Group 7-day waking average?

4.6 and pleased with weight loss all be it slow but no rush, I'm starting to feel body confident again although I think I will be stuck with old lady's breasts where my skin has stretched so wont be going topless on the beach :D.

PS. Nothing wrong with old lady's breasts but not a good look on a man :(
6.8 for the OH. His lowest morning reading so far 🙂

Had a bit of an odd day yesterday. A couple of high BG readings (9-10) that we just couldn't account for. I guess that happens sometimes, but it is very frustrating. An extra walk did the job to bring it back down.

Have a good day everyone.
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Good morning everyone hope you're all ok 🙂
6:34am 6.4 for me 16u of tresiba taken
23.00pm bedtime 6.0 so below 8mmol so had 2 bags of mini cookies 26g of carbs but told MySugr bolus advisor 10g of carbs less so I would get less insulin and still have 10g of carbs to keep me safe during the night so told bolus advisor 16g of carbs - it advised 1.5u insulin which is what I did
Good morning everyone hope you're all ok 🙂
6:34am 6.4 for me 16u of tresiba taken
23.00pm bedtime 6.0 so below 8mmol so had 2 bags of mini cookies 26g of carbs but told MySugr bolus advisor 10g of carbs less so I would get less insulin and still have 10g of carbs to keep me safe during the night so told bolus advisor 16g of carbs - it advised 1.5u insulin which is what I did
Gill, did you particularly want to eat 2 bags of cookies because it seems to me you could have had just one bag and not needed to inject any insulin.

So far it seems like following the bolus advisor is keeping your levels better balanced than following the nurse's advice, but obviously early days yet.
@SueEK Wishing you all the very best for tomorrow. That past week has absolutely flown by, although it may have seemed like a lifetime to you. I will be keeping you in my thoughts..... big knickers and all!! 😉
Morning all. A 5.6 for me at 05:00 this morning. A welcome return to the 5s after yesterday's 6.

Dull and overcast in West Berks this morning. Lots of work on at the moment so it will be a busy day but I'm looking forward to slow cooked shoulder of lamb this evening. Have a great Thursday everyone and fingers crossed for @SueEK tomorrow. I hope everything goes well for you.
6.0 for me today, but did have a pizza made out of a tortilla for dinner last night, but still a lot less calories and carbs than a one from a pizza restaurant.

@SueEK - hope it all goes well for you, will be thinking about you. Hope you find the granny pants comfy.

@HenryBennett - your dinner sounds lovely, wish I could eat lobster, but about 15 years ago I suddenly developed a shelfish allergy, so no lobster, prawns or even scallops for me.

@Maca44 - absolutely nothing wrong with old women's boobs, at least not on us old women :D

Have a good day everyone, almost the weekend, unless of course you are a shift worker.
@Robin and @Maca44 congrats on the HS’s yesterday, shame you didn’t make the hat trick Robin but great to get 2.
5.4 today, not sure where that came from, my 60 day average is 6.8. Had phone call with the pain team yesterday to tell me how and when to use morphine pump I will wake up with 😳. Told to bring in high waisted old lady knickers as I shall also have a ‘caesarean cut’ so hubby had to go out and get me some, ooh they look just fab. Leaving at 4am tomorrow, will post again when feel able to.
Have a good day all x
Good luck hope it goes well.
5.0 for me…..after a ‘emergency’ Chinese last night. Husband clicked Thursday food delivery slot not Wednesday and I sat waiting and waiting thinking odd no food shop arrival! So it is today apparently!
Have a good day

Best wishes for tomorrow @SueEK
Morning all and it was a 4.5 for me. Perhaps another unit off the levemir tonight?

Today I will be giving my good sax a once over ready for the studio next week.

Have a good day everyone.
your dinner sounds lovely, wish I could eat lobster, but about 15 years ago I suddenly developed a shelfish allergy, so no lobster, prawns or even scallops for me.
That’s a shame. I love shellfish.
Morning All
A 5.8 this morning for me however the BG levels are becoming more variable having cut the insulin last week. Although I’m feeling better in myself and not constantly eating to stop the drops.

Wednesday 4 August.
07:15 Wake up
07:21. BG. 6.0
07:22. Insulin 1 unit
07:33. BP. 103/67. Pulse. 83
07:50. Breakfast. 40g porridge oats. Cup coffee. 22 carbs. 148 cal.
10:20. BG. 8.2
11:26. Snack before walk. 2 Toast. 31 carb. 238 cal.
12:07 - 13:32. Walk to and from town and shops
3.79Km in 45 mins. Average 11:51/Km
Elevation gain + 28 meters
Active Kcal 237. Total Kcal 391
13:41. BG. 9.1. (Either too many carbs before or too little insulin)
Used snack before walk as early lunch
16:50. BG. 4.3. (oops a little low)
16:51. Snack. Cream cracker 5 carbs 39 cal
17:35. BG. 5.8
17:40. Insulin 1 unit
18:00. Dinner. Pollock fillet 100g mash. 200g mixed veg. Cup gravy. 100g tinned peaches. Cup coffee. Pint water
20:03. BG. 10.2
20:15. - 20:45. Exercise walk. 2.71Km in 30:24. Average 11:12/km. Elevation gain +15 meters.
Active Kcal 205. Total Kcal 269
20:55. BG. 5.1
21:05. Snack. 2 cream crackers. 11 carb. 75 cal
23:24. BG. 5.0
23:27. Snack. 3 cream crackers 16 carbs cal108
23:30. Cholesterol tab

Thursday 5 August
03:36. Woke up so. BG. 6.0
Back to sleep
07:10. Wake up
07:25. BG 5.8
07:29. Insulin 1 unit
07:30. Weight. 15stone 3 3/4lb
07:50. BP. 106/68. Pulse 83
08:00. Breakfast 40g porridge oats. Cup coffee. Pint water. 22 carbs. 148 cal
10:09. BG 8.6

I realise that my pancreas is still working in Stits and farts but the diabetes.m app plays hell about variations and the drops whilst exercising is puzzling. Normally in the home it’s a gentle drop.
As I say I definitely feel better with levels now than when they were dropping.
answer I suppose is testing and trial and error and continue recording everything.
Have a great day
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All the best for tomorrow @SueEK
@DuncanLord Those levels look absolutely brilliant to me. Everyone's BG varies, even non diabetic people can go up to 10 and drop below 4. I don't know the app you are using but it doesn't sound all that helpful if it is saying you aren't doing well, especially considering you are using a mixed insulin.
Thanks Barbara, it’s the app the hospital use so they can keep an eye on patients. It tells all sorts of things which at times I reckon need special knowledge to read. 13C873F8-670A-4D56-A29E-3A75CDCF6B6B.png8E65CAB0-9265-4468-800D-175BADA2A818.pngFE367DD3-81E0-4AE1-B7F7-0E02AC0FEF08.png8E65CAB0-9265-4468-800D-175BADA2A818.png47113C62-DB5D-40C0-824F-9732F416721C.png
@SueEK echoing everyone else, all the very very best for your op. xx
13:06 BS 6.2 🙂 I’ll take that since I got up SO late: extremely irritated by 6am alarm, ALMOST went back to sleep as I was SO reluctant to get up but, eventually did to put in LR: about 45 minutes late but, in; then straight back to sleep. Just had meds upon waking: the meds are late but, getting the LR, however reluctantly, was more important; any longer than that 45 minutes & I WOULD have fallen asleep again without it & BS would be higher!🙄

There nothing else for it but, to go Australian with a Very G’day mates! 😉

Obviously needed the sleep as I’m a bit Olympically burnt out! :D🙄😳😛😉

Only watched a little bit yesterday but, heres what I DID catch! 🙄 Oh! Emojis are going back in as I’m composing live today!😉

So, what happened at the Olympics on Day 12? First off in the “Comedy Special” one of the show jumping fences was changed slightly after some riders spoke up about it! I’ve already mentioned that I still remember the beautiful fences done by art students in Seoul 1988: ever since then Olympic showjumping fences are always decorated showpieces as well as being functional; love Tokyo’s Cherry Blossoms, water jump, Samurai, chopsticks & sumo wrestler! 😛 Well, the sumo wrestler was startling horses & riders, with one saying he turned around to be confronted with a great big bottom!:D😱:D So, just before the jump off in the show jumping final, when the layout of the fences are changed, the sumo wrestler had to be turned around in a less prominent position!:D😛😎😉 Saw GB’s Ben Maher winning gold on Explosion W: a horse SO in sync with him if asked could make his breakfast for him!:D😛😎

Finally I started watching a bit of the new sport of Sport Climbing & ended up trawling through Day 11’s coverage as well as I couldn’t get enough of it! It caught my attention & I kept watching it to see if ANYONE could reach the top og the lead wall in qualifying, the men on Day 11 & the ladies on Day 12, nobody did with the closest being 42+, just below the top, on the men’s wall & 40+, also almost at the top, on the ladies wall! It’s a lot more tactical, like chess, than I would have thought & it’s fascinating! 😎😛
Good afternoon. I was wrapped up in testing this morning and could not post until now.

BG 4.8 at 6am

But the great news is that the OGTT which was the test I was doing this morning indicated that I am not diabetic as the BG result after 2 hours was 7.0

I must admit that drinking all that glucose was revolting and I was very very nervous and anxious of the test.