Group 7-day waking average?

Just come back from 1hr 10 mins moderate paced walk...pulse now 62.

It has always been low-ish when I was younger. So as you say not to worry unless it drops to below 50.

Thanks for all your replies and reassurances.

Nice on the beach this morning. It was full of huge dogs. Must be a dog show nearby.
4.5 Rain here all day so garden will be happy
@eggyg and Mr Eggyg
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary.
Good morning everyone 🙂
7:32am 5.9 within target - 16u of tresiba taken - hope it's ok taking it a bit later than usual but at least it's been taken 🙂
22:40pm bedtime 4 hours 8 minutes after tea - 5.0 bottom of target - below 8mmol so had 26g of carbs (2 bags of mini choc chip cookies) and no humalog
18:32pm teatime 9.0 - eating out - had margherita pizza 86g of carbs 8.5u of humalog
Morning all and it was 6.4 for me several hours ago. Early start due to visiting a local car boot sale. Impromptu basal test i.e. going out without any breakfast suggests my morning levemir dosage is about right.

Have a good day everyone.
Good afternoon everyone, a bit of a late posting from me today. Woke to a 9.3 after needing a small correction overnight. Decided against reducing my basal as the last 2 days have been much cooler and my levels have gone up a bit.
@DuncanLord congrats on the HS
@SueEK good to hear your BIL is out of hospital. I hope he keeps on improving
@eggyg Happy Anniversary, have a lovely day
G'day cobbers, really it should be good evening, lovely cool and breezy now but melting before phew. 7.5 @ 10.26 this morning after being up all night with insomnia because I had a nap earlier and bad food not conducive to sleep.

Well done @DuncanLord 🙂 one of these days...
(((hugs))) glad your BIL is out at least @SueEK
Congratulations to @eggyg and Mr Eggyg 🙂
Good morning everyone. Looks a bit dark out there.

A bit of a shock yesterday. I discovered that accidentally I had been using an American web site for my source data and therefore got my carb calculations wrong. Whoops. Thankfully some kind person here gently pointed out my mistake. Spent the rest of the day correcting all my data (and there is a lot of it). Got it sorted , I think.

Weight down this morning to 56.2Kg BMI 21.15. Happy with that especially as I had chicken for tea (heavy solids)

BG is 4.8 which is fine. But interestingly it was 5.2 yesterday evening. Is there an evening HS prize? 🙂

Today out for a walk on the beach. It is nice and cloudy (not too hot). Probably 90 minutes, not sure right now as I am feeling a bit lazy this morning.
The start of another week already! It’s 5.5 from me at my usual 06:00. Looks like the heatwave is over.
Morning folks and a surprising 5.6 for me, haven’t visited 5-land for many a long month. Good news is my BIL has now tested negative for Covid, phew. Spoke briefly to him yesterday, breathing definitely laboured but was in good spirits, thank goodness, he had us all very worried. We also had hot water now that our boiler has been replaced.
@eggyg sorry I missed your anniversary, hope you enjoyed your meal cooked by Mr Eggyg.
@Michael12421 your numbers seem to have been very low recently, hope you can get that up soon.
Have a good day all x
Reporting a 5.6 this morning. 🙂
Better night's sleep last night. I dragged out the foldaway guest bed and slept in the lounge. :D It was at least 3 degrees cooler than upstairs. 🙄

4.6 this morning need to up my treadmill runs it's been gathering dust of late been too hot and I have always had projects to do in garden.
06:13 BS 8.8 Uhm! Noticing an upward shift now & had to stop the reductions & think I need to increase a bit now as FINALLY it’s quite a lot cooler despite no thunderstorm to clear the air; was completely sure IF it was cooler yesterday but, absolutely sure now as, ahem, needed to cover myself with the duvet in the middle of the night when it was windows & doors open 24/7 & no cover on the bed! 😱 Had to switch off the fan & not use it at all as it just created a heat source as the electrics heated up the air: much cooler to get the air flowing through from the outsiide; had to stop myself from closing doors, though!🙄 Sigh! I DID end up on less than half my usual NR doses from usual 40 for breakfast down to 16 & tried 14 yesterday :D but, needed to correct & held my doses of the day before with no more reductions to still end up a bit higher, 8’s, this morning. Now, my instinct is telling me to start increasing a bit but, will test to see?🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

It seems that I was indeed right about these Olympics having surprising results: only day 3 & already everyday there have been major shocks & unexpected wins: funniest was a swimmer yesterday from Tunisia winning the 400m freestyle from lane 8, the slowest lane as the fastest qualifiers get put in the middle lanes & out from there down to the slowest; the celebrations of both his coach & him were hilariously funny amidst everybody else’s, including commentators, bemused shock! :D And then there was the women’s cycling road race won by an Austrian that just made the mighty Dutch team look foolish! On day 1 Japan’s superstar male gymnast Kohei Uchimura, some say arguably the greatest ever, fell in the high bar during qualifying & not make it to the final at alI! 😱 I wonder what shocks are in store today? I have a longer wait this morning before the gymnastics start with the mens team final & see how Team GB do?🙂 Will have breakfast now & catch up on the overnight, to us in the UK, action as I actually got some much needed sleep, in the cooler temperatures, instead of watching it live from midnight like days 1 & 2!🙄 Thank goodness there’s no more panting 😛 today as it’s definitely much cooler!:D Phew! with just a single drop of sweat over one eye!
Morning all, 4.8 here, jelly baby assisted. Too much gardening yesterday, jobs were piling up in the heatwave. You spend the first half of the year persuading things to grow, and the second half cutting them all back.
How did the driving competition go, @rebrascora ?
Morning all. 7.4! Hmmm…too many roasties or brewing an infection because of all these blooming insect bites. More yesterday after our walk even after liberally spraying the insect repellent. Sick to death of them.

Had a lovely day yesterday, thanks for all your good wishes. A six mile walk, got hot but not as bad as it’s been, definitely cooling down now, thank goodness. A lounge in the garden reading our books, then a delicious meal. Scallops, Stornaway black pudding with a sweet chilli sauce to start. Pan fried and then roasted duck breast, roast potatoes and roasted veg from the garden, turnips carrots and parsnips, and a redcurrant ( from the garden) and port jus. All washed down with a bottle of Tattinger. It was on offer in Tesco with your Club card so it would have been rude not too! 😉

Back to reality today. Quiche, new potatoes ( from the garden) and salad for tonight’s tea. Have a great day everyone and let’s rejoice in the coolness. 🙂
Good morning everyone. 8.0 here after yet another 2.30am correction. So very tired this morning.
Scallops, Stornaway black pudding with a sweet chilli sauce to start. Pan fried and then roasted duck breast, roast potatoes and roasted veg from the garden, turnips carrots and parsnips, and a redcurrant ( from the garden) and port jus. All washed down with a bottle of Tattinger. It was on offer in Tesco with your Club card so it would have rude not too! 😉
@eggyg your meal sounds delicious!