Group 7-day waking average?

6.3 at 9:00am Had a lie-in yawn.... Granddaughter wore me out yesterday, trip to Southampton and the New Forest after. She then spotted the funfair at Christchurch Quay.....expensive spotting at £20. 72mile round trip, cost me about 40p in the electric car. Poole is bathed in beautiful sunshine this morning a few white fluffy clouds make it a perfect day, 19 with a 4mph breeze from the West; so off on the bike to Hengistbury Head. Hope there won't be too many grockles left now.
Morning all 6.6 for me today not sure why my be over excited with my Hba1c result goodybags keep testing I am still eating my cheddars thanks for the tip ,sue hope all goes well tomorrow ,am out with the grandkids today hope the rain stays off
Morning all and it was a 6.0 although Had I not gone back to sleep at 04:00 I could have claimed a house special.

Looks like my basal is going up to its winter levels as adjustments being made frequently.

Have a good day everyone.
I don’t understand this at all!
Having had 3 days totally in range before dinner last night went to 9.9. Dropped to 7.0 by bed time and then back to a silly 12.1 on waking this morning.
Ketones this morning 0.1 so probably not too much to worry about.
Anything eaten, unless pure fats or protein contains carbs.
As far as I know Type 1’s can eat a mixture of foods and the insulin put in helps balance AND the body needs insulin to exercise.
If I eat anything up will go the BG levels. If nothing or no carbs eaten. HYPO
Hospital say an active male should eat about 1800 to 2000 calories a day. I’m on about a 1000.
All dietians say is eat a balanced meal with more veg than carbs and protein. Vegetables contain carbs
Diabetes nurses say figures look right and 1 unit morn and night is correct.
If this continues for another 12 months I’ll have died of starvation.
Sorry to say all this, as friends locally, have not got a clue about Type1. They just spout on about losing weight and problems stop. Or got to cut out Carbs.
I’ve not got a clue. Perhaps it’s just ‘luck’. Or whatever letter you wish to put at the beginning.
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@DuncanLord, how good are you with sums and statistics? If you know about these things than you could look at your waking readings and estimate the probability of a 12 on waking arising out of the random variability you might expect in those readings. Only then can you opine on how silly it was, if indeed it was silly at all. 😉

Either that or just put it down to one of those things and think a bit harder only if it becomes a routine.
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My brain must be going. I am sure I posted this morning. Looking back through the posts, obviously not.

So, at 4:30 this morning BG 5.5

Made a pizza for our lunch. It was really good too. Only a quarter of it for lunch though. Just had the final bit for my tea.

Made some flapjack in the late afternoon. Used a mix of large oats and fine and used a mix of soft brown sugar and muscovado sugar. It tastes absolutely fabulous and the texture is spot on.

Photgraphed the making of both recipes.

Went for a 2 hour walk this morning too.

A good day. Wife was happier too.
I don’t understand this at all!
Having had 3 days totally in range before dinner last night went to 9.9. Dropped to 7.0 by bed time and then back to a silly 12.1 on waking this morning.
Ketones this morning 0.1 so probably not too much to worry about.
Anything eaten, unless pure fats or protein contains carbs.
As far as I know Type 1’s can eat a mixture of foods and the insulin put in helps balance AND the body needs insulin to exercise.
If I eat anything up will go the BG levels. If nothing or no carbs eaten. HYPO
Hospital say an active male should eat about 1800 to 2000 calories a day. I’m on about a 1000.
All dietians say is eat a balanced meal with more veg than carbs and protein. Vegetables contain carbs
Diabetes nurses say figures look right and 1 unit morn and night is correct.
If this continues for another 12 months I’ll have died of starvation.
Sorry to say all this, as friends locally, have not got a clue about Type1. They just spout on about losing weight and problems stop. Or got to cut out Carbs.
I’ve not got a clue. Perhaps it’s just ‘luck’. Or whatever letter you wish to put at the beginning.
It may be that you are coming to the end of your honeymoon period and a mixed insulin is not doing you any favours and to a certain extent, you are selecting food and doing exercise to keep your BG levels in range..... For example, you should not have to go out for a run at midnight as you did the other day to bring your levels down. Similarly, you should not have to eat just 1000cals a day to try to keep your levels in range. The nurses will say that your insulin doesn't need increasing (or changing to a basal bolus system) if you keep doing these things to try to keep your levels in range, but sooner or later you are going to need to reduce your carbs further and exercise 24/7 to keep levels in check which is clearly impossible. Basically you are trying to manage your diabetes mostly through diet and exercise and whilst this may work in the short term in the beginning, when your pancreas is still able to produce some insulin to help out, it isn't sustainable longer term with Type 1 and you will need probably considerably more insulin sooner or later. Whilst losing weight is good if you need to, and you have done a fantastic job with that, it might be worth starting to eat more normally and letting your levels rise so that your insulin doses are increased and hopefully you can get onto a basal/bolus insulin regime which will allow you more flexibility with your diet. Not sure if I have explained that very well, but I think you are creating a situation where the nurses are not seeing the full picture, because you are reducing your carb intake and doing exercise to keep levels in range rather than living "normally" and letting them see that you need more insulin.

If you get levels in the mid teens for a week then they will increase your insulin which is most likely what you need and hopefully swap you over onto a basal/bolus system.... do keep pushing them for that.... as it will enable you to be more flexible with your food.
Don’t go hungry @DuncanLord! My first DSN was happy for me to be hungry all the time, but I was miserable and unable to function. I don’t think she really understood this. Also, it sounds like your DSN is confusing you with a Type 2 diabetic. Maybe it’d help to read, eg, Gary Scheiner’s book “Think Like a Pancreas”. I learned a lot more than my first endo and DSN could teach me by reading, reading, reading after dx. I hope things improve for you soon!
Morning all. Joining the early risers with a 6.7 today. Which is a miracle as I’ve just realised I didn’t inject my Levemir last night, nor take a BG reading. 😱 I must have just taken myself off to bed without a thought! It isn’t something I make a habit of and have no idea why. Let’s see how today pans out.

Off home today. We’ve had a great 16 days away but we’re both ready for the comforts of our own bed, and the dishwasher, and the four slice toaster, and the power shower! Wonder how big the courgettes are?🙄

See you all tomorrow, have a great day. 🙂
Looking for something to do with my glut of cucumbers, there is a limit to the amount of pickled cucs you can eat, I found my book Making the most of your Glorious Glut by Jackie Sherman. At least 30 recipes for courgettes and quite a few for cucumbers, not sure I fancy cold cucumber soup or baked cucumbers but some sound worth a try.
Up before the lark and a 7.9 this early morning. Off to the hospital for tests/scans.
Have a good day all - I hope I do!! X
Good morning 5.7 today

have great day everybody 😎
I thought I would try to be first this morning after yesterday's miss. Whoops failed.

BG 4.8

Weight still stable at around 55.5 Kg (actually, this morning it is spot on)

One minor concern my pulse seems to be continuing to be erratically low. It has always bern on the low side but recently it has been under ('over') the warning threshold at 52bpm. I mentioned this before to the doctor who seemed not to be concerned in the slightest.

Blood pressure is fine too. Blood oxygen saturation is good too.

Oh well. 52 does seem a bit low to me.
A 4.6 for me today. Not had a sub-five reading for quite a while. 🙂
Good luck @SueEK with the hospital tests etc.

What's this strange Diabetes Reversal 'advert' flooding the forum? Seems a bit odd to me. Sudden and so many messages. All unanswered. Spam?
Good morning (is it morning, its very dark here?!). After a night of alarms and two lots of corrections, i've woken now to a 7.9. Very, very tired and don't want to go to work, just to go back to sleep.

@SueEK good luck at the hospital. I hope all is ok.

Have a good day everyone.
Looking for something to do with my glut of cucumbers, there is a limit to the amount of pickled cucs you can eat, I found my book Making the most of your Glorious Glut by Jackie Sherman. At least 30 recipes for courgettes and quite a few for cucumbers, not sure I fancy cold cucumber soup or baked cucumbers but some sound worth a try.
This is what I found when I got back! I will be making Brie and courgette soup, which someone on the forum suggested, and courgette cake. Can’t help with the cucumber glut I’m afraid.


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Morning all, 5.8 here. Had a good time watching the horse trials yesterday, walked miles, (there and back and round the course.) Although it was a low key event, all the big names were there, there have been so few opportunities to get their horses out to compete this year.