Group 7-day waking average?

I feel my celebration was premature. I'm having what is supposed to be a withdrawal bleed, which is ridiculously heavy. I've just ruined my new dress, and I've had to take tranexamic acid which sent my readings up into the 12s before :(
Oh no!! I hope it eases soon and your levels settle
I feel my celebration was premature. I'm having what is supposed to be a withdrawal bleed, which is ridiculously heavy. I've just ruined my new dress, and I've had to take tranexamic acid which sent my readings up into the 12s before :(
That’s rubbish. I feel for you. Unfortunately I’ve been there and done that too. Once ruined an office chair! Thank goodness that’s all behind me now. Hope the drugs sort you out ASAP. Hugs.
Morning or rather afternoon a 7.8 for me.

Have a good day all.
We got stuck in Egypt when the Iceland volcano erupted 11years ago and all airspace shut down. We were on a Nile cruise, booked in good time so we thought prior to my daughter's due date but she gave birth 6 weeks premature and we were stuck there for an extra week.
We were able to stay on the boat because they were not getting the new passengers on board but it became rather boring as we had seen all the sights and done the trips on shore. And it did not feel particularly safe to go wondering off on your own. As they say best laid plans.
And the volcano! 😱
I’m not too worried just now about the volcano en La Palma it’s is quite far from Lanzarote but if it sets off a chain reaction , which is very possible, last time it erupted it was in isolation. Today’s news wasn’t so good for residents because a few more fissures have opened up and gasses emitted are quite bad. I will just have to wait and see. My accommodation bookings can be cancelled up to December 10 th but the flight is different. That’s why I’m hesitant to book it just now.
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We got stuck in Egypt when the Iceland volcano erupted 11years ago and all airspace shut down. We were on a Nile cruise, booked in good time so we thought prior to my daughter's due date but she gave birth 6 weeks premature and we were stuck there for an extra week.
We were able to stay on the boat because they were not getting the new passengers on board but it became rather boring as we had seen all the sights and done the trips on shore. And it did not feel particularly safe to go wondering off on your own. As they say best laid plans.
That’s a shame and you couldn’t be home for your daughter. The Icelandic volcano eruption affected everywhere with ash and planes were grounded everywhere. When you’re ready to come home from a holiday it can be very boring. I’m just playing it by ear just now. Just googled. It’s just over10 hours from Arrecife to La Palma by ferry and has to pass Tenerife. Friends came home last week from Tenerife and flights etc weren’t disrupted. I just escaped the Calima the last time I was there. I seen a little one on the horizon. The heat is dreadful and air is almost unbreathable. I got home and the islands were covered in sand and you have to stay indoors during a Calima because of respiratory problems. It’s quite an experience just because of the heat beforehand. In Rome when I was there 3 earthquakes moved the Colosseum and my bed moved (no witty comments lol ) that evening. I was accused by the manager of the hotel of breaking off the toilet door in the afternoon ( I can laugh now) before the earthquakes happened.. I was so glad I was leaving Rome that day.
03/10/21 22:26 BS 6.7! 😱 A bit higher BUT, it’s still yet another A HAH!!! Lightbulb emoji as I had actually gone to bed around 3pm after a delayed 12:00 LR dose of only 72, YES! 72 units, & I STILL woke to a decent in the range figure! Wow!😱:D😛😉

I had a much shorter day than I thought I would yesterday as I actually COULDA WOULDA SHOULDA, as the saying goes, slept a bit longer the day before that as I clearly still need more recharging of my batteries, as it were! 🙄

After the reduction in LR at 10pm, from 78 to 76, & still waking a smidge bit lower than a HS this morning, technically as it’s still before midnight as I type this, on BS 5.1 I had my breakfast with another instinctual reduction of NR, from 40 to 36, for 3 cups of tea with milk & honey & 2 salmon paste sandwiches. Well, my BS was a bit higher at the 2 hours mark 09:31 BS 12.4. 10am LR 10:05 BS 10.0 that’s still quite a drop in half an hour so, I decided to wait a bit longer to see where I finish at before putting LR in for a clearer picture…..

Slight pause of midnight alarm going off just now for LR of 74 I’ve decided to try & I’ll tell you why after I get back!……

Now, then, where was I?

…..A delay of another 2 hours to midday! 12:08 BS 10.1 about the same & I decided to try 74 units BUT, there were only 72 left in the pen & I was surprised by how tired I felt by then,, as it had already started to creep up on me over the last 2 hours& wanted to sleep so, couldn’t be bothered to go to the kitchen fridge & back for 2 units! So, I thought I’d give it a go & see what happens? I then, threw in the towel & went to bed but, the 72 worried at me from the back of my mind 15:16 BS 10.1 😱 It’s still holding steady, was so relieved & exhausted so, dropped off to sleep like a baby & I wake in the 6’s!:D

Just had breakfast & kept the dose of 36 for exactly the same breakfast as above! Midnight LR 74 in first as I’m going to be awake for a while now & maybe lucked out with 72 earlier as I slept through most of it! Then, just shy of the 90 minutes mark at 1 hour & 28 minutes after NR 00.06 BS 15.1 higher than I’d like as I may not have peaked yet but, I’ll see what happens over the next few hours? 🙄

A Very Good Morning, coming up, to all of you & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Just watching the dance off while I was munching breakfast & broke off as the dance off is about to start to post this! Now going to finish watching it to see who survives? 🙄
Well I think I am taking the accolade for being first this morning. I crashed just after 8pm and woke at 3.30am ready to start the day.
Disappointing 8.1 for me. I was really tempted to increase my Levemir last night as my levels had been high all afternoon despite doing a lot of physical work which was made so much harder by those 9s and 10s (felt like I had lead weights on my ankles and wrists) but didn't want to inject a correction in case the physical activity suddenly dropped me. I am guessing that is why I crashed early.... just worn out! Anyway, I was worried that my muscles would reduce my levels whilst I slept as they normally do and I was a little over generous with my bolus insulin, so I shied away from the night time Levemir increase. Will be adding yet another unit to my morning dose though and my evening one tonight. Very disappointing result when I worked so hard yesterday.

Anyway, hope everyone has a good day. I have a dental appointment this afternoon. It has only taken 3.5 months from my check up to get an appointment to fix a cracked tooth.... and I am a private patient!! Just as well it wasn't giving me too much grief.
Woke at 4am. Shut eyes for 2 minutes 'rest', re-woke at 5am. Eh???

BG 4.4 this morning. Very low for me but still ok. Retested a few minutes later to see which way things were going and it was climbing albeit very slowly.

Major revamp of App home page this morning. Really, I am putting off changing the recipe calculator algorithms cos its likely to be a bit tough.

Got out for a walk yesterday for 90 minutes. Cold and very windy but I managed to dodge the rain. I just got back to the pier when it rained hard. Got home dry. Phew.

Finishing off the 'trimmings' of the new kitchen light this morning before breakfast. Then its on to designing one more shelf cupboard thing at my wifes request.

Have a great day everyone. Chatting on this forum is a real life line for me. Thank you everyone for your interesting and helpful messages.
Morning all. After yet another day of massive fluctuations and an overnight high, i've woke to a 9.4. No idea what is going on and feel like i'm firefighting atm. I just hope it stops soon.
4.7 and gave in and put the heating on :(
Morning all and back into sixland with a 6.6, clickety click! I must say I’m surprised after a whopping 11.4 at bedtime. Didn’t do a correction. I have absolutely no idea why it would be so high.

It’s not raining at the minute, we have had some rain these last few days, the river will be overflowing I would imagine. Going out for a walk today so will see. Haven’t been out walking for a week. Just looking out now and the sky is turning red. Red sky in morning, sailors warning! Ah well, pac-a-mac dusted off.

Have a Happy Monday all. 🙂
Morning all. :D 6.1 here.

Picking up my Tresiba cartridges today, so I’ll be able to give myself 😛 9 and a half units 😛 tonight - hopefully that’ll solve the 9’s too little, 10’s too much problem.

It’s shepherds’ warning in our household @eggyg LOL. Enjoy your walk!
Morning all, 6.7 here. Off to do the weekly shop in a mo, running the gauntlet of the school buses and the four way traffic lights just up from us. (tried to be clever and dodge the lights by driving out the other way through the village centre on Saturday, and got stuck behind the service bus which couldn’t get past a badly parked car. The roads round here were designed for horses and carts)
7.3 this am. After 10.9 at bedtime....maybe the pizza my son made last night, although a fairly healthy one with sourdough.
Beaut morning today, sunshine and lighter winds in Poole until the forecast gales again tonight at 51mph. only a high of 15deg. Don't understand why Scotland is doing better, topsy-turvy weather this October.
A huge unsurprising 7.8 today. Dinner at daughters yesterday, lasagne, curly chips, salad, coleslaw and loads of garlic bread. I just went for it and it was delicious, naughty naughty so must be good today. Petrol stations are now only open overnight as queues have been completely blocking roads, roundabouts etc, doesn’t seem to be improving in this area at all.
Hope you all have a good day x
Ta-da! Earlier I got the magic number. 🙂