Group 7-day waking average?


8.8 here

Couldn't sleep last night as half hour before I went to bed the neighbours across the back started burning stuff in the garden, bedroom was stinking and was making me feel sick but is far too hot to close the windows as wake up drenched even with them open! 🙄 xx
5.7 This morning.

Good news @SueEK about BIL
Glad to hear that you had such an enjoyable anniversary @eggyg
Congrats on HS @DuncanLord , (and that evening one @Gwynn )

It is warming up again, and we have a ‘homemade graduation to go to’
Enjoy your day.
Good Morning All
A 6.1 for me today on waking at 07:00.

Massive drop during exercise walk last night after Dinner, that have given me thoughts about timing insulin etc or just one of those things.
before dinner: BG. 5.1. 1 unit of Humulin 70/30
Dinner was Chicken portion, few potatoes mixed veg gravy Greek Yoghurt 51 carbs or 567 cal.
2 hours after Dinner BG was 9.5.
Went out for a walk. 4km in 44 mins.
On return Bg 4.2. Oops a bit low
Had Banana. ( to correct)
45 min later 6.1.
An hour later 5.1. (23:35)
Had 2 cream crackers.
hour later. 7.6.
Then back to 6.1 by this morning

Could be just one of those things or was my pancreas chucking out insulin for fun to mess up figures?
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Good morning everyone 🙂 hope you're all ok
7:03am and I'm the winner so far today with the highest score of 15.8 - 16u of tresiba taken and 3u humalog correction and how did that happen - well I put the wrong amount in on the scales at teatime yesterday so ended up with too many carbs and too much insulin so not long after eating went hypo but then obviously over corrected with too many carbs! Ohh dear but it happens and I won't make the same mistake again!
00:28pm 4.9 had 26g of carbs no humalog
22:22pm bedtime 5.9 - 15 minute hypo check - back within target had 26g of carbs
22:05pm 3.4 15 minute hypo check had 3 more jelly babies
21:47pm 3.3 hypo so had 3 jelly babies to treat hypo
20:34pm 5.2 teatime - eating out so re-entered this test from before eating to get bolus advice and also took humalog

Note for myself - no more corrections until 11am and only if over 10mmol - hopefully it's worked its way back down
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Checking in after a weekend off line. A 5.4 for me at 06:07 this morning following on from a 5.5 yesterday and 5.4 on Saturday.
Update to my earlier post
I'm happy to say that my huge mistake last night and waking bgl of 15.8 at 7:03am this morning is now back to within target at 6.8 for breakfast - 47g 9f carbs for a richmond skinless sausage sandwich and 5.5u of humalog done
Well, with consistent low readings on waking, I’d be doing something to keep myself safe. That’s what it boils down to. Take care. X
@Michael12421 I'm probably the last person you want advice from but what about reducing your basal insulin? Which basal insulin are you on and which bolus insulin are you on?
@Michael12421 I'm probably the last person you want advice from but what about reducing your basal insulin? Which basal insulin are you on and which bolus insulin are you on?
I have over the past 2 weeks reduced my basal from 14 to 12 each day. I use Toujeo. My bolus is Novorapid and the injection units are different each day depending upon what my pre-dinner reading is and how many carbs there are in the meal.
First 'morning' check after a long lie in. Woke about 10am but didn't get up until 11.30. Reading is 7.8 which seems to be high. Going to go for a little walk I think then have some brunch and see what the reading is after that - hopefully it will be better.
Hi All. Had a few days off grid so to speak. Had a nightmare weekend up in the 18-20’s. Nothing seemed to bring it down into single figures then last night it crashed the other way and back to normal levels and a 5.2 but jelly baby induced at 9am.
Book afternoon I feel. I’ll do a bit of school prep tomorrow. I’ve decided one day a week maybe 2. Need a proper break