Group 7-day waking average?

I don’t have a bread maker.
Google “low carb bread recipes” and there’s loads which come up. Also look at High Falutin’ Low Carb on YouTube as he tests recipes to determine which ones he finds the best.

I’m not a fan of cloud bread but am a fan of this recipe which is in the Low Carb Diabetes Cookbook…
Thanks Colin I’ll check it out
Morning all. :D 3.7 here.

I hope today goes quickly and your head is back on the pillow ASAP @freesia - nothing worse than being tired. Drive carefully!

Our badger visited us again last night and dug the same great big hole in one of my beds - they make such a mess o_O - so today’s a day for lots of chin rubbing and working out how to have a nice garden that’s also badger-friendly.

Just a thought! If you want a badger friendly garden AND if it dug the same big hole , it might want a hole in your bed.
Why not just put up a sign, ‘Badger Hole’ and leave that bed undeveloped.
Is it trying to develop like the children’s sandpit.
Perhaps it just likes digging in your flower bed?
Lol. Lol. Lol.
Perhaps you can tell I’m not a gardener!
Do you know I’ve never had a scotch egg!

And thank you and everyone for welcoming me back, although I’d never really gone away. With everything that’s been going on I just didn’t have brain space for the diabetes stuff so cut back on testing and on control. Getting things back in order now is a hugely positive thing and it’s part of the healing process.
You’ve never had a Scotch egg? Wow! Are they are northern thing maybe? I once made crab meat Scotch quails eggs. Posh as owt me! 😉
You’ve never had a Scotch egg? Wow! Are they are northern thing maybe? I once made crab meat Scotch quails eggs. Posh as owt me! 😉

Is there a difference between Scottish quails and English Quails. Unless one wears a kilt!

Perhaps Welsh Quails eggs have to be wrapped in lamb or mutton?
You know how the Welsh are rumoured to like sheep.
Sorry that’s my Lancastrian humour coming out.
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I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t have went all Kim Kardashan! What a waste of a good hair do and tash waxing!
And hours with a professional make up artist. She got headlines and that’s what she’s after I guess.
You’ve never had a Scotch egg? Wow! Are they are northern thing maybe? I once made crab meat Scotch quails eggs. Posh as owt me! 😉
Didn’t grow up in a sausage eating home so even now I don’t really trust sausages and as scotch eggs are sausage meat I just don’t think about eating them. And that’s before we get to the whole issue of most of them being pork based.
Do you know I’ve never had a scotch egg!

And thank you and everyone for welcoming me back, although I’d never really gone away. With everything that’s been going on I just didn’t have brain space for the diabetes stuff so cut back on testing and on control. Getting things back in order now is a hugely positive thing and it’s part of the healing process.
I think traditionally the stuff encasing the egg would have been pork sausagemeat which would rule it out for you? These days it can be anything you wish, within reason! If you google Tom Kerridge scotch eggs you get recipes for salt cod ones and venison.
Just a thought! If you want a badger friendly garden AND if it dug the same big hole , it might want a hole in your bed.
Why not just put up a sign, ‘Badger Hole’ and leave that bed undeveloped.
Is it trying to develop like the children’s sandpit.
Perhaps it just likes digging in your flower bed?
Lol. Lol. Lol.
Perhaps you can tell I’m not a gardener!
Great suggestions @DuncanLord - you’re right, there’s no point filling in the hole, it’s a case of learning to live with it. It likes digging for roots in that spot, so that spot shall remain plant-free. I might even put up a sign, like you suggest - Badger Snack Hole This Way, in case it gets lost. You should see the entrance to the sett - it’s massive! I was hoping for bees, butterflies and the odd hedgehog, not great big badger beasts. o_O :D
Have you tried things like scotch bonnet chilli peppers chopped and sprinkled near entrances?
Entrances the badger uses to get into the garden rather than any other kind of entrance! Citronella also is reported to work as is human male pee.
The folks had a badger set nearby and tried the chilli pepper thing and it worked but only once they’d used scotch bonnets so it must be something to do with the strength on the Scoville scale which matters.
We’re living with it / them (haven’t seen how many) for the time being. My husband thinks “it’s cool” but I’m a bit more “let’s get rabies jabs, just in case” LOL.

PS I’m going nowhere near their ‘entrances’. 😉
Never had a scotch egg either, certainly shan’t start now!
Gosh you're all missing out on the gloriousness of scotch eggs.

My waking reading was 11.8 which made me feel a bit faily. Had some cheesecake last night for husband's birthday and I guess that was the results. Been in the 10s all day long too so guess it's just one of those days.
Didn’t grow up in a sausage eating home so even now I don’t really trust sausages and as scotch eggs are sausage meat I just don’t think about eating them. And that’s before we get to the whole issue of most of them being pork based.
I wrote my previous post before you posted this, but it refused to post for ages, should have checked!
Never had a scotch egg. Mainly because I can't cope with egg white and am none too fond of sausage meat.

Prefer chocolate eclairs.
Is there a difference between Scottish quails and English Quails. Unless one wears a kilt!

Perhaps Welsh Quails eggs have to be wrapped in lamb or mutton?
You know how the Welsh are rumoured to like sheep.
Sorry that’s my Lancastrian humour coming out.
A haggis covered egg works too, that’s a real Scotch egg! Yummy! PS I’m half Scots, I eat haggis every week.
Didn’t grow up in a sausage eating home so even now I don’t really trust sausages and as scotch eggs are sausage meat I just don’t think about eating them. And that’s before we get to the whole issue of most of them being pork based
Sausages to me are a thing of beauty. But they must be Cumberland sausage, made in Cumbria. Had some Devon sausages on our holidays ( from a proper butcher too) and they fell to pieces! I didn’t know Jews didn’t eat pork, or is it just non kosher pork you don’t eat? My dearly departed Uncle Feroz was a Muslim and never ate pork obviously and I remember in the 70s my parents having a party and nibbles, we had to make sure we didn’t put out any Tudor gammon crisps which were all the rage back then. I somehow think they had never been within a mile of a pig!
Never had a scotch egg either, certainly shan’t start now!
The ones you buy in supermarkets are dry and tasteless but properly made the egg is runny and covered in good quality sausage meat, crab meat, haggis, black pudding. I’m not selling it am I? 😛
The ones you buy in supermarkets are dry and tasteless but properly made the egg is runny and covered in good quality sausage meat, crab meat, haggis, black pudding. I’m not selling it am I? 😛
I don’t mind sausages and love crab and egg but still not fancying one - good try though lol x
Been AWOL and busy at work. It’s manic!
Anyways a 5.5 at 6.32am. Then 4.5 and lower all day on the up now to a whopping 6.9. maybe justify a couple of biscuits!

5 weeks tomorrow @freesia !