Group 7-day waking average?

Good Morning All
@eggyg or should we call you Baldrick because of your ‘I have a cunning plan’.
@ColinUK Sounds like New Cooker Rewire and new kitchen. Decisions Decisions Decisions.
This morning a steady 6.8 so nearly the 6.2 of the bedtime result. The Basal Lantus must be about right. And all readings till I eat in the green. Just hope we can work out carb/ insulin ratios so I can get figures right for NovoRapid.
have a great day.
Now been stuck on M25 for over an hour. Only at Cobham servs 50 minutes from home, it’s taken four and a quarter hours, totally gridlocked. Appt was 9.30
Hopefully you both heal quickly.
Have you dosed up on arnica? It really speeds up healing from bruising and has the added benefit of making the bruises come out in the most spectacular colours!
We now life in a granny flat with very little kitchen room. We bought a panasonic 3 in 1 microwave/oven/grill and although it's noisy it does the job well. Never heard of arnica, goofle says it's a sort of sunflower.
Morning, 7:4 today. Funeral went well. It was a humanist funeral No prayers or hymns. We couldn’t place the music when we were seated. I thought it was Grandstand as he liked a flutter on the dogs and horses. It was the theme tune from Still Game! The closing music was Bring me Sunshine. I couldn’t hear the humanist person speaking very well and I thought he said a collection. Turns out it was reflection and all I could think of was I’ve only got a tenner with me and I’m not putting that in. Lol
Carol on BBC has just told me weather is going to be pouring today and a low of 7 c. I should have just switched her off but won’t change the weather. Have a good day whatever you’re doing!
Jeanette- sorry about your weather, I shall think of you as I sit at the cafe on Gold Hill (the hovis advert one) enjoying my lunch and looking out over the sunny Purbeck Hills looking towards Lulworth Cove and Kimmeridge.......
Now been stuck on M25 for over an hour. Only at Cobham servs 50 minutes from home, it’s taken four and a quarter hours, totally gridlocked. Appt was 9.30
Hopefully they'll clear it soon
A 6.1 for me at 05:39 this morning. I feel like I have a cold which might be why I'm running slightly high this week. Misty and cold first thing in West Berks, then some sunshine but the cloud is slowly filling in the patches of blue sky. According to the forecast it is going to get cloudier and cloudier during the day but it will hopefully stay dry as I need to walk to the farm shop for salmon, chicken, minced beef and minced pork.
I think it was something like 6.5 for me this morning, but woke up a bit later than usual and old sensor had just run out so initiated new sensor and of course had 60 mins warm up time right when I needed to be monitoring my levels closely for breakfast. 45 mins is the usual timing but at 35mins I started to feel hypo so scranned breakfast which was sitting waiting, straight away. Unfortunately it wasn't quite soon enough to prevent a hypo and I was supposed to be at the farm for Ian's farrier to get his horse in for shoeing as Ian out hunting, so I had to hot foot it up there under my own steam in the rain rather than take the Freelander. Of course the farrier arrived early so Ian rang to see where I was, as I was huffing and puffing the mile up the hill. Anyway, I got it all sorted in the end. Just waiting for my levels to even out so that I can do a calibration check on the new sensor. Hoping it is as good as the last one as that was probably the most accurate I have ever had.

@eggyg It is my understanding that a flatfish is one that skims in a nice steady line along the bottom of your range like the sea bed. Your overnight graph is better than a flatfish in my opinion because it is nice and steady mid range all night. I wonder if the slight dip is where you lay on that side for a short while. Anyway, congrats on your new toy and hope you find it as helpful as most of us do.... but not too addictive. How was the training? Always interesting to have the opportunity to meet and mix with other Type 1s.
I don’t use the lancing device. I just do it myself and have got used to it that way.
Well how do you draw blood, mini guillotine?
Got home 10 mins ago, out of the house for 8 and a quarter hours. I rang the imaging dept twice, once on their opening at 9 and again at 11.30 explaining the situation, twice they fitted me into other slots so we continued on our awful journey. Consultants nurse rang me to say the consultant would check my results when they were done and they would fit me in in the other hospital if anything further needed doing. 2 mins later I get a call from the fluoroscopy dept saying my appt was 9.30 and because I’m more than 15 mins late (no shit Shirley!!) that they would’t see me. I explained the situation and how I had rung twice and she said no that was the wrong clinic!! Then the nurse rang and was furious, at this point we were still an hour and a half away and had been on the road 6 hours. She is going to arrange for the senior radiologist to see me at my usual hospital so that they can do everything there, waiting for her call. Needless to say we just turned around and came back passing all the traffic still on the M25.
Now 2.30 and I’m at home, really upset and want to have a damn good cry but tears don’t come easy to me, I go numb instead. So fed up and expect you are all fed up of my moaning but 10 weeks down the line I’ve had enough. Going to have a huge Bacardi and coke tonight, maybe even later this afternoon!,
@Grannylorraine so pleased to hear your appt went well and hope all your results are normal.
@jeanettem1 glad the funeral went well.
Got home 10 mins ago, out of the house for 8 and a quarter hours. I rang the imaging dept twice, once on their opening at 9 and again at 11.30 explaining the situation, twice they fitted me into other slots so we continued on our awful journey. Consultants nurse rang me to say the consultant would check my results when they were done and they would fit me in in the other hospital if anything further needed doing. 2 mins later I get a call from the fluoroscopy dept saying my appt was 9.30 and because I’m more than 15 mins late (no shit Shirley!!) that they would’t see me. I explained the situation and how I had rung twice and she said no that was the wrong clinic!! Then the nurse rang and was furious, at this point we were still an hour and a half away and had been on the road 6 hours. She is going to arrange for the senior radiologist to see me at my usual hospital so that they can do everything there, waiting for her call. Needless to say we just turned around and came back passing all the traffic still on the M25.
Now 2.30 and I’m at home, really upset and want to have a damn good cry but tears don’t come easy to me, I go numb instead. So fed up and expect you are all fed up of my moaning but 10 weeks down the line I’ve had enough. Going to have a huge Bacardi and coke tonight, maybe even later this afternoon!,
@Grannylorraine so pleased to hear your appt went well and hope all your results are normal.
@jeanettem1 glad the funeral went well.
Oh Sue, what an awful day. Nothing I can say to make you feel better, but just issue a lot of ((( hugs))).
Today I woke up at 15, I didn’t get back to the green zone for nearly 3 hours so delayed breakfast. It was another bad night and I’m in a stressful situation lately so I assume that’s the cause. My green zone percentage was on average 92-97 but lately it’s in the 70s
@SueEK Liking you post only because I support your decision to have a large Bacardi and coke but why wait until tonight. Sounds like you need it now! Also pleased to hear that you have a nurse batting for you even if the other clinicians have been very unhelpful. Please continue to moan as much as you need to, because you certainly have just cause and it is better off out than building up pressure and resentment inside you. Really sympathize with your situation as I am sure everyone else does here and hoping you get some positive news soon, but these setbacks must be incredibly frustrating!
Today I woke up at 15, I didn’t get back to the green zone for nearly 3 hours so delayed breakfast. It was another bad night and I’m in a stressful situation lately so I assume that’s the cause. My green zone percentage was on average 92-97 but lately it’s in the 70s
If it is any consolation, my TIR has slumped into the 70s from the 90s as well. It is partly the time of year I think and it might be worth checking that your basal insulin doesn't need a tweak as many people have to notch it up at this time of year, as it gets cooler and the days shorter, but certainly stress and/or poor sleep will not help at all.
Hopefully we will both be back on track soon.
Good Morning All
@eggyg or should we call you Baldrick because of your ‘I have a cunning plan’.
@ColinUK Sounds like New Cooker Rewire and new kitchen. Decisions Decisions Decisions.
This morning a steady 6.8 so nearly the 6.2 of the bedtime result. The Basal Lantus must be about right. And all readings till I eat in the green. Just hope we can work out carb/ insulin ratios so I can get figures right for NovoRapid.
have a great day.
I answer to anything! Oi you, darling, mother, Mam, grandma, Eggy, Egg, Egg on Legs, Eggy Bread. Baldrick sounds good. What a great show that was.
I think it was something like 6.5 for me this morning, but woke up a bit later than usual and old sensor had just run out so initiated new sensor and of course had 60 mins warm up time right when I needed to be monitoring my levels closely for breakfast. 45 mins is the usual timing but at 35mins I started to feel hypo so scranned breakfast which was sitting waiting, straight away. Unfortunately it wasn't quite soon enough to prevent a hypo and I was supposed to be at the farm for Ian's farrier to get his horse in for shoeing as Ian out hunting, so I had to hot foot it up there under my own steam in the rain rather than take the Freelander. Of course the farrier arrived early so Ian rang to see where I was, as I was huffing and puffing the mile up the hill. Anyway, I got it all sorted in the end. Just waiting for my levels to even out so that I can do a calibration check on the new sensor. Hoping it is as good as the last one as that was probably the most accurate I have ever had.

@eggyg It is my understanding that a flatfish is one that skims in a nice steady line along the bottom of your range like the sea bed. Your overnight graph is better than a flatfish in my opinion because it is nice and steady mid range all night. I wonder if the slight dip is where you lay on that side for a short while. Anyway, congrats on your new toy and hope you find it as helpful as most of us do.... but not too addictive. How was the training? Always interesting to have the opportunity to meet and mix with other Type 1s.
Training was good. Four woman, all of an age, I was expecting to be the oldest but I wasn’t. Learnt quite a bit about it all. I did use Libre 1 up until 3 years ago so knew a bit. Happy with the alarm as it’s lows than mostly concern me when I’m out walking up fells etc. So that’ll be handy. Re the dip, I don’t usually lie on my right side as it’s too uncomfortable but who knows. I’ve “only” scanned about 35 times today! I’m new fangled! 😛
Got home 10 mins ago, out of the house for 8 and a quarter hours. I rang the imaging dept twice, once on their opening at 9 and again at 11.30 explaining the situation, twice they fitted me into other slots so we continued on our awful journey. Consultants nurse rang me to say the consultant would check my results when they were done and they would fit me in in the other hospital if anything further needed doing. 2 mins later I get a call from the fluoroscopy dept saying my appt was 9.30 and because I’m more than 15 mins late (no shit Shirley!!) that they would’t see me. I explained the situation and how I had rung twice and she said no that was the wrong clinic!! Then the nurse rang and was furious, at this point we were still an hour and a half away and had been on the road 6 hours. She is going to arrange for the senior radiologist to see me at my usual hospital so that they can do everything there, waiting for her call. Needless to say we just turned around and came back passing all the traffic still on the M25.
Now 2.30 and I’m at home, really upset and want to have a damn good cry but tears don’t come easy to me, I go numb instead. So fed up and expect you are all fed up of my moaning but 10 weeks down the line I’ve had enough. Going to have a huge Bacardi and coke tonight, maybe even later this afternoon!,
@Grannylorraine so pleased to hear your appt went well and hope all your results are normal.
@jeanettem1 glad the funeral went well.
What a palaver Sue. I’m not surprised you’re fed up and annoyed! Have a double Barcardi and Coke, you’ve got my permission. I hope you’re not too uncomfortable after sitting all that time. Big hugs.