Group 7-day waking average?


Well at about 5:10 I was in the 12's and at 7:01 was 7.4, this people is the reason I often take Lifts when I wake in the 7's! That's twice this week I've had a nosedive from getting out of bed 🙄

The estate across the water must've had an event on last night as the fireworks going off at 10pm was ridiculous!
@Bloden -my house/garden is exactly the same, good finished product but the effort of getting there, extremely slowly, is painful to say the least.
@Robin congrats on the hard earned HS
No reading today as I’ve left my meter at home. Cleaned the shower and dusted two bedrooms and spread it out over the whole day, no lifting, no stretching, just toodling along very slowly, last evening felt sore in one area and looks like part of the incision is not healing, I’m fed up now. Apart from a bit of ironing I did a couple of weeks ago I have been extremely careful and sensible so totally pxxxxd off.
Anyhow how a good day all, bright and sunny here in Pagham. X
Morning all. Woke to a 4.4 this morning.

Yesterday was a day if down and ups, most of the day was spent in the 4s and if i stood up or tried to do anything it dropped. At lunchtime my tooth broke and a chunk of filling came out! By teatime, levels finally decided to creep back up to 8. @rebrascora, you are thinking of increasing your basal, i'm needing to possibly decrease mine so i don't start hypoing at work. It just shows how each of us are different in the way our bodies work and how much insulin is needed.

@Robin congrats on the HS
@SueEK take it easy.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.
Morning. So I went to bed on a high of 17 something. However wether I go to bed at 17 or 10 I still get a reading in the 10s in the morning.

Woke up at 3am last night and tested, and it was 13.9 so obviously working on coming down.

Then my waking reading was 10.5 I decided to test again now just before breakfast to see if it had gone down any more and it had gone up again to 13. Not a thing has passed my lips unless I accidentally inhaled something whilst making pastry?!
Morning all. I have been up since 8, I got distracted. 6.2 for me.
Another sweaty walk yesterday along the coast, we inadvertently came across a nudist beach! We were high up and only spotted them when I focused my 30 x zoom lens on it! We were trying to get down and couldn’t find a safe route! Good job we didn’t as we were overdressed! 🙄

Congrats @Robin on the lesser spotted Type 1 HS.
Have a good day everyone. We will mostly be avoiding off the beaten track coves! 😛
Morning. So I went to bed on a high of 17 something. However wether I go to bed at 17 or 10 I still get a reading in the 10s in the morning.

Woke up at 3am last night and tested, and it was 13.9 so obviously working on coming down.

Then my waking reading was 10.5 I decided to test again now just before breakfast to see if it had gone down any more and it had gone up again to 13. Not a thing has passed my lips unless I accidentally inhaled something whilst making pastry?!
You are experiencing what is called Foot on the Floor syndrome (FOTF). This is the lazy but more sociable cousin of Dawn Phenomenon (DP) where your liver pumps out glucose to give you energy to start your day. Some of us need to inject 1-2 units of quick acting bolus insulin as soon as we wake to compensate for it but obviously, with just a basal insulin you can't do anything about it except perhaps head straight out for a walk/run, which is pretty much what it is for..... In prehistoric times when we didn't have kitchens full of food and needed to hunt and gather our first meal of the day.... So take your sling shot and spear and see if you can bag yourself a wooly mammoth and drop your levels in the process...... OR.... keep pushing your DSN for bolus insulin! In the meantime, try not to fret too much about it. If you weren't diabetic your pancreas would produce insulin to deal with it, but you are, so you will need bolus insulin to cover it, just like you are going to need it to cover meals sooner or later too. Hopefully sooner! 😉
@Robin. Nice to see you flying the flag for us Type 1s with an HS this morning although sorry to hear you had a restless JB night getting there.
@Robin congrats on our HS

5.5 for me this morning - happy with that
another high reading today 8.2 @ 08:30 😳

Hope everybody’s having a wonderful weekend
Happy lunchtime
Well last night taught me a jelly does not agree with diabetes.
Last night at 20:00 10.4
The had a jelly made from jelly cubes and water. Wanted to put ice cream with it but thought that might over do BG.
23:30. 19.6. Oh. B……..ks
Meter was going mad as was the app.
Checked Ketones 0.1. Ok that works
Went to bed and on waking at 07:15 blood sugar was back to a reasonable 6.5.
Breakfast ( thought about that trifle) but had a small porridge. 2 hours later 8.7 then just before lunch at 13:15 a 5.7.

Even though it tastes good I think jelly not good for me. Well it’s good for me but not much good for BG levels.
Happy lunchtime
Well last night taught me a jelly does not agree with diabetes.
Last night at 20:00 10.4
The had a jelly made from jelly cubes and water. Wanted to put ice cream with it but thought that might over do BG.
23:30. 19.6. Oh. B……..ks
Meter was going mad as was the app.
Checked Ketones 0.1. Ok that works
Went to bed and on waking at 07:15 blood sugar was back to a reasonable 6.5.
Breakfast ( thought about that trifle) but had a small porridge. 2 hours later 8.7 then just before lunch at 13:15 a 5.7.

Even though it tastes good I think jelly not good for me. Well it’s good for me but not much good for BG levels.
I use the sugar free Sainsbury’s jelly with double cream which doesn’t affect me at all. Might be worth a try
Thanks I’ll give it a try. It can’t be worse than Hartley strawberry jelly.
@DuncanLord not sure what your portion size was but a stated portion (142g made up) has 23g carbs but say if you went with a pot of their 10 cal strawberry jelly then your not even eating 1g carbs xx
but just wondering if the changing of the seasons is also creeping in. Time for another basal increase I guess.

I’ve certainly had that over the last few days @rebrascora.

Some relatively low ‘time in range’ days compared to the general run of things where Control IQ just wasn’t able to keep up. A couple of basal tweaks and I gained 20% Time In Range yesterday vs the day before. Amazing what a few relatively small changes can do!
Thanks I’ll give it a try. It can’t be worse than Hartley strawberry jelly.
I agree, the ready made jelly taste like mush - yuk. I usually put raspberries and strawberries in mine as well
Very late on parade today, 6.8 this morning, but no time to log in, straight up to London for a 10k, for the Cancer Research London Summer Run. Had a lovely day and had a pb over this distance, improved by 7mins.

Then went out to lunch and had omelette and chips followed by lemon cheesecake, wasn't going to worry about my carbs today. Will start being good again today.

Might have a sleep now.

@Robin - congratulations on your HS today.


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