Group 7-day waking average?

Are those like the Remoska I think they're called which they sell in Lakeland?
That's a real fancy-pants one with an even fancier price tag. The 1970's version were about £20 and the non-stick wore out very quickly, don't suppose those are much better in that regard. Don't see me paying £170 quid for a frypan.
Just spoken with the diabetes nurse. Things looking good at moment, She agreed I was right to eat at bedtime and that the 6.6 this morning wasn’t too high. Just need to experiment with the quantity a little. Being slightly over better than being low.
going to review on Tuesday ish unless things go awry over the weekend.
That's a real fancy-pants one with an even fancier price tag. The 1970's version were about £20 and the non-stick wore out very quickly, don't suppose those are much better in that regard. Don't see me paying £170 quid for a frypan.
Goodness, I don’t think they were anything like that when I bought my son his 12 years ago! However, that would still have been cheaper than paying the London rent on a larger flat with space for a full oven!😱😉
@ColinUK and @Robin all this talk of pans triggered a memory back to the eighties when we purchased a “dry pan”. Not electric just stove top, we got it for camping as apparently you could cook anything in it, including frozen chips, and make cakes ( I never tried that). I think it was quite good if I remember rightly. I’ve found a vintage one on eBay for £26!


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Late on today as just back from my review. I hadn't realised that it has been over a year since I was diagnosed. 11th September 2020. Doppler pulses and foot tickling all OK. Waist has dropped from 117cm a year ago to 91cm today! My weight has now stabilised around 13st 6lbs which I'm more than happy with. Now comes the anxious weight for my HbA1c result to come back from the lab.

After several days of feeling unwell and steadily rising BGs I feel a bit better today and managed a 6.1 at 06:28 this morning.

@MeeTooTeeTwo congrats on another HS!
@DuncanLord you don't seem happy with your 6.6 and comment better being slightly over than under, may I ask why? 6.6 isn't over, target is up to 7mmol on waking and you don't want to wake on the lower end of the scale often as it can increase the risk of losing hypo awareness, you are definitely too hard on yourself and need to loosen up a bit (I speak from being there myself for about 2 years) xx
@adrian1der Congrats that things were OK!
What are you expecting for HbA1c?
Hi @ColinUK Under 48 and I'll be happy. Under 42 and I'll be very happy!

I was thinking of you today. I'm working through the book "Brilliant Bread" and I'm just finishing the enriched dough section. Today's creation is a Challah. Traditionally was this for specific times or festivals or is it just a general bread?
@DuncanLord you don't seem happy with your 6.6 and comment better being slightly over than under, may I ask why? 6.6 isn't over, target is up to 7mmol on waking and you don't want to wake on the lower end of the scale often as it can increase the risk of losing hypo awareness, you are definitely too hard on yourself and need to loosen up a bit (I speak from being there myself for about 2 years) xx
I was not unhappy with the 6.6 this morning. As I knew it was in-target but also knew if I’d not had either the cream crackers or the toast I would possibly been more mid target. There again i had not gone too far up range or had I gone lower.
Its just experimenting with the effect of food against new regimen of insulin and also possibly many other factors which I don’t even know about. To be honest after the last few weeks of creeping into Hyper mode I’m glad that it’s about right.
@ColinUK and @Robin all this talk of pans triggered a memory back to the eighties when we purchased a “dry pan”. Not electric just stove top, we got it for camping as apparently you could cook anything in it, including frozen chips, and make cakes ( I never tried that). I think it was quite good if I remember rightly. I’ve found a vintage one on eBay for £26!
I keep a camping stove for emergencies as I’m electric for cooking
Good morning everyone. Very cold here. Heating on. Very dark here. Light on. At least it's not raining here....

BG 4.5 this morning. Again a bit low but ok.

I have an eye telephone consultation this evening at 18:50. It will be interesting to 'see' what the consultant says.

Am I the first up on the forum again this morning. Hmm and I was late getting up this morning too. Scary.

Oh and another good day for my wife. Three minor 'wobbles, but she recovered very quickly, which was good to see, but still staight into the 'intruders have done this' scene first though.

Lets hope today sees more improvement.
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Good morning 5.9 today
not to bad considering what I ate last night

Have a great day everybody
Morning all. 5.8 for me. I'm so glad its Friday, the end of a very long, tiring, stressful week.
Have a good day everyone.
@SueEK i hope your appointment went well yesterday
4.6 for me. No overnight hypo last night (ta-dah!!) but I did head one off with a single Lift tablet. Same Levemir dose but took it later and went to bed higher and ate late. Anyway, I am calling it a success! TIR is coming back up (88% this morning) and BG average is coming down a bit so I am feeling happier.
Farrier is coming this morning but going to have Rascal's shoes taken off and trimmed for the winter. He won't be happy! His attitude is big and bolshy with shoes on and "Oh Woe is me" barefoot but I won't be riding him through the winter so I am not wasting my money and the farrier's time and they are all worked off their feet at the moment. Thankfully the others are all quite happy without shoes and I can keep them trimmed myself.
Anyway, coffee is down the hatch so I need to skiddaddle up the hill.
Morning folks. :D 7.7 here.

Supposed to be sunny today, so hopefully OH can get the patio finished-ish. The smoking pavilion is up n running - hubby tried it out last night, and was very satisfied (both he and his cigarette stayed dry). 😎