Group 7-day waking average?

5.5 for me this morning. 🙂
Too wet to go out for some exercise, so I'll be on my bike later.

Morning all, 5.2 here. Only by virtue of skimming the top of the red most of the night, although this Libre sensor is reading a shade low at the bottom end as usual. The young hospital doctors that normally do my telephone reviews seem terrified of hypos, it must be in their training. Even after I’d explained the limitations of the Libre to the last one, and that when I double checked with a finger prick I was usually in the 5s, he implored me to reduce my overnight basal.
Just to let you know that I know where you are coming from @Gwynn. Caring for somebody with mental health problems is a bit like diabetes, everybody thinks they know about it but is only those who have to deal with it who have any idea of what it is really all about. Also, a bit like diabetes, in the end there no real option but to get good at managing the problem yourself because help from the system is patchy and even at its best, does not have solutions, it can only help with management.

My reading rounded to a 5 this morning.
A horrible 8.7 today after cheese and biscuits. Was really lazy yesterday so need to get more active today. Have grandson later so that will sort that one!
@Gwynn wish I could say something that helps but just know we are here for you xx
@Robin congrats on your HS x
Have a nice day everyone x
Great on the House Special.
Good morning everyone.

We had a few very good days over Christmas then my wife had a big melt down yesterday. Paranoia was very pronounced and now she won't leave the house in fear of intruders and enemies. Sad, so sad. It upset me greatly to see and to hear the nonsense comming out of her. No rational thinking at all. Such a disappointment after a while of things settling (I thought). But it turns out that she has just been hiding her upsets and thinking (she says). NHS no bloody help at all. She has to harm herself or me or someone else before they will do anything.

Anyway BG 4.8 this morning.

No plans today. Feel like running away screaming.
@Gwynn Can you get any support from Mind if the NHS aren't any use? Or social services? My local council have an out of hours emergency duty team in addition to the daytime staff.
Sorry to hear about the problems you're having, virtual hugs. Sarah
Morning all. 5.7.
Unfortunately this bloody cold just keeps getting worse, started with a sore throat yesterday, again, I even asked Mr Eggy to take the Christmas tree down as I was convinced the pine was irritating it. He did and it never made a jot of difference. Coughing again, a different cough this time. Woken this morning not wanting to speak, it’s so sore. On the bright side Mr Eggy is going to have a quiet day! 😉

Congratulations @Robin on your HS. 🙂
Big hugs @Gwynn I really thought things were looking up for you both.

No plans today, it’s not a pleasant day, very damp, and I feel like a wet weekend! Mr Eggy coughing too! What a pair. :(

8.0 for me today

Required a total of 16 Lifts throughout yesterday just to keep my levels up in range despite reducing both dinner and tea boluses, no idea why! xx
Good morning, although nothing "good" to say about the view from the study window, grey, low cloud, visibility 50m,and, as I proved when feeding pony, wet. On the plus side no pain this a.m. and an FBG of 4.9. Life could get even better if the garage would return the car although considering the cravings for marzipan etc over the last few days perhaps a wheel-less state has been beneficial!
Well done @Robin on the HS. 🙂

8.2 for me after a binge with the tub of roses, so could be worse. Got a trip out to Stansted this morning to pick a friend up who has lost her car keys while visiting her family over the Christmas break.

@Robin - congrats on the HS

@Gwynn - sending you a virtual hug, as a family we have found that same brick wall when trying to get help for my sister in law, we were told on one occasion when we raised concerns about her paranoia that it was our problem not an issue we should expect NHS to deal with.
Been AWOL a couple of days. Nothing wrong but just resting.
12hrs sleep last night thanks to a combo of zopiclone and quetapine.
Might head off to the flicks later to see King’s Men

And a 6.2 this morning.

Hope you’re all well.

@Gruers how are you doing?
What a horrid wet, windy morning it is.

Stayed up until 1:30 am watching Paddington followed by Death in Paradise.... went to bed on 6.2. Kept a straight line overnight until 8.46 when I dropped to 4.2 and the alarm woke me. I took 2 x Dextrose and I fell asleep again. When I woke again at 9:50 I was 5.7.... so take your pick... 4.2 or 5.7. 😉

@Gwynn I have no words, so just sending you a virtual hug.

@Robin, many congratulations on the HS.

@eggyg so sorry to hear you have come down with another cold right on top of the first. Have you done an LFT?
Thank you all. Itbis so reassuring to know you are all there for us.

My wife seems somewhat better this morning (she has just got up).
6.4 this morning.
Hugs to all those going through a rough time right now x
11:15 BS 5.0 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Hmm! Post Christmas my BS is lower than usual yesterday & was caught by complete surprise with a hypo of BS 3.7 that I didn’t feel at all & only knew because I tested yesterday evening around 8pm after a nap of 4/5 hours after eating lunch! 😱 So, I’ve started reducing down my tresiba yesterday evening around 9:30 pm. Remember that day I stayed up until late the next morning? I eventually slept too early for lunchtime tresiba & slept until almost 7pm when tresiba went in. I’ve steadily gotten a bit later with tresiba & would have been about 24 hours when I woke at 8pm yesterday EXCEPT that I treated the hypo first, ate & then delayed the tresiba a bit while I tested to see what’s what? I still ended up lower after eating & while waiting for full effects of lowered tresiba I’ve lowered the NR.

I got a few hours of sleep this morning from about 7 & wake on BS 5.0 despite leaving myself a bit higher before sleeping at 8.1.

So, the lowering trend is continuing & I’m having to keep a closer eye on things! 🙄
Morning all. 5.7.
Unfortunately this bloody cold just keeps getting worse, started with a sore throat yesterday, again, I even asked Mr Eggy to take the Christmas tree down as I was convinced the pine was irritating it. He did and it never made a jot of difference. Coughing again, a different cough this time. Woken this morning not wanting to speak, it’s so sore. On the bright side Mr Eggy is going to have a quiet day! 😉

Congratulations @Robin on your HS. 🙂
Big hugs @Gwynn I really thought things were looking up for you both.

No plans today, it’s not a pleasant day, very damp, and I feel like a wet weekend! Mr Eggy coughing too! What a pair. :(
Would it be worth you both going for a PCR? My older daughter tested positive just before Christmas on a LFT (though it was a really faint line and the second LFT showed negative. She went for a PCR and it was positive). She basically started with a sore, dry scratchy throat which within 2-3days changed into a cough, cold symptoms and left her feeling worn out. I know you had a test and it was negative but it might be worth you both getting one just to check?
I hope you are both ok.
This morning at 7:50 BG 7.2 and within target of 6-10mmol. 14 units of tresiba taken.
Bedtime last night 00:19 BG 3.9. No hypo awareness. Had 3 dextrose tablets. Tested again at 00:39 BG 7.4 so back within target. Had 1 rich tea biscuit 6g carbs and couldn't resist 1 heroes fudge chocolate 6g carbs. No humalog.

Yesterday morning 8:35 BG 6.7. Had 14 units of tresiba.
Bedtime 23:44 BG 7.3. Had 2 heroes chocolates 12g carbs. No humalog.

Have a great day today everyone 🙂
What a horrid wet, windy morning it is.

Stayed up until 1:30 am watching Paddington followed by Death in Paradise.... went to bed on 6.2. Kept a straight line overnight until 8.46 when I dropped to 4.2 and the alarm woke me. I took 2 x Dextrose and I fell asleep again. When I woke again at 9:50 I was 5.7.... so take your pick... 4.2 or 5.7. 😉

@Gwynn I have no words, so just sending you a virtual hug.

@Robin, many congratulations on the HS.

@eggyg so sorry to hear you have come down with another cold right on top of the first. Have you done an LFT?
Just done one. It was negative. Not sure whether to go for another PCR yet. Apparently today there isn’t any appointments, probably because of the LFT shortage. I’ve cancelled my osteopath appointment for the morning just incase.