Group 7-day waking average?

@Gwynn - maybe you are illustrating the problem with attaching labels to things.

Seems to me that what you have demonstrated is that all the work you have done has resulted in your system being able to cope with a big slug of glucose, something it could not have done when you were diagnosed. Does that make you not a diabetic or does it make you a diabetic with the problem under very good control? I dunno, you can look at it either way, but the bottom line must be that if you cut the exercise, went back to high carbs and put the weight back on then chances are you would be back where you started from and be diabetic all over again.

Either way up, as they say round here, you have got to be pleased with what you have achieved. 🙂
Oooh I’m first up with a 6.9. Rain and storm didn’t materialise yesterday. Maybe today?

The hordes all fast asleep, I’ve been awake since 4.30, going to read my book. Today will be mostly spent feeding the aforementioned hordes.🙄

Have a fab Friday.
Happy Friday - I may be the first to report but I am actually the last to go to bed thanks to my insomnia!

It's an unhappy 10.0 from me - it was 11.5 before I attempted to go to sleep.

I had a brainwave about why my levels have been higher lately - I have switched from Metformin (4 a day) to Sukkarto 1 a day so am I right in assuming that's why my numbers are higher for the last couple of days? All help welcome
5.6 for me at 06:00.
4.7 am I the only one who likes rain also sun but anything above 22c is too much for me.
Nope, I love the rain and often walk in it as long as it is not cold, but also I struugle when it gets too hot too!

5.8 for me this morning. The highest its been for a while.
06:21 BS 9.6 😱 I have NO IDEA WHY! Huh! Emoji! I had myGreek yoghurt meal for dinner yesterday & gave it 26-8=18 but, cautiously bunged in 16 since I went to bed straight after! I thought I’ll be a little bit higher in the morning but, not THAT high!o_O Anyway, corrected, DP busted & LR in!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Didn’t watch much yesterday but, here’s what I DID see!

So, what happened at the Olympics on Day 12? First off I watched the mens final of Sport Climbing where the scoring system is VERY strange but, utterly fascinating to watch. I had NO idea who was going or who could win: all I cared about was COULD anyone get to the top of the lead wall; frustratingly one got to the penultimate hold again, 42+ where the + is in between the next hold which in this case was the top, & two others got to 38 & 40! I thought Oh no! nobody’s going to do it! But, the very last man up DID do it & it was a bit anticlimactic when he did as he only got the bronze & somebody else got the gold. It was a wacky scoring system that’s completely relative to what everybody else does: each round is ranked from top to bottom with points & then multiplied together with the lowest score winning: not so much in the final with only 8 but, in qualifying there were some massive scores at the end; competitors can go up & down the rankings with huge points differences & I had no clue where everyone was by the last lead wall! o_O & head scratching, number crunching like mad emoji!🙄:D

Finally I watched the replay, no longer live as I got up SO late, of the ladies 10m platform diving! Well, it was a gladiatorial fight between two teenagers for gold & silver that just left everybody else way behind as to who’d get the bronze. The two Chinese girls were only 14 & 15 & I’ve never such perfect diving before with a battle of how many 10’s could they rack up? But, as inherent across all sports where better, younger competitors keep popping up behind older competitors you get beaten sooner or later. Even, in this case, it’s only by 1 year! 😱 I couldn’t help but, feel sorry for the 15 year is the current world champion in 2019 & the best in the world to out dived in every round by a 14 year old: a has been already at 15!😱:D😛😎😉

I’m looking forward to enjoying the mad, wackiness of the ladies modern pentathlon of fencing swimming, show jumping, running & shooting all in one day! Based on what one 18th century soldier had to do to complete a mission: he had to fight with a sword, swim across water, ride an unknown horse, run & shoot while being pursued before he completed his mission; all because the lady loves Milk Tray! o_O:D😎😉 Remember Beijing 2008 where a leading competitor was completely knocked out of the running by his randomly chosen horse Ping Ping in the show jumping round: horse whispering is an important skill that could make or break you!:Do_O
4.7 am I the only one who likes rain also sun but anything above 22c is too much for me.
I‘m not fond of being out in the rain. I leave that to animals with feathers and fur. But I agree that temperatures in the low 20’s are ideal.
4.7 am I the only one who likes rain also sun but anything above 22c is too much for me.
I don’t like it too hot, I was really looking forward to the rain yesterday. We had about two drops at 7 o’clock! Sunny again this morning and muggy, might get the storm forecast, not too much rain though. Enough to water the garden, fill the water butt and cool it down so I can sleep!
Based on what one 18th century soldier had to do to complete a mission: he had to fight with a sword, swim across water, ride an unknown horse, run & shoot while being pursued before he completed his mission; all because the lady loves Milk Tray!
18th Century, but it’s called the modern pentathlon? Who thinks these things up? I love your reference to the Milk Tray man - made me laugh.
Good morning All
A BG of 6.0 at 07:07 this morning
Keep safe.
Yabba Dabba Do!
It's five point two :D

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Morning good peeps. :D 4.2 here.

I don’t mind the heat. It’s humidity that gets to me - where I used to live in N. Spain, it was very humid in July-August. You couldn’t move without shifting a gallon of sweat - not a good look.😳

Now, that’s an Olympic event I’d watch - delivering a box of chocolates to someone you fancy. They should bring back It’s A Knockout! 😛😉
Snap @DuncanLord 6.0 for me too.

Love the commentary @Lanny. The modern pentathlon tea will need to whisper in Japanese, as I assume the horses are local.

The sun is out but a good breeze blowing so the promised showers may be on their way.
Off to a small street music festival this afternoon, so it may be another wet entertainment.
We will be prepared (again) .

Have a good day