Group 7-day waking average?

@jeanettem1 I don't see @Gwynn or @SueEK replies as rude at all, the majority of people read more of the thread before picking out one to quote and even just by looking back a few days you can see Gwynn document the struggles he and his wife go through

It isn't a closed group within a group but the majority are long term members and have learnt things about each others lives
I haven't been here much longer than you Jeanette, so I didn't know about Gwynn's situation, but I also didn't see his reply as rude I think the laughter really wasn't at you, but possibly at his own situation and how alien your suggestion probably feels given his situation. He did add that what you suggested would usually be great and normal.

It is daunting joining an online group who've all known each other longer than you have, but you've just got to jump in and join.
@jeanettem1 Please don't feel like you don't belong here just because there was a minor misunderstanding. It is so easy to read the written word in a way that it was never intended because you don't get the more subtle visual clues that you would when speaking to someone in person, which give it context to the words. Indeed Gwynn could just as easily have taken offence to your post considering the stressful situation he lives with everyday, with his wife's mental condition. Using humour to cope with that is probably one of the better responses.... I am pretty sure I would almost certainly need large quantities of alcohol to survive in his situation.

I can assure you the group is not cliquey and we are very happy to have you here, so please feel welcome to continue posting and get to know us better and put this misunderstanding behind you.
Same here @Telemóveis - I like my hair SHORT, but my mum’s got used to it now. I tried our local barbers this morning for the first time...the guy before me had his nasal hair waxed o_O as a finishing touch. I’ve never seen that before!😳
Yikes 😱 just the thought of it makes me shiver!

Also, to echo what other people said, I don't feel that this forum is in any way cliquey. I'm still relatively new (2 months) yet have felt and still feel very welcome here. I don't think any offence was meant intentionally at all.
Looks like a closed group within a group here. I don’t think this is the place for me! You’re every bit as rude as the other!
I’ve got to be honest, this thread is somewhat cliquey. Any thread that goes on for nearly 3,900 pages has to be. I’ve noticed a few stalwarts no longer posting recently. Some individuals are opinionated and others rude.

But that’s just a cross section of society. Diabetes is a chronic condition and for some very difficult to deal with. But there’s a well of experience here that’s worth tapping into. People do want to help.
I’m not going to get drawn into it…..well I have really haven’t I ! but I read posts on this thread everyday.

Sometimes I add a comment or a reading often I don’t. I chuckle at some bits, feel sad and upset at bits and ignore other bits.

The whole point I feel is logging our waking number if we wish and entering into a little interaction with people if we want. The threads been going for years (10 in fact last week) and it’s nice to see the same people posting and talking about about their everyday life and the concern of people who haven’t posted in a while….or the PM we get from people checking in on us.

It does start with ……

How about for a bit of fun ….

We are all human and therefore have the potential to be rude and opionated and we all have feelings. Diabetes is a horrible thing and we need to support each other which most of the time we do and then it sometimes doesn’t feel so bad.

My reading this morning was 6.7 which is far better than the 27.1 on Wednesday as we were away, we ordered a Chinese and I then realised I’d managed to run out of nova rapid! Won’t do that again.
Good morning everyone.

I am quite upset by the upset my humour created. Sincerely no offence was intended. I have to try to cope with the very difficult situation I am in. For 36 years my wife has become progressively more mentally ill. Its very very sad and horrible.

Today I am going to see my daughter but there is a sadness to it as my wife cannot bring herself to come too. She is terrified and upset by something regarding visiting, but refuses to say what. I suspect that she thinks my daughter has been saying nasty things about her but she hasn't of course or it could be the fear over leaving the house because of the intruders (that never existed of course), or the horrible vicious things the voices in her head are saying to her again but she denies that is the case.

I am actually close to tears over the whole thing and the upset here on this forum.

But as I often say if I am feeling 'down' .... the only way is 'up'

I hope the responder does not leave the forum. The more diverse views, opinions, knowledge, experience, the better. Even mild disagreements can happen and they are not bad as long as we are kind to each other.

I hope my wife does come along today. Can you imagine how lonely it is to be married and yet your wife does not respond emotionally in any normal way. It's not her fault and I try to help her the best that I can but right now it is very very hard.

This forum is the only place where I can communicate with others. It is a life line for me. My wife has managed to completely isolate me from anyone else in my life. The sad thing is we used to have friends, go out, do things. We even had dinner parties (which I loved doing). Now....nothing.

Anyway 4.4 here. Very low for me. Ahhh, the only way is 'up' (I hope)
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8.6 today......must be that ice cream cone yesterday, the only sweet thing I've had since diagnosis in June. Oh well only human I s'pose. dull day so far here in Poole.
@Gwynn I sincerely hope things get easier for you mate.
04:03 BS 7.6 That’s the lowest it’s been for the last few days while I was absent. But, 3 hours after breakfast, just now, it’s still over target 07:17 BS 10.1 & stuck in a small correction of 4 NR as I also, bunged in a slightly increased LR of 80: started that last evening as clearly my BS was going back up in between meals after the 4 hours of active NR were over when I ate! :confused: I haven’t been very ill ill but, definitely under the weather which wouldn’t normally put me off posting but, I’ve had a lot of trouble with my streaming, red, sore, stinging eyes the last few days & had no screen time as my left eye was twitching & spasming like mad! It’s been muggy & damp at the end of the summer with the tree pollen hitting me hard both in my eyes AND my asthma!😱 Beginning to calm down a bit & decided to post today just to let you lovely lot know I’m getting back towards being ok!🙄 My left eye is still a wee bit red, twitchy & watering a bit this morning: still the slightly weaker eye from my last cataract op!o_O I’ve been listening to audiobooks the last few days. The excellently read, & performed, by Ellen Archer “The Chemist” written Stephanie Meyer, of The Twilight Saga fame, about an ex CIA black ops interrogator on the run who uses drugs, hence her moniker, to get terrorists to talk! The Dizzy Heights series of two books, so far, by TE Kinsey, of The Lady Hardcastle series, “The Deadly Mystery of the Missing Diamonds” & “A Baffling Murder at the Midsummer Ball” also, excellently read & performed by Simon Mattacks!😛😎:D

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I shall catch up on this thread slowly now that I’m ending my no screens embargo as I don’t want to overdo it! o_O
5.3 for me this wonderful sunny Saturday morning. 🙂 Off out shortly for some fresh air and exercise.
Have a good day everybody.

Morning all. 6.3 today. Not a good day yesterday, felt rather poorly towards the early evening but possibly because I didn’t manage a sleep having my grandson. We had a couple of short walks, made jelly and fruit and chatted a lot. SIL collected us and daughter made us a lovely meal but was just done in. Going down the caravan for a few days today so shall enjoy the change of scenery.
@Lanny good to see you posting and hope you are back on top form soon.
Have a good day all xx

9.2 for me

Moan time - took ages to get to sleep because of a dog barking up on the main street, when I finally drifted off I kept waking up scratching my fingers on my "bad" hand, the skim is peeling and when it gets warm it gets itchy, ending up crying because it's painful to itch but slight relief too but as I'n scratching it in my sleep I wake up when it gets to the painful stage 🙄

Wish me luck for tonight, after 3 days sensorless I'm finally going to attempt another, the fingers in good enough state for pricking are becoming far too sore! xx
Morning all. 8.0 and another full nights sleep and in target overnight. The extra unit of basal seems to be working so far, fingers crossed.
Hubby not working this weekend so going out. @Grannylorraine hoping to see The Courier tomorrow. I'll let you know what i think.
Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone.

I am quite upset by the upset my humour created. Sincerely no offence was intended. I have to try to cope with the very difficult situation I am in. For 36 years my wife has become progressively more mentally ill. Its very very sad and horrible.

Today I am going to see my daughter but there is a sadness to it as my wife cannot bring herself to come too. She is terrified and upset by something regarding visiting, but refuses to say what. I suspect that she thinks my daughter has been saying nasty things about her but she hasn't of course or it could be the fear over leaving the house because of the intruders (that never existed of course), or the horrible vicious things the voices in her head are saying to her again but she denies that is the case.

I am actually close to tears over the whole thing and the upset here on this forum.

But as I often say if I am feeling 'down' .... the only way is 'up'

I hope the responder does not leave the forum. The more diverse views, opinions, knowledge, experience, the better. Even mild disagreements can happen and they are not bad as long as we are kind to each other.

I hope my wife does come along today. Can you imagine how lonely it is to be married and yet your wife does not respond emotionally in any normal way. It's not her fault and I try to help her the best that I can but right now it is very very hard.

This forum is the only place where I can communicate with others. It is a life line for me. My wife has managed to completely isolate me from anyone else in my life. The sad thing is we used to have friends, go out, do things. We even had dinner parties (which I loved doing). Now....nothing.

Anyway 4.4 here. Very low for me. Ahhh, the only way is 'up' (I hope)
I hope you have a good day, you seem to have a great positive attitude, even when the things life throws are ultra difficult
Good Morning
A 6.4 this morning, following a drop last night due to an indoor run of 10km.
At 20:00 last night I was 9.3 following Dinner so got going on the indoor exercise. Yes did take an orange and 2 digestive biscuits during the 70 min exercise but at 22:00 was 5.0. Ok but slightly low for night so had an apple.
At bedtime 23:30 I was 7.3 so went to bed knowing I’d be roughly in bounds. Might have been slightly too many carbs but….. it’s experimental, trial and error, guesswork, experience.
No get real Duncan, it’s DIABETES.
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Morning everyone 🙂

6.7 today (after a 10.3 last night - fish and chips with 16 units - don’t feel like it was worth it tbh :confused:

Next few days are all about preparing for the big friend meet-up :D