Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Still pretty dark oop north even at 7.25. Anyhoo, a 7.2 on my brand new super sticky FreeStyle Libre 2. I even got an almost flatfish! Cool. 🙂

Off all the way down to Birmingham later for Mr Eggy’s brother’s funeral. We’re staying over as is one other brother and his wife, the other three brothers and wives are coming down tomorrow. That’ll be an early start for them. Can’t say I’m looking forward to it. In my opinion funerals are the pits. I’ve already told my family I don’t want one, compost heap or leave my body to medical science after taking out any usable bits, which I can’t imagine will be many, no wailing required. Each to their own though I suppose.

After all that doom and gloom, have a terrific Tuesday if you’re able and not stuck on the motorway, fighting legal battles or generally feeling pants. See you tomorrow. I’ll leave you with a couple of photos, one of my arm and one of my flatfish. And who says I never give you owt? 😉


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Hideous day yesterday.
Saving grace is that the friend and I who’d fallen out last week are now back being civil and that gives me hope we can rebuild the friendship.

Legal stuff still rumbling on. Adding another layer of lawyers to my team this week with a laser focused specialism which will likely be useful. Also the insurers who are underwriting the entire thing have said that they’re not going anywhere and are content to continue underwriting costs.

Other legal stuff: still no response from the SOIT officer who was a no show last Friday.
I’ve held off making a formal complaint because I’d rather know what’s happened to cause him to miss the appointment than cause grief however my intention today is to speak with an ISVA from SurvivorsUK and see what they advise. Also I really just want the VRI done and dusted so I can start to close this chapter. There may be others if it ends up that they do know who the assailant is and it goes to Court but at least this part can be done.

Oh and I scoffed trifle last night. Was in Waitrose and somehow a chocolate and sour cherry trifle just appeared in my trolley. I’ve honestly no idea how that happened but clearly it was trying to escape from the store so I didn’t have the heart to put it back in the fridge and leave it there.
So I took it home.
And ate it.

Feeling the consequences of that in my stomach and will do for a few hours yet I’m sure. Oddly though my BG reading this morning was a perfectly fine 5.8.
I was expecting upper end of the 7s after the trifle so redid the test twice more and got another 5.8 and a 5.9.
I’m not going to take that as an indication that I can revert to old eating habits however. But it’s good to know that my pancreas can cope with the odd bit of non bread abuse from time to time.

Other highlight from yesterday was seasoning an old cast iron skillet and deciding to go out today and treat myself to a good quality pan for use on the induction hob. Probably end up with something from Lodge or maybe De Buyer although Borough Kitchen did have some beautiful copper pans which are induction compatible. They look stunning but I can’t really justify the cost. Still it doesn’t cost anything to look and see how they feel in the hand and how well balanced they are…
I love seasoning my old cast iron baking trays, they look all shiny and new. Then I spend weeks afterwards cursing about hand washing them instead of bunging them in the dishwasher which causes them to need re seasoning, again! I’ve resisted putting them in the dishwasher so far since last seasoning though. I had a cunning plan, I just leave them lying around until Mr Eggy washes them! 😛
No it’s an accident and still haven’t moved
Seems wrong to like a post about an accident… but at least you know you’ll move eventually.
Morning @ColinUK I read a while ago that you were thinking of getting an accucheck mobile. I have one and love it, but the cassettes just became prohibitive - did you get one and did you find somewhere cheaper to get the strips from?
Morning. Decided to plough on with the SD Codefree for a while. Mainly the decision was made for me because nowhere has any stock of the Accu check mobile tbh.
I did find quite a few sellers on eBay with good deals on the cassettes though. A few looked viable and would come in at just about £10 per cassette with no additional p&p so they are out there.
I love seasoning my old cast iron baking trays, they look all shiny and new. Then I spend weeks afterwards cursing about hand washing them instead of bunging them in the dishwasher which causes them to need re seasoning, again! I’ve resisted putting them in the dishwasher so far since last seasoning though. I had a cunning plan, I just leave them lying around until Mr Eggy washes them! 😛
This particular skillet is ridged slightly so it’sa sort of half skillet half griddle thing. I rarely use it because it’s a pain but I’ve realised it’s because I used to take a Brillo pad to it to clean it and never seasoned it. Thought it deserved some love

How do you season yours? I used rice bran oil yesterday and it smelt wonderful. Induction hob struggled to get the oil to shimmering point though so might do it again later today. Any tips welcomed.
Morning all, 5.6 here. Managed to stay in range all day yesterday for the first time in a week, had one of those firefighting weeks where I kept getting stuck in double figures. It wasn’t my insulin, as I always came down eventually, and overnights were fine. Can’t even blame the flu jab, because looking back at my graphs, it started a couple of days before. Probably the change in the weather.
Morning all. :D 4.5 here.

What a chatty bunch this morning! I’ve grunted at OH a couple of times while you lot’ve been waxing lyrical about all sorts LOL. o_O😛 I hope you get going soon @SueEK. Lovely flat fish @eggyg. I hope the next few days aren’t too stressful. I’ve been using the SD for years @ColinUK and it’s always been fine. The beach is calling...
Morning all. :D 4.5 here.

What a chatty bunch this morning! I’ve grunted at OH a couple of times while you lot’ve been waxing lyrical about all sorts LOL. o_O😛 I hope you get going soon @SueEK. Lovely flat fish @eggyg. I hope the next few days aren’t too stressful. I’ve been using the SD for years @ColinUK and it’s always been fine. The beach is calling...
Issue wasn’t really ever with the meter but really more to do with the awful lancing device which came with it. Now I’ve switched to the FastClix it’s like a whole different world of no pain!
A nice round 5 for me this morning. 🙂

Hi I know this is probably the wrong place at least my sugars are dropping since getting COVID-19 I have no Idea how to read anyone's reply I'm getting quite confused since COVID-19 I've had no interest in food the lack of taste is alarming it's coming back but nothing taste the way it should I'm 6 feet 7inchs tall and all I've been managing to eat is one tin of soup and that's not every day and that's making me feel sick. Then yesterday I had ordered something from Amazon I don't get much sleep but got woken up by the driver saying he wanted a password what the hell I hadn't a clue I can stand but not for very long this was my wife's 50 birthday present I thought at least she will have something nice but no they took it away wasn't very good for my marrel . It seems they are now just putting passwords on for deliverys because people have said they have not received can't believe that.
How do I read message as I've had a few respond
Neil- As a suggestion, get in touch with your local NHS responder team. I'm a volunteer for them and we respond to situations such as you are now finding yourself. The "GoodSam" app on a smartphone will give all the info.
Best wishes Tony.
This particular skillet is ridged slightly so it’sa sort of half skillet half griddle thing. I rarely use it because it’s a pain but I’ve realised it’s because I used to take a Brillo pad to it to clean it and never seasoned it. Thought it deserved some love

How do you season yours? I used rice bran oil yesterday and it smelt wonderful. Induction hob struggled to get the oil to shimmering point though so might do it again later today. Any tips welcomed.
Can you put the skillet in the oven? I lightly coat my baking tray with olive oil. Place it upside down on a foil wrapped oven tray, and “ cook” it for an hour on low. It comes up a treat.
A flat 7.0 for me today. Another of the lovely Jane's "little run out" to Shaftesbury today. Charge the electric car at the Tesco podpoints for the return journey while we have lunch at the Salt Cellar cafe at the top of Gold Hill then a bit of a walk to ease our aching muscles after our falls over the week-end. The lovely Jane came off worse than I, with severe bruising to her knees and right elbow. I really felt my own bruising on my cycle ride over Hengistbury Head yesterday. The trials of old age eh!
Can you put the skillet in the oven? I lightly coat my baking tray with olive oil. Place it upside down on a foil wrapped oven tray, and “ cook” it for an hour on low. It comes up a treat.
Ooh all the advice I’ve seen is specifically not to use olive oil. Far too low a burning point. Staub and others suggest using “vegetable” oil but that’s mostly oilseed rape these days hence why I plumped for the rice bran oil. It’s got a really high burning point.

Also can’t put De Buyer skillets in the oven for longer than 10 minutes at 200. Something about the manufacturing process they use.

It’s entirely academic whether it can go in the oven or not at the moment because I don’t currently have a working oven.
The cooker blows the main fuse and there’s no point replacing the cooker until the flat is ready to be rewired and the electrician isn’t available for a while.
Also the question then comes up of if the place is being rewired and a new cooker bought then is that the right time to rip out the kitchen….

Meanwhile I’m cooking on a one ring induction hob. Everything. On the one ring.
I’m even thinking about picking up perhaps a halogen oven or a combi meecrowavee or something as a stop gap.
A flat 7.0 for me today. Another of the lovely Jane's "little run out" to Shaftesbury today. Charge the electric car at the Tesco podpoints for the return journey while we have lunch at the Salt Cellar cafe at the top of Gold Hill then a bit of a walk to ease our aching muscles after our falls over the week-end. The lovely Jane came off worse than I, with severe bruising to her knees and right elbow. I really felt my own bruising on my cycle ride over Hengistbury Head yesterday. The trials of old age eh!
Hopefully you both heal quickly.
Have you dosed up on arnica? It really speeds up healing from bruising and has the added benefit of making the bruises come out in the most spectacular colours!
Colin UK I had to laugh 'exceptionally fit'...I wish. Fitter than I used to be and my pulse has always been on the low side, even when very unfit!!!

Aghh!! It's just started to rain and I can't walk to the hospital appointment in the rain and arrive soaking wet. I leave at 12pm. Lets hope it stops before then.
6.1 today, so an improvement, woke up early so went out for a nice 10k run.

Best wishes to @SueEK for your appointment if you ever make it, and @Gwynn for yours.

My appointment went well yesterday, but have to have a biopsy now, so waiting for that appointment to come through, have a scan booked for Saturday, and still waiting for the results of the bloods I had taken last week.

Taking mum for her Covid booster jab today, which is only a short walk from where she lives, but past a bakers that sells delicious cakes, so must resist the temptation.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning, 7:4 today. Funeral went well. It was a humanist funeral No prayers or hymns. We couldn’t place the music when we were seated. I thought it was Grandstand as he liked a flutter on the dogs and horses. It was the theme tune from Still Game! The closing music was Bring me Sunshine. I couldn’t hear the humanist person speaking very well and I thought he said a collection. Turns out it was reflection and all I could think of was I’ve only got a tenner with me and I’m not putting that in. Lol
Carol on BBC has just told me weather is going to be pouring today and a low of 7 c. I should have just switched her off but won’t change the weather. Have a good day whatever you’re doing!
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