Group 7-day waking average?

Well done Lions. A great second half.
Woke twice, so far, today: up just before midnight at 23:10 BS 11.2 😳 Oops as I’d obviously under bolused for a takeaway of king prawns in black bean sauce with fried rice for dinner of which I guessed the bolus but, was delish 😛; corrected & stayed up to watch live Olympics at midnight to find out the day’s viewing schedule then dropped off about 02:00 ish! Got up just before 5am for the ladies gymnastics 04:57 BS 4.3 Again Oops!😳 Overdid the correction as I forgot to -2 from my usual correction factor to compensate for the heat as weather STILL hasn’t broken, injected 10 instead of 8, & a munched JB: oh dear swinging from one extreme to another already today; hopefully it’ll be steadier the rest of today?😳🙄 Now, watching the gymnastics on the red button that started at 4am but, rewinded it back to the start & paused now while I post this, & see if team GB ladies can make the finals like the men did yesterday! Fingers crossed emoji!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Going to unpause & continue to watch the ladies gymnastics! 😛
A very nice 5.1 again this morning. Have a good Sunday everyone.
Good morning. 5.4 for me this morning.

However, for the second time my pulse has dropped to 46 !!! I tested and retested and retested. Normally it is around 60 to 64. No other symptoms. No dizziness. No shortness of breath. No fatigue. Blood oxygen level is 98%. BP a tiny bit raised (for me) at 127/84. The two instances are months apart. I will keep a close eye on it.

Should I be concerned though?
Good morning. 5.4 for me this morning.

However, for the second time my pulse has dropped to 46 !!! I tested and retested and retested. Normally it is around 60 to 64. No other symptoms. No dizziness. No shortness of breath. No fatigue. Blood oxygen level is 98%. BP a tiny bit raised (for me) at 127/84. The two instances are months apart. I will keep a close eye on it.

Should I be concerned though?
I get this reasonably regularly to no ill effect. As long as you don’t feel light headed, dizzy etc it’s okay. I discussed this with my heart failure nurse when I had one allocated to me, and she wasn’t concerned.
Morning everyone. 6.5 for me today.

Fresher feeling again today, and the dog took one look at the world, sniffed and refused to go out Unheard of! I suspect heavy rain imminently. :D
Thanks Henrybennet. I will keep an eye on it, but as there are no other symptoms i'll just think of it as 'one of those things'

Just looking through my records, it has actually occurred 5 times over the last 4 months. 52, 51, 54, 54, 52. More so more recently.

Presently seems evenly spaced at around once every 10 days or so.
Good Morning All
Woke this morning at 06:50 2EB55D08-7CCA-4F88-B78B-0BAA8D635292.jpeg
Tested BG at 07:03 and what a surprise a 5.2 after a 5.8 at bedtime.
Well stay safe everyone.
I believe you posted yesterday that you had done a 176 min walk on the beach.
Has exercise any influence on pulse rate, the next day?
I know that doing much fast walking my pulse has seemed to drop, not that low but could be worth considering.
Stay safe
Thanks Henrybennet. I will keep an eye on it, but as there are no other symptoms i'll just think of it as 'one of those things'

Just looking through my records, it has actually occurred 5 times over the last 4 months. 52, 51, 54, 54, 52. More so more recently.

Presently seems evenly spaced at around once every 10 days or so.
I’m fairly certain that it has to drop below 50 to be considered low. When my heart rate shows as low (Apple Watch 6) it’s generally 46. Low to mid 50’s over that period of time shouldn’t concern you.
Good morning everybody
woke to a more respectable 5.8 today
Morning all 6.7 here. Been so busy lately. BIL out of hospital as consultant wants him to keep mobilising to move the blood clots which he couldn’t do at hospital. Apparently yesterday he managed to eat and even had a shower so that is much more positive.
Had a couple of very bad nights, heat, dog in a ‘state’ so panting, shaking etc, hubby snoring - not conducive to a good nights sleep.
Lots of little jobs to do today but nothing of note.
@DuncanLord congrats on your HS, one of these I may join you!!
Have a good day all x
5.8 for me this morning, after the worst night's sleep I've had in donkey's years. Roll on the promised/predicted cooler weather. 🙂
And congratulations to @DuncanLord on your House Special.
Also better news @SueEK on your brother-in-law's condition. 🙂

Morning all, 5.1 here, so close! Bet if I swiped again now the train would have gone through the House Special station without stopping. Ha! Tried it just to see, 5.8!
Dare I say it, we need some more rain. One brief shower so far. i know, I know, be careful what you wish for!

8.4 for me

Absolutely roasting already!
Morning all. 7.2 after a touch and go lie in. Both of us awake at 5, really didn’t want to get up and struggled to get back to sleep as we were quite cool for the first time in two weeks, but couldn’t be bothered to close all the windows. Duvet maybe back on the bed tonight. Still lovely up here though, but fresher, no rain in sight until at least Tuesday according to BBC a weather app.

It’s our 41st wedding anniversary today so we’re doing absolutely nothing, except a nice meal tonight cooked by Mr Eggy. I’m not daft, I compile the meal plan for the week so it just happened that tonight’s meal is a one that Mr Eggy always cooks. 😉

Have nice day all. Congratulations @DuncanLord on the HS. 🙂