Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone. A nice 5.9 on this wonderful sunny morning on the English Riviera. Good drive down, it appeared everyone was leaving Devon and Cornwall as the other side of the M5 was at a stand still.
Cottage is lovely and quirky, just like me, down an ancient lime tree lined private road that leads to a castle! We are actually next door to it, haven’t done any research into it and don’t know whether it’s open to the public or not, but our Victorian cottage used to be a skittle alley for the castle occupants. Interesting.
We are going to explore the local area today, it’s 41 years since we were last here but I suspect it will still be very much a Victorian seaside town, with a Lidl! 😉
Have a fab day everyone and enjoy the sunshine if you have it. 🙂
Morning everyone. A nice 5.9 on this wonderful sunny morning on the English Riviera. Good drive down, it appeared everyone was leaving Devon and Cornwall as the other side of the M5 was at a stand still.
Cottage is lovely and quirky, just like me, down an ancient lime tree lined private road that leads to a castle! We are actually next door to it, haven’t done any research into it and don’t know whether it’s open to the public or not, but our Victorian cottage used to be a skittle alley for the castle occupants. Interesting.
We are going to explore the local area today, it’s 41 years since we were last here but I suspect it will still be very much a Victorian seaside town, with a Lidl! 😉
Have a fab day everyone and enjoy the sunshine if you have it. 🙂
Sounds beautiful, hope you have a lovely holiday x
Sounds like you need a nice relaxing break @SueEK. I hope you get some peace at the caravan. 🙂

Wow, @eggyg - I want you to organise all my holidays from now on, sounds fab!

I hope you have a dry-eye day @Lanny and your asthma behaves. You seem to have a lot to put up with sometimes, but remain upbeat about it all. Good for you!:D
Good morning everyone.

I am quite upset by the upset my humour created. Sincerely no offence was intended. ....

This forum is the only place where I can communicate with others. It is a life line for me.
@Gwynn I've replicated some of your points above. Please don't be upset. Your intentions were good & it's unfortunate that a member misinterpreted them. As you can see from other upsets recently that's life, it happens.
Keep using this lifeline. It helps us too. Your 'never give up' attitude is inspiring. Chill and maintain friend 🙂
lovely and quirky, just like me, down an ancient lime tree lined private road that leads to a castle
The mind boggles 😛:D
6.8 for me this morning, had a lovely meal out last night, then had an upset stomach all night, so put a downer on it now.

Have a nice day everyone.
6.8 for me this morning, had a lovely meal out last night, then had an upset stomach all night, so put a downer on it now.

Have a nice day everyone.
Good morning 🙂
At 6:55am it was 9.5 waking for me - 1.0 units humalog correction and 16 units of tresiba done

9:43am - 8.0 - bef breakfast - 36g of carbs for melted cheese on toast - 4.5 units humalog for food

23:04pm - 6.8 - bef bed - below 8mmol for bed so decided to have 15g of carbs which was 3x cornish wafer crackers with some cheese on

I would be delighted if instead of just clicking the like button if you could give me a bit of feedback on what you think of these BGLs 🙂🙂🙂
Good morning 🙂
At 6:55am it was 9.5 waking for me - 1.0 units humalog correction and 16 units of tresiba done

9:43am - 8.0 - bef breakfast - 36g of carbs for melted cheese on toast - 4.5 units humalog for food

23:04pm - 6.8 - bef bed - below 8mmol for bed so decided to have 15g of carbs which was 3x cornish wafer crackers with some cheese on

I would be delighted if instead of just clicking the like button if you could give me a bit of feedback on what you think of these BGLs 🙂🙂🙂
They look pretty good to me! No lows and nothing over 10, you should be happy with those.
The mind boggles 😛:D
I know! Apparently some of the castle has been converted to 10 flats, sorry, apartments. ) You make more money on apartments.) The owner lives in the main part.
Some pics of our quirky cottage. Oh and Mr Eggy is not happy about the sticky sap from the lime trees covering the Jag.:confused:


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Good morning everyone.

5.3 here after an amazing day yesterday....

My wife decided that she would come along to see our daughter (and her daughter). She was very distant at the start of the whole trip but by the end she was very connected, happy, engaged, in fact so much better.

I took some vegan cakes and sweets and fruit with me that went down a treat, especially with their daughter. She loves raspberries. Now she loves vegan cheesecake, marshmallows, chocolate chip cookies....

All in all, the best day we have had in a long long time.

Now an odd question. If anyone can shed some light on this I will be grateful. Yesterday messed with my diet something rotten. I ate some cake and stuff and half a banana whilst at my daughters. Probably quite high carbs. During the day I did walking exercise for 170 minutes. However, when I got home four hours later and did a BG test expecting it to be on the high side. It came out as 4.0 the lowest reading I have ever had. I didn't feel any bad effects either.

Any ideas as to why my BG was so low?

Normally my BG levels will fluctuate from the low 4's to the low 6's but mainly they sit in the 5's.

I was just surprised and glad it wasn't lower.
Morning all. Another 5.9 for me. Must be all the walking I’m doing.

Yesterday was a glorious day, we had a walk around the area and made our way to Babbacombe Downs, literally 10 minutes walk. We found the apartments we stayed in for our honeymoon in 1980! They haven’t changed a bit! We struggled to remember anything else about the place, apart from the cliff lift. I suppose it was 41 years ago. Had a walk down to the beach, very busy, it was quite a steep hill and then of course we had to come back up. We didn’t use the cliff lift, very small and cramped and Devon and Cornwall have the highest Covid cases in the UK.
There’s talk of “ enhanced” measures, but in the meantime they’re asking that people meet outdoors, wear face masks indoors, which we still do, and take lateral flow tests on a regular basis. I will nip to Boots tomorrow and get some. It’s all a bit worrying, when we went to Asda when we arrived, the oldies were wearing masks but the young ones don’t seem to bother. It’s a wee bit concerning for us both and then last night I got an email from the NHS, as I’m on the shielding list, just reiterating the advice and letting me know I will probably be getting my booster in September. I tend to forget I’m “ extremely clinically vulnerable” and got a bit of a jolt when I read it. Ah well, it is what it is, I’m not going to let it spoil our holiday, lots of open spaces about. Think meals out at restaurants are probably out though.

Have a great day and stay safe. 🙂

Here’s two photos to make you laugh. The first is a very young and slim me outside our honeymoon accommodation in 1980, the other is yesterday. Not very young and definitely not slim! :D


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02:25 BS 7.3 🙂 That was ok but, even higher today 3 hours & 52 minutes after breakfast 06:43 BS 13.6 & stuck in a 14 units of NR correction. I think a I need a bit more LR & will stick in 82 around about 7am, after I post this?🙄 I’m still not quite getting it right yet BS wise as I’m still twiddling my doses. Yesterday was a drier day eyes wise & less gasping breathing wise but, still getting getting the odd water works & raspy panting episodes while the weather is still damp & muggy: light rain hitting the windows as I speak!😱

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I WILL eventually get my doses right & feel better AND then, I’ll have to start decreasing my doses when I DO: it rarely seems to stay static for long! 🙄
A high 7.8 today after a fish supper last night, didn’t really fancy it but nothing else going! Going to the Range today for first trip out, will see how that goes.
@Gwynn glad you all had a good day yesterday, nice to hear x
@eggyg you’re looking good for 41 years on, enjoy yourselves x
Morning all. :D 7.4 here.

I couldn’t nod off last night cos the neighbour two doors down had a great big fire going - next to his wooden seating area, next to his wooden fence...I hope someone buys him a chimenea or similar, then we can all sleep soundly, eek!

Lovely pics @eggyg.
At last - 4.3🙂 steady decline overnight from 7.7, no DP today.
Only second pre-meal value below 8 out of last 14 scans, so feel much relieved. Intermediate values were even more horrible:(. Hopefully increase in Levemir am and pm continues to keep values sensible.
Celebrate with coffee-on-the-beach if not too busy, but no sunshine yet.
Morning all, 5.1 here.So close!
Hoping to catch some more of the team paralympic dressage today, where another gold medal for GB is possible, to add to the gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze in the opening individual rounds.
The paralympic dressage tests are more relatable to what daughter and I are learning,(we will never get on to the Charlotte du Jardin stuff) so I can watch, knowing what it’s like to perform these moves, and being in total awe of someone managing it with little control over their balance or leg muscles.
7.4 for me this morning

hope you all have a great day whatever you are up to