Group 7-day waking average?

For anyone that is interested the temperature here which started this morning at 9 am at 29 has just hit 41. It is a tad uncomfortable.
Wow! Just a tad!? I hope you've got air conditioning. How is Missy coping with the heat as well?
First up this morning. Happy too.

Yesterday for some unknown reason my BG was slightly raised at 5.8 morning and evening I was a little concerned that I may have 'broken something' with the OGTT the other day. I have always been a worrier sadly. I need not have worried as this morning it was 5.0 back down into to my normal range.

But way way more important, I reached my weight goal of 55.5Kg. (Ok I cheated, I changed it a short while ago up from 55.0 to 55.5Kg cos I liked all the 5's). So now I am 55.5Kg. BMI 20.89. That's low enough. I don't want to do any real damage !!! 🙂

Best celebrate with 2 or 3 slices of chocolate fudge cake, a bottle of champagne, 5 bags of wine gums, and 1 slice of ryvita (don't want to over do the carbs !)

Oh, and the surgery texted me yesterday to say my blood tests are now due so I have to make an appointment. I didn't ring them to arrange it because I didn't want to wait on the phone for 30 minutes and I can't stand their 'waiting' music or the dreadful start up (long) message. So Very soon I will get my latest HbA1c result. Hoping it is way way down too.

I wasn't feeling like going out for a walk today cos it is so dark and much colder, but I think now that I will a bit later on.

Oh, and after a terrible terrible day the other day where my wife totally flipped and screamed at me that she wanted a divorce, cried, shouted, etc etc, because of the intruders in the house... the last 2 days she has been really really good, happy, calm, kind, loving, attentive, listening, communicating. When she is 'ill' I refuse to give in to her 'demon' and just keep going with calm sense. However, apparently that is the wrong thing to do as sense is the last thing they can cope with, understand or accept. It just apparently winds them up more. I can vouch for that. But I will not give an inch to her illness, EVER ! And her demon knows that !!!

So, I hope she is still ok today. I have a lot of sympathy for her condition. She never asked for it and doesn't deserve to be so frightened and upset so much of the time. Sad so sad. But you never know she might be cured miraculously. I was always a dreamer/hoper...

Anyway have a great day everyone.
5.8 at the usual 06:00. I shouldn’t have had those peanuts last night.
Best celebrate with 2 or 3 slices of chocolate fudge cake, a bottle of champagne, 5 bags of wine gums, and 1 slice of ryvita (don't want to over do the carbs !)
Surely you’re having us on?
Yup of course I am. 🙂

I was just being a bit silly there in my post.

The good news has cheered me up no end
4.2 and nothing planned so will do what I dam well like :D
Reporting a 5.5 today. 🙂

5.7 this morning, raining here, but it is housework and grocery shopping day. Going to do my morning yoga session beforehand,

have a good weekend.

8.0 here

Bubbles already been a total **** this morning while I was through the house making my coffee and getting my breakfast, he's now gone into hiding under the coffee table after being shouted at when I got back, nothing broken this time thankfully but he really is doing my head in, never known of such a badly behaved cat
Good morning everyone hope you're all good 🙂
8:21am 8.2 and 16u of tresiba taken