all night and woke up on 8.0 but climbing again already of course. I have increased morning basal up to 30 but doubt that will be enough and of course injected yet another correction! Getting a bit weary of it though!
Morning all, 6.9 here, less excitement yesterday, the cat managed to stay out of trouble all day. Forgot that I'd split bolused for pudding last night, though, and still had active insulin on board at bedtime, so had a little excursion into the red overnight. Knew I should have had a second helping!
Good morning everyone.

Yesterday I craved some flapjack! Made it and ate way too much. Enjoyed it though. No idea where the craving came from.

This mornings BG 5.2 incredible.

I think the answer to all type 2's must be to eat lots of flapjack. Hmm needs a research project! 🙂

I always find the days after Christmas a bit too quiet. Almost a let down. New years eve next. I am not a party animal so new years eve generally passes me by. But I do like watching the fireworks. Not sure there will be any this year.

No plans for today unless the local wood shop opens....
7.4 today. Had a really nice break away. Very grey and raining but still mild down here. Not sure what I’m doing today, may look for a new oven.
@freesia and @rebrascora sounds as though you e had a rough time of it lately, although I’m T2 I really sympathise with your hypo problems, wishing you both well x
@TinaD sorry I forgot to congratulate you on your HD x
Have a good day all x
Good morning everyone 🙂
At 8:07 it was 10.2 for me which is only a tiny bit above my target of 6mmol-10mmol. 14.0 units of tresiba done.

Hope everyone has a nice day 🙂
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Good morning all, woke to a 5.4 which very quickly dropped to 4.8 needing a JB to stop any further drop. Needed a 1u correction overnight around 1am, should have been 2u but i tried to play it safe. Its a good job i did, i'd have hypoed overnight. Lets see what today will bring.

@rebrascora i think there are two DFs, one with you and one with me. I hope your levels behave a bit better today.

Congrats to @Gwynn on your HS.
I don't believe it!! Another 5.7 and not a chocolate in sight last night. 🙂
Maybe this is my new normal.


7.4 today xx
Morning all. 6.8 after a much needed lie in. Isn’t it funny the more you sleep the more you want. When I’ve had a really bad night, awake every hour or so, I have to get up, as I liken it to being in purgatory. When I’ve had a decent sleep, like last night, only woke once at 4.30, I needed more and was so comfy and relaxed. Should set me up for the day.

After the excesses of the last few days we're hoping to get out for a walk, I’ve not been out for ages because of feeling rubbish mostly and looking after kids and cooking. We’re also trying to eat better, the fact the tiramisu is finished will help! We may walk into town as it’s one of our granddaughter’s birthday on Thursday, she’ll be four and currently suffering from a really bad ear infection. Daughter got her to the local after hours GP clinic last night after ringing at midday! What a palaver that was. Anyways she now has penicillin so should pick up in a couple of days. We don’t know what to buy her as of course she got so much for Christmas. I’m sure we’ll think of something.

Whilst writing that I’ve just had a message of another daughter, our eldest granddaughter, 15, has been unwell through the night and has passed out in the shower. They sent for an ambulance and she’s going to hospital, her BGs are extremely low. I’ll find out more later.
Good morning

8.2 this morning, but still eating badly.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS

@freesia - you moan away, i hope things start to improve for you.

@rebrascora - please get off that rollercoaster, hope things settle down for you as well.

I managed a 10k run in the heavy rain yesterday, today family are round.

have a nice day everyone.
@Gwynn congrats on the flapjack induced HS!

@eggyg Fingers crossed for your grand daughter. Please keep us informed.

I’ve not checked BG yet as I’m still in bed. Slept solidly for 9 hours last night which I’m guessing is something to do with being back in my own bed after a few days with the Wrinklies.
Might just spend the entire day in bed as it’s bucketing down and not likely to stop. Although I do want to head to Waitrose sooner rather than later to see what they’ve got marked down and I do need to buy food to eat.
Morning all.

11.1 this morning, though it was higher during the night at around 14. Have just lobbed in a correction. Looking at my logbook on the Libre I haven’t actually seen “normal” numbers since Xmas eve. Numbers have been in the 10 - 16 range. time in target has dropped to 20%. Trying not to stress about it as that will only make it worse.

Better than the hypos that @freesia is seeing, but I do want to send her a hug. Also a hug to @rebrascora, i can indeed empathise with you.

@eggyg, fingers crossed for your granddaughter. Please let us know how she is.

Ah well, the walk we planned doesn’t look likely as it’s peeing down and blowing a gale.
Morning everyone!
Body please... you aren't supposed to take a HS and double it. So close guys, so close 😛
Jokes aside, improvement again over some of the rubbish numbers I've had over the last few weeks.
I'm supposed to dropping down to 1 gliclazide today (keeping morning dose). I guess it will soon become clear if that goes okay :confused:.

Grats on the HSs of the day and hugs to everyone who are off targets (or anyone who just wants a free hug) x
Hi all. Update on Tia. She’d felt unwell all day yesterday ( hope it wasn’t my Christmas dinner) and was feeling faint. Hadn’t eaten much, then threw up all night. Went in the shower this morning and my daughter heard a clatter and Tia didn’t respond when she called on her. Her dad had to break the door down as of course she’s 15 and had locked it. She’d totally passed out, crashing into all sorts of stuff and has some minor cuts. In hospital under observation, daughter sent us a photo and she was giving us a wave. I feel relieved she’s conscious but worried why it happened. Hormones, period pains, dieting? Who knows, she’s a teenager? Hoping she’ll get the all clear and be home soon. I’m just glad it’s a bank holiday and her parents weren’t at work! That doesn’t bear thinking about.
@eggyg Wow! That really was quite a drama! Keeping fingers crossed that she is better and home soon and it isn't anything which is likely to reoccur.
@eggyg Wow! That really was quite a drama! Keeping fingers crossed that she is better and home soon and it isn't anything which is likely to reoccur.
Daughter just messaged. She’s on a drip, had bloods taken and going to do a urine test. I’d just remembered when she stayed at ours last week she was complaining of lower back ache, hoping it isn’t her kidneys but they’re checking, that’s the main thing. Honestly, you worry about your children all the time, then they have children and you worry about them all the time! It’s no wonder I’m grey!
Good news though, little Sadie has brightened up and has eaten something for the first time in about three days. Got this photo sent.


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Good morning everyone. 5.1 for me today - a bit late getting up so not done until 09.50. For some reason was hungry all day yesterday and craving carbs. even found myself looking up which supermarkets had Christmas cakes on offer...Fortunately sense returned and I settled for downloading a new book from amazon. I do get a bit bored with keto sometimes...
Got up. Tested 6.0. Showered. Tidied up.
Contemplating going out but really can’t be bothered tbh.
May pop to the corner shop and buy some salmon and fennel and roast them off for lunch.