Group 7-day waking average?

7.7 for me on Saturday morning
4.4 yesterday and another 4.4 for me today. Both of which needed a sour/fizzy worm (Lidl have been out of JBs for the last month but quite enjoying my change of hypo treatment) an hour or so before, to get me there.
Quite surprised to have consistent readings 2 days running considering how different those days and evening meals were!

@Robin Saturday went reasonably well thanks but having set off in plenty of time and had a smooth traffic free journey up there we could not find the signs for the event and ended up travelling into the visitor attraction side of the House. People kept trying to direct us to get round to the deer park at the rear, where we needed to be, but we hit locked gates and almost no room to turn round each time we followed their advice and with a very long trailer on the back it was no fun trying to reverse along narrow tree lined garden tracks. I had to keep getting out and doing an Annika Rice running ahead to see if the gate we could see at the other end of the tree lined avenue would give us access to the horse boxes we could see beyond it, but no, they were padlocked! By the time we eventually got to where we needed to be, the entries for our class were going into the ring! The judge said he would hold the class for us for 10 mins but in that time we had to take the carriage off the trailer, attach shafts, strap on cushions, lamps, umbrella basket get horse out, harness him up, get changed ourselves, put him to and head into the show ring and I was already stressed to death before we started. By the time we got in there the judging had already started and no time to warm the horse up. Needless to say we got "wooden spoon" position but to be honest we can't compete with the money's worth of vehicles and paint jobs on the gigs that the other entries have and I find it all a bit demoralizing but that is what showing is about.... having the best of the best and having it in immaculate condition, whereas our turnout is a country vehicle which gets used rather than something which is kept under covers and just comes out to go in the show ring a few times each summer. We were also entered to do the Concours d'Elegance which is supposed to be judged on the orginality of the turnout and involved a lovely park drive through the grounds with some absolutely breathtaking views across the Firth of Forth and little meandering tracks through the gardens and tree lined avenues which we had earlier failed to navigate with the car and trailer, before a presentation on the gravel parade ground in front of the house which was just "WOW!" but unfortunately I wasn't able to get a photo. They award a winner but don't place everyone else for that and we didn't win but I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am pretty sure Zak did too.
Finally we did the Attelage d'Tradition which is again supposed to be original vehicles and you are judged on presentation, then you do some difficulties involving picking up a glass of champagne from a stand, driving 20 yards one handed and putting it down on another stand unspilled. Driving a short distance whilst keeping the wheels within a 9 inch tramline marked out with ropes, halt and salute, 20 m one handed circle, driving the horse over a large square of carpet and then driving through a small square of cones and then reversing back through them and then finally driving a course of cones, all of which was great fun. We came about mid way in that competition. Met some lovely friendly people whilst we were up there and Zak was good as gold. I got very excited about being gifted some Scottish "tablet" (presented to all the competitors) until I remembered I am diabetic and that stuff is pretty much pure sugar! That said, I managed to have a mild hypo at Ian's yesterday afternoon so I treated it with half a chunk before he guzzles the rest.... I was very restrained and even took the smaller half ..... which promptly took me up to 7.7 and the sweetness made my eyes water! Yummy though! Anyway, it was a very long day (over 7 hours travelling and animals to do before and after), and a bit stressful at times but some bits of it were really enjoyable and mostly a very positive experience.... And the car got us there and back without incident, so that was a huge relief in itself considering it is over 20 years old and pulling a lot of weight up some pretty big inclines.
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@Bexlee, make sure you get a proper break!! I hope your levels are better now.
@rebrascora, your day sounds like it was stressful and fun all in one. I'm pleased you had a good day
I’m glad you had some enjoyable bits, @rebrascora, it sounds a bit like some of the jumping shows round here, the kids fetch up there on the riding school ponies, in the battered horse box, and are faced with shiny new boxes containing showy ponies (trained by someone else, that cost a fortune and have been bought for little Jocasta to compete on) but they still manage to have fun, and cheer each other on for each clear round, or even each round where the rider actually remembers the course!
Who gets to drink the unspilled glasses of Champagne afterwards? Bet it wasn’t the competitors!
Good afternoon my BS was 6.6 on waking today (@07:30)

This morning I had to phone surgery, they had again taken test strips off my prescription re-order
perviously I thought they had finally understood, if I’m testing before & after meals & before and after sleep,this will require quite a lot of test trips every month,

although we reduced my twice daily insulin dosage to just 6 units, since then I’m no longer having nocturnal hypos, my daytime pre post meal readings are under a much better control than they were a year ago, or have ever been ! why can’t they understand this is through constant testing,

looking forward see what the Hba1c shows next month and reduce testing maybe,
long term I so want to come off the insulin & reduce my other meds

So I’m off work for a few days this week, but still kind of busy, we need to get the loft emptied at my Mums old house in Newbury
fingers crossed the sale goes through before much longer, the loft clearing out day is tomorrow,
whilst I’m here will pop over to West Berkshire Crematorium,
as last week would’ve been my Brother‘s 60th Birthday he has a tree in the garden of remembrance over there.

Hope everybody’s having a great day !
I have over the past 2 weeks reduced my basal from 14 to 12 each day. I use Toujeo. My bolus is Novorapid and the injection units are different each day depending upon what my pre-dinner reading is and how many carbs there are in the meal.
Maybe reduce your basal again but obviously it's up to you. My basal is Tresiba and my bolus is Humalog and with my humalog I'm the same as you where the number of units depend on what pre-breakfast, pre-lunch and pre-dinner readings are and how many carbs there are.
Yes, that is pretty much the size of it, but at adult level. One lady had one of these massive lorries where the side pops out to provide living accommodation and she had the tiniest hackney pony and 2 wheeled vehicle to put in it. Lorry must have cost £100+
Ponies are bought for thousands to do that specific job and get sent away to be professionally broken and schooled and gig gets a £2000 professional paint job every year to keep it immaculate and we roll up with Zak who was born on a tether and bought for £250, home schooled with no professional input whatsoever and has to be multitalented to fulfil all the roles Ian needs him for, so he drives in the summer, hunts in the winter and does a bit of farm work in between when needed..... just found out he absolutely loves rounding up cattle. Our carriage is 120yr old vehicle which Ian has lovingly restored, rubbed down and painted himself but far from being immaculate. We do OK not to look too out of place but never going to do well against turnout's like that, where money is no object.

Who gets to drink the unspilled glasses of Champagne afterwards?
I was horrified to see her tip it out and fill a new glass for the next competitor. It turned out to be alcohol free sparkling wine in a champagne flute and what they didn't tell us was that the driver was supposed to drink it. The previous attelage we had attended it was a test to ensure you didn't spill any and could drive smoothly with one hand and get the horse to stand sensibly next to the stand to pick the glass up and put it down again carefully. The glass had a mark on it so that you could see none had been lost, so maybe this was a Scottish twist of the rules in drinking it or maybe some weird Covid regulation!
I’m glad you had a great weekend. It sounded to be a fun time although as you say it can be stressful and tiring.
@Michael12421 I agree with @mum2westiesGill that you need to be looking at another basal reduction if you haven't done one in the last 3 days. There is a pattern of low morning readings which tells you that you need to take action.
Just checked back over your last 7 days of readings starting last Tue....

and there are four in the red, 2 of them seriously plus 4.0 being far too close for comfort, so only 2 out of 7 readings are safe numbers. That should be telling you that you need to reduce yr basal again. It wouldn't be so bad if you had good hypo awareness but unfortunately you don't. A week or two of 8-10s should be what you are aiming for to try to restore it and I know you won't like that but it is far less risky than the current situation, which makes us all really anxious for you..
@rebrascora give me a Zac any day, he sounds delightful and totally loveable. Good on you and him for taking part and showing the true spirit of what these shows should be. The high faluting nobs can drink their champers but I bet they don’t have as much fun x
@Michael12421 are you having alcohol with your evening meals? xx
@mum2westiesGill please don't take this the wrong way but it's fantastic to see you've gained a bit of confidence and suggesting things to others now xx
You spend the first half of the year persuading things to grow, and the second half cutting them all back.
LOL, s'true. 7.3 I think, for me. I'm too hot, jaded, can't be bothered, blah. 🙂
@mum2westiesGill please don't take this the wrong way but it's fantastic to see you've gained a bit of confidence and suggesting things to others now xx
Thank you so much @Kaylz for your lovely comment its made my day for me - I couldn't have done it without all yours and other members fantastic help xx
Morning all 6.6 after a dreadful nights sleep. Lightening lit the bed from 3.30 onwards, I’m surprised Misty survived the night poor little soul.
Off to work again, everyone is in very low spirits so it’s a challenge.
Have a good day all x
Up to 6.0 this morning at 06:00. Not sure why. Few carbs last night.
It’s much cooler and overcast here this morning.
06:14 BS 5.1 :D Just overshot a HS!😱 I did put up NR a bit yesterday as it was SO much cooler & towards the end of the day it even got a bit of grey cloud but, no rain, yet: it might today?

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Had fun watching one of the best gymnastics finals ever, the absolute best ever one was London 2012 when Team GB won their first ever medal, where the lead changed so many times & it all came down to the very last piece of apparatus in the new format of alternating each country on each piece: a very unusual format that really worked! 😛 And before that I’d just watched our underdogs of Tom Daley, remembered the 14 year old way back in Beijing 2008, & Matty Lee finally beat the mighty Chinese in the diving: I’m Chinese myself but, being British too I love an underdog & I was cheering Tom on; given how dominant the Chinese are in diving it was a real David versus Goliath contest & REALLY WELL DONE to Tom Daley & Matty Lee!😱😛😎:D