Group 7-day waking average?

I made my own jelly with gelatin and real fruit the other day. It tasted delicious but was a bit expensive on the carb front because of the fruit.

I tried gelatin years ago and it was horrible. This time however it was really good. Colourless and tasteless (hence the fruit and fruit juice). Once made up with the fruit it was still pretty much colourless but the subtle taste was soooo good.

Way way better than the over sweet Hartley stuff that I used to eat.

Easy to make. Even easier to eat 24 Hrs later.
@Grannylorraine many congratulations on your fab run and pb so impressive XX
Good morning.

Lovely day yesterday with my daughters visit (and her daughter)

Terrible day yesterday with the discovery that my wife had sneakily put another 'camera' up in a room to record the intruders and then she went on to say someone had been tampering with her drum set. I removed the camera and proved (with some photographic images) that nothing had changed with her drums. Trouble is real evidence irrelevant to her!!! We had a bad afternoon after that.

Overall then, a balanced day 🙂

I hate her illness. It continues to wreck our lives.

4.8 BG this morning
Morning all. After a day yesterday of hypos and an overnight spike, i've woken to a 7.3. No idea what was wrong yesterday except maybe the heat. Levels would be ok then suddenly drop, it would take a while to bring them back up then they'd just drop again. I've already dropped my basal by half a unit, might need to drop it again, although i don't want to go back to having 3am spikes and corrections again.
Off to work soon, will catch up with you all later. Have a good day folks
06:01 BS 9.3 but, not waking as it’s about 2 hours & 30 minutes after breakfast.

Woke up laughing just after midnight for a call of nature! Had a weird & hilariously funny dream that was a cross between “It’s A Knockout” & “Doctor Who” whereby our old family restaurant & carryout had a blow-up bouncy castle floor so, restaurant customers were having a buffet while we, the waiting staff, were bouncing around each other passing out takeaway’s through the bouncy floor to the takeaway section: quite a few collisions that needed a press of the sonic levitating device to stop food & takeaway bags from hitting the floor; WHERE ON EARTH do I get ideas like THAT from? 😱:Do_O😉 Couldn’t get back to sleep as I was still thinking about THAT crazy dream & eventually gave it as my stomach woke up too & the seismic eruptions started!😱 So, 03:17 BS 9.5 with about 3 hours of DP! Cooked breakfast & gave myself extra NR.

LR, pills & inhalers just taken & wishing you all a Very Good Morning & have a Wonderful Day! 😉
Good morning a more respectable 5.3 today

have a great day everybody
Morning ! 6.2 for me today. We have children back today. Sort of looking forward to it. Have a good day.
Morning all. An early nice round 6 for me.
Had a long walk yesterday, started off cloudy and quite fresh. Then got sunny and hot. In a lather going up and down those blooming hills and steps of the SWCP! Not surprisingly I was in hypo land when we got home, one JB as tea was made just needed warmed through. Still too low at bedtime, so had a treacle crunchy biscuit, 10 grams carbs. Result.

Last day walking the SWCP, we’ve decided against the longish walk we’d planned as it’s going to be even hotter today, so shorter route today. ( Probably still as many steps/hills though!) Devon has broke me! 😱

Have a Happy Monday. 🙂
Another 5.3 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all. :D 5.4 here.

Hahaha, sounds like you had a Super Mario style dream @Lanny - it’d be a brilliant game!o_O😛

A grand day out planned today, with my two bezzies. I haven’t seen one of them for...I can’t remember how many years - too long! 🙂

6.5 come breakfast after waking in high 8's, dropping to low 6's half hour later so had some Lifts, low 5's 20 minutes after that and falling so having a couple more Lifts 🙄 xx
6.9 today, beautiful sunny day, off to the beach now the majority of the grockles have gone home after the Air Show. Sea temp is still chilly, trouble is I spent too many years in Aussie and have gone all soft. I need to man up and jump straight in...easier said than done though.......
Morning All
A fairly good day for me on the BG Levels. Stayed between 5.7 and 8.7 although I was being very careful with meals due to the ultra high on Saturday ( because of the jelly).

This morning on waking 07:26 I was 7.0 so let’s see where the body goes today.
One good thing was the scales decided to show 14 st 13 7/8 lb. First time without a 15 at the front.

Only problem is the BMI shows I’m suffering from dwarfism, Doctors disagree and say at 5ft 9 inches I’m still obese. I’m getting there though and like the first definition better( I’m short for my weight). Apologies to any of our shorter friends.
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I didn’t ‘like’ your post as you are expressing problems which are caused by your wife’s illness.
Good though that you can put those feelings into words as if kept to yourself would probably cause even more problems.
Glad you had good day with your daughter and granddaughter.
Morning all. Catching up after the weekend. Congrats on all the HSs over the weekend especially to @Robin

5.6 for me at 06:55 Saturday, 6.1 at 06:11 yesterday morning (too much wine with a late dinner on Saturday night) and a 5.5 at 05:05 this morning. Lovely misty morning when the baby and I went for a walk around seven this morning. 20 minutes and he was fast asleep 🙂
Guess who scanned the magic number when the alarm went off this morning! Yippee! Like @Robin HS yesterday it was a bit contrived as I needed 2x Dextrose tablets at 4am for a 4.2. I think I got my last HS in Feb before my Covid vaccine after which levels went haywire, so I had almost given up on ever getting another.
Despite saying yesterday that I needed a basal increase, I actually cut my evening Levemir by 1.5 units last night after a long afternoon walk in the hot sun yesterday. With hindsight -2 units would have been better.
Damp and dismal here today and I have a dental appointment to get a cracked tooth fixed this afternoon, so nothing much to look forward to, but nice to start the day on a good number.
Well done @rebrascora - fantastic result. I know how much you struggle with your levels, so it must be extra special to get that magic HS.