Group 7-day waking average?

You can make anything in it, stews I don’t think I’d make soup in it.
Stews can work OK but I agree trying to make soup would be a bit daft. You could roast/fry some of the ingredients beforehand to add flavour, but after that a microwave (or hob) makes much more sense. And for stew I think probably slow cooking is likely better (though again, you might use air frying to do trigger the Maillard reactions to add flavour).

They can be used much like a convection oven (with really strong convection). Some can do dehydration, so you can dry meats/veg/fruit at lowish temperature over quite a long time.
I thought her daughter was about 5 by now, I don’t think she’s had another. She tweeted that it was a temporary tattoo, I must admit, I wondered if it was covering up something, but then again, a couple of weeks ago she appeared in a long red wig (which I didn’t think suited her, and was relieved to find the next week that she’d gone back to normal).
It had a distnctve black line on the cheekbone this week with a strange mottling of the skin. I wondered if it was a black eye or cosmetc surgery. I must admit. I do like her and her husband David. I like her very cute brother Giles Even more lol
Stews can work OK but I agree trying to make soup would be a bit daft. You could roast/fry some of the ingredients beforehand to add flavour, but after that a microwave (or hob) makes much more sense. And for stew I think probably slow cooking is likely better (though again, you might use air frying to do trigger the Maillard reactions to add flavour).

They can be used much like a convection oven (with really strong convection). Some can do dehydration, so you can dry meats/veg/fruit at lowish temperature over quite a long time.
Soup from raw veg in the microwave with stock cubes is very nice. I put lentils in. If you use boiling water it only takes about half an hour. I take the carrots out and blitz them to save grating, or a masher. I’ve become so lazy. What am I saying? Lol. I do prefer cooker for my cooking. Another thing I had was a giant electric pan you could make anything in it from fry ups to stews, paella. It doesn’t stress the electricity either. Think I got it from ideal world. I’ve often wondered if a cooker is necessary now. There’s a gadget for everything
Think I got it from ideal world. I’ve often wondered if a cooker is necessary now.
I don't have an oven. Just a microwave, an air fryer, a hob. (And an immersion circulator and a slow cooker.)

It's possible to survive with just a microwave, but you miss out on lots of flavours that really need 150ºC or thereabouts.
I don't have an oven. Just a microwave, an air fryer, a hob. (And an immersion circulator and a slow cooker.)

It's possible to survive with just a microwave, but you miss out on lots of flavours that really need 150ºC or thereabouts.
I do like the oven also but the combi microwave has the oven. A woman baked me scones in one years ago and I was amazed. I’m such an old fashioned cook. It also opens up space if you don't have a cooker. Those copper omelette makers look good and can make roast chicken in them and steaks
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I thought her daughter was about 5 by now, I don’t think she’s had another. She tweeted that it was a temporary tattoo, I must admit, I wondered if it was covering up something, but then again, a couple of weeks ago she appeared in a long red wig (which I didn’t think suited her, and was relieved to find the next week that she’d gone back to normal).
I wonder if that was the programme where she was very dry about David coming in drunk ?
I thought her daughter was about 5 by now, I don’t think she’s had another. She tweeted that it was a temporary tattoo, I must admit, I wondered if it was covering up something, but then again, a couple of weeks ago she appeared in a long red wig (which I didn’t think suited her, and was relieved to find the next week that she’d gone back to normal).
I wonder if that was the programme where she was very dry about David coming in drunk ?
Oh theres a group of people here who breastfeed their children to all ages! Little Britain used to do a sketch on it if you remember?
I wonder if that was the programme where she was very dry about David coming in drunk ?
I don’t remember that bit. It did start with her saying that she was drunk. The thing on her cheek this week was a pink flower made up of a lot of little beads, but you’re right, there was a dark black line underneath.
Stews can work OK but I agree trying to make soup would be a bit daft. You could roast/fry some of the ingredients beforehand to add flavour, but after that a microwave (or hob) makes much more sense. And for stew I think probably slow cooking is likely better (though again, you might use air frying to do trigger the Maillard reactions to add flavour).

They can be used much like a convection oven (with really strong convection). Some can do dehydration, so you can dry meats/veg/fruit at lowish temperature over quite a long time.
I had to google the Maillard reaction. I don’t brown my food. I even have very lightly cooked bacon. Bought a packet out the pound shop yesterday and threw it out. It had a horrible chemical taste.
I don’t remember that bit. It did start with her saying that she was drunk. The thing on her cheek this week was a pink flower made up of a lot of little beads, but you’re right, there was a dark black line underneath.
I never seen the beginning. She said in a different show about David coming home drunk. I’m sure he’s a lovely guy.
This was on my FB page. Free needles if post not allowed please remove. Read you get 5 free and people trying it got them on prescription. Someone said for type2


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@ColinUK I’ve just been thinking about your cooking situation.I have an actifry but again I only make chips in it. You can make anything in it, stews I don’t think I’d make soup in it. I sometimes make soup in the microwave in a good container. Then there’s the food ninja , it has two separate parts but don’t know if you can do stews or soups in it. I think I’d get fed up with roasted food. The food ninja is very popular. May be your microwave with grill and oven is the best idea. Sainsbury’s have a good selection of microwave pots
I can make soup in my blender as it’s a beast of a machine. It’s quite powerful enough to heat up a soup from raw ingredients just being whizzed around at speed.
Just have to double check the lid is on tight before blending anything!

I’ll probably end up buying something like the ninja grill combo thing or a combo steam microwave oven.
I can make soup in my blender as it’s a beast of a machine. It’s quite powerful enough to heat up a soup from raw ingredients just being whizzed around at speed.
Just have to double check the lid is on tight before blending anything!

I’ll probably end up buying something like the ninja grill combo thing or a combo steam microwave oven.
Sounds good. of course you could have a soup maker also. So much now on the market. I like the idea of that copper thing advertised on tv for omelettes , chicken and so on. Have had the experience of soup all over the place. Had a small pressure cooker blow up on me lucky I wasn’t burnt. Had to decorate the kitchen. I googled and it’s a copper king and other makes start at £23 but I’m not sure of shopzilla I’d use a better store. I think I’m going to buy one as I’ve about a dozen frying pans and I could get rid of most of them. I didn’t have a lot of worktop space
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Sounds good. of course you could have a soup maker also. So much now on the market. I like the idea of that copper thing advertised on tv for omelettes , chicken and so on. Have had the experience of soup all over the place. Had a small pressure cooker blow up on me lucky I wasn’t burnt. Had to decorate the kitchen.
Need I say more…

02:38 BS 7.2. AND I can’t Adam & Eve it! 😱 I woke up to a messy bed as my cycle has returned after a few days: changing the bed in the middle of the night is NEVER fun so, had breakfast first & then, changed the bed!😡 But, it DOES explain my rising BS towards the end of the day yesterday: I thought I might have caught a chill; a bit snuffly yesterday & coughing a bit! My cycles have done this sometimes in the past & is always heavier the 2nd time around & so it is this time! Usually when I get a cold: prolongs my cycle if in the middle of one; returns if a few days after one! :( I wonder why that is: is it the coughing? My BS is going to be erratic again!😱🙄

A Very early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Watched It Takes Two, while munching breakfast, & very sad to see Robert Webb withdrawing from Strictly due to health reasons after open heart surgery two years ago & his heart symptoms has returned! Aw! He was getting to be quite good! :(
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6.4 and wide awake at stupid o’clock this morning.

Work today in the office which is always fun apart from when it isn’t, and then straight into a conference with lawyers I’ll have to rush home for.
Journey from office to home is about 30 mins and I’ve got 25 from finishing work to when the Zoom call with lawyers starts so I’ll have to fly like the wind to make the start.

Finished watching Ridley Road last night on BBC iPlayer. Anyone else watched/watching it?

Tracey-Anne Oberman is a friend of mine and I know Eddie Marsden a little so it’s always a pleasure watching them do their thing. TAO is also going to play Shylock in a production of Merchant of Venice announced yesterday so that should be interesting. It’s not opening until 2023 so still quite some way off!
Anyway that is quite enough name dropping for one day. As Michael Caine once told me nobody likes a name dropper!

Got a chat (hopefully) later today about the promotion at work although it’s likely the chat won’t happen until we meet up for brunch and a weekend stroll.
Good morning everyone at not quite as stupid o'clock, but close.

BG 5.0 which is fine.

Silly question time.

I have fought hard, aimed squarely, not budged an inch from my set goals, focussed totally and directly on the one direction, for a year now. Got my weight down to 55.5Kg, D into unofficial remission, feel fit and well. All good....

But, I ended up looking gaunt, old, tired.

So I changed tack a few days ago and ate more, put on weight up to 56Kg and now look a lot better. Not gaunt. BG still spot on. Not as tired too.

So, to the it possible i have 'over done' things and might cause harm rather than good if I were to carry on in the same vein, and is it sensible for me to have changed my goal from 55.5Kg to 56Kg and now to relax my tight grip slightly. Would that possibly be the start of a slippery road back to D? I am terrified of screwing things up and ending up in a mess, but I do look a lot better right now.

Wife was still very good and well yesterday, even with the real intruder of the unpleasant kitchen fitter. Phew!!!
A nice early morning HS for me today. 🙂

Morning all. 9.8 for me. A high start but at least i stayed in target all night.

@ColinUK i've been watching Ridley Road. Enjoying it but only seen the first two parts so far..

@MeeTooTeeTwo congrats on the HS