Group 7-day waking average?

I’m not too worried just now about the volcano en La Palma it’s is quite far from Lanzarote but if it sets off a chain reaction , which is very possible, last time it erupted it was in isolation. Today’s news wasn’t so good for residents because a few more fissures have opened up and gasses emitted are quite bad. I will just have to wait and see. My accommodation bookings can be cancelled up to December 10 th but the flight is different. That’s why I’m hesitant to book it just now.
If it sets off a chain reaction in the Canaries then we’re all screwed pretty much. The islands include some truly massive volcanoes and if the wrong one goes then half of which island it is I can’t recall but it’s likely to collapse into the Atlantic causing a tidal wave of truly biblical proportions.
6.6 this morning. Was surprised that I wasn’t in the 5s so double checked and yup 6.6.

Off for a little walk/run thing before work.
Morning all. :D 6.1 here.

Picking up my Tresiba cartridges today, so I’ll be able to give myself 😛 9 and a half units 😛 tonight - hopefully that’ll solve the 9’s too little, 10’s too much problem.

It’s shepherds’ warning in our household @eggyg LOL. Enjoy your walk!
We say “red sky at night, shepherds delight, red sky in morning, sailors warning.” It’s all a load of tosh anyways, it’ll do what it wants to do regardless of sailors or shepherds or Carole from the BBC!
Morning all and 4.9 it was for me despite yesterday being one of those days when your BG levels have absolutely no correlation with the carbs/insulin. Seems to have righted itself now.

Have a good day everyone.
@MeeTooTeeTwo - congrats on your HS

@ColinUK - I use the OYG app by Davina it has loads of classes as well as yoga, although I mainly do the yoga as I run 4 times a week.

6.4 for me today, so the trip into the 5s didn't last long.

Have a good week everyone.
If it sets off a chain reaction in the Canaries then we’re all screwed pretty much. The islands include some truly massive volcanoes and if the wrong one goes then half of which island it is I can’t recall but it’s likely to collapse into the Atlantic causing a tidal wave of truly biblical proportions.
It is the one on La Palma. I remember seeing a TV prog about it some years ago, so I just googled it. Sometime in the next couple of thousand years, apparently, though this article from 2014 says the volcano only erupts every 200yrs, and last did so in 1949. So it’s somewhat ahead of schedule…
Catching up from the weekend. Congrats to @ColinUK for the HS over the weekend and to @MeeTooTeeTwo for today.

I managed a brace of 5.9s on Saturday and Sunday and a 4.9 at 05?:43 this morning. Looking out of the window we have clear blue skies and sunshine but somehow I don't think it is going to last.
Morning All
A 8.2 for me this morning after another day of highs and feeling a little crap.
glad I’ve got the appointment this afternoon at the Diabetes Clinic.
Well done @MeeTooTeeTwo on that elusive number.
Have a great day and I’ll let you know later how much more insulin I need or the type of that changes. I was tempted over the weekend of changing dose myself but resisted as I have face to face today.

9.2 after a few too many Lifts, got carried away writing out all my passwords hence the lateness

@Barfly not all of Scotland is doing better, trust me! lol

Well just saw my grandad's face for the first time since March, only from the window though, he was putting mums birthday card through the door for tomorrow while he was down at the post office for his pension, wasn't allowed to open the window and chat though as mum said it was too cold, I do so wish I wasn't the way I am cause I love my grandad to bits but see him even more of a risk since he decided to change to being exempt from wearing a face covering xx
If it sets off a chain reaction in the Canaries then we’re all screwed pretty much. The islands include some truly massive volcanoes and if the wrong one goes then half of which island it is I can’t recall but it’s likely to collapse into the Atlantic causing a tidal wave of truly biblical proportions.
yes I know this. It will set off other volcanoes around the world. I seen the programme with the geologist McIntyre and it could be pretty horrendous stuff. Here’s hoping it’s in isolation like the last tine. The islands volcanoes seem to go off independently without the others. They have very strict monitoring. Timanfaya erupted the last time, over 100 years ago, all the fish surrounding the island of Lanzarote had died from the gasses emitted from the volcano before it erupted. Timanfaya is still an active volcano. I remember my first time in Tenerife and waking up and wondering why I choose to sleep under a volcano. That ones called Tiiede
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9.2 after a few too many Lifts, got carried away writing out all my passwords hence the lateness

@Barfly not all of Scotland is doing better, trust me! lol

Well just saw my grandad's face for the first time since March, only from the window though, he was putting mums birthday card through the door for tomorrow while he was down at the post office for his pension, wasn't allowed to open the window and chat though as mum said it was too cold, I do so wish I wasn't the way I am cause I love my grandad to bits but see him even more of a risk since he decided to change to being exempt from wearing a face covering xx
Hi I posted yiu a message somewhere last night. I get confused with all the forums
Hi I posted yiu a message somewhere last night. I get confused with all the forums
Yeah I responded to it, its in the what did you eat yesterday thread xx
Good morning 6:4 for me today. I thought it would have been higher as my diet was awful yesterday. Pasta , potatoes and bread as I’m not feeling too good after pain meds increased 2 weeks ago. I’ve not been out the house since Thursday and dozing off all the time. I need permission and help to bring it back down as it’s an opioid
It is the one on La Palma. I remember seeing a TV prog about it some years ago, so I just googled it. Sometime in the next couple of thousand years, apparently, though this article from 2014 says the volcano only erupts every 200yrs, and last did so in 1949. So it’s somewhat ahead of schedule…
Ty I’ve bookmarked it for later.Will get back to you. Might read it in cafe Nero. I need to go out today. Running out of essentials. In saying that I could probably eat for a month without buying anything in the food stores.
7.3 this am. After 10.9 at bedtime....maybe the pizza my son made last night, although a fairly healthy one with sourdough.
Beaut morning today, sunshine and lighter winds in Poole until the forecast gales again tonight at 51mph. only a high of 15deg. Don't understand why Scotland is doing better, topsy-turvy weather this October.
11 c this morning and forecast rain. Not so good
Did another 5km very slow run this morning and BG hasn't moved one iota! I thought it would come down but nope there it is still stubbornly at 6.6.