Group 7-day waking average?

Retail therapy .will do you the world of good...spend...spend...spend😱😱😱.
Its only to the ATM to get the board money out for mum and then into the local Scotmid probably not buy anything as wont be anything 'suitable' in my eyes :( really need to get over all this crap as its seriously getting me down, at a bad point at the moment, feeling like I'm trapped and there's no way to get out, going to ask Paul for a bit of extra support for a while when I see him on Tuesday, really struggling, see if he can push the psychology thing through blah blah blah x
Its only to the ATM to get the board money out for mum and then into the local Scotmid probably not buy anything as wont be anything 'suitable' in my eyes :( really need to get over all this crap as its seriously getting me down, at a bad point at the moment, feeling like I'm trapped and there's no way to get out, going to ask Paul for a bit of extra support for a while when I see him on Tuesday, really struggling, see if he can push the psychology thing through blah blah blah x
Sounds like you're a bit isolated K...maybe speak to Paul re: a support group...or some outside interest?...ask him...won't hurt to explore doubt it is difficult...particularly when you're so young...don't have the means to travel...we need to be persistent to get what needed...pig headed...I say that so often...yes...speak to him...keep us updated.
I'm right there with you Kaylz, totally stressed. BG will be thru the roof I'll bet. :( No good at confrontation.

7.2 @ higher now...

I'd have had some stir-fried veg with grated cheese for the hunger..
Bloden I will remember this for in fact I will have that anyways... 🙂 I don't really do stir-frys...need to buy a wok...
Sounds like you're a bit isolated K...maybe speak to Paul re: a support group...or some outside interest?...ask him...won't hurt to explore doubt it is difficult...particularly when you're so young...don't have the means to travel...we need to be persistent to get what needed...pig headed...I say that so often...yes...speak to him...keep us updated.
Unfortunately I've already looked and there are no support groups in this area, only for Type 2's and even they aren't very regular, hoping maybe they will agree to see me a bit more often for a while, keep in contact a bit more etc, feel like recently I've just been left to deal with it and I'm afraid I just cant anymore :'( x
Unfortunately I've already looked and there are no support groups in this area, only for Type 2's and even they aren't very regular, hoping maybe they will agree to see me a bit more often for a while, keep in contact a bit more etc, feel like recently I've just been left to deal with it and I'm afraid I just cant anymore :'( x
You know K...those type2 groups may be okay with you attending...for moral support...we manage our different types differently...but...all diabetic...still able to share some common ground...why not contact them...besides you can't be the only type 1 in your area...there must be others...or get yourself to your GP...insist you see them...make it clear how difficult you are finding it to cope.
You know K...those type2 groups may be okay with you attending...for moral support...we manage our different types differently...but...all diabetic...still able to share some common ground...why not contact them...besides you can't be the only type 1 in your area...there must be others...or get yourself to your GP...insist you see them...make it clear how difficult you are finding it to cope.
It's specifically aimed at Type 2's I know as the MIL attends them, I know there are other Type 1's in my town, I'll speak to Paul first on Tuesday and if he cant help will call the GP surgery on Wednesday morning as wont have time when I get in on the Tuesday afternoon as it will be a run in the door and get tea started job, could do with a bit more support from Bruce, my mum and my granddad as well a little more consideration etc but that's never going to happen xx
It's specifically aimed at Type 2's I know as the MIL attends them, I know there are other Type 1's in my town, I'll speak to Paul first on Tuesday and if he cant help will call the GP surgery on Wednesday morning as wont have time when I get in on the Tuesday afternoon as it will be a run in the door and get tea started job, could do with a bit more support from Bruce, my mum and my granddad as well a little more consideration etc but that's never going to happen xx

Pity you and Bruce couldn’t get a place together and leave the others to look after themselves. You could do with a whole life over-haul Kaylz! 😳
It's specifically aimed at Type 2's I know as the MIL attends them, I know there are other Type 1's in my town, I'll speak to Paul first on Tuesday and if he cant help will call the GP surgery on Wednesday morning as wont have time when I get in on the Tuesday afternoon as it will be a run in the door and get tea started job, could do with a bit more support from Bruce, my mum and my granddad as well a little more consideration etc but that's never going to happen xx
K...never mind the need to call the GP as soon as you can...tea can wait...has to wait...your health comes first!...really please call the GPs tomorrow...get an urgent appointment...if no one else can cook tea...they can have a take away...if you became really ill...everyone else would have to cook their own...look after yourself.
Good morning all, 4.6 in Arizona and it is 6am, so far all going well. I took my lantus at 5am here and just going to keep on testing all day. I had a flat line all night and a little low so will be ultra careful. I have a day to recover as I am exhausted but not moaning as it is hot and I am going out later, will pick up low carb snacks.
Happy the rest of Sunday to all
It's specifically aimed at Type 2's I know as the MIL attends them, I know there are other Type 1's in my town, I'll speak to Paul first on Tuesday and if he cant help will call the GP surgery on Wednesday morning as wont have time when I get in on the Tuesday afternoon as it will be a run in the door and get tea started job, could do with a bit more support from Bruce, my mum and my granddad as well a little more consideration etc but that's never going to happen xx
Its never going to happen until you're honest with them...or they understand how ill this is making you...and...sorry to say it... how ill you will make yourself if you don't get help now...I say that from concern only...we if neglect not prioritise our a downwards spiral...never mind tea...get some real help.
K...never mind the need to call the GP as soon as you can...tea can wait...has to wait...your health comes first!...really please call the GPs tomorrow...get an urgent appointment...if no one else can cook tea...they can have a take away...if you became really ill...everyone else would have to cook their own...look after yourself.
Just catching up now @Kaylz and agree, your health comes first. So sorry to hear you tried to get them to change and they didn't, sounds very difficult for you. Please do get help, sending hugs.
Morning all. Late posting due to tech issues. 2.8 on the libre but 5.1 on a fingerprick for me.

Had a very strange do in the night with dream and reality merging into one. I apparently woke up and promptly fell over.. A libre scan showed 0.9 and a finger prick 1.8. At this point I started scrabbling about for the dextrose tabs determined to shove 5 into my mouth ASAP at this point I did another fingerprick test and I was 6.8. On my meter this morning there is a record of the 6.8 but not a trace of the others!

Anyway have a good day everyone and make sure the hatches are battened down for tomorrow's winds.
A Ghost Hypo! 😱 Might have been a warp in the space-time continuum, make sure your levels are good before you go to bed tonight in case it was tachyon-induced 😉
Safe Journey 🙂 I hope you have a great time 🙂
Thanks and journey was better than I had imagined due to some of my fellow passengers who stood with me at the end of the plane, we had such a laugh and the ten hours went fast. I had my own food with me which helped and now recovering from losing some sleep.
Pity you and Bruce couldn’t get a place together and leave the others to look after themselves. You could do with a whole life over-haul Kaylz! 😳
Bruce has his own place it's just not suitable for me and to be honest he's not much better when it comes to this anyway x
Morning all.🙂 9.3 here...yikes!

Praying for rain here in NW Spain to put out all the forest fires - all started on purpose apparently, 3 people have died. 😡

Sorry to hear you're feeling down, @Kaylz. :( I can sympathise 1000%...Why not start your own T1 group? (It's what my hubby suggested to me when my GP wouldn't refer me to a psychologist...then I found this forum🙂). (((Hugs)))
Good morning everyone. I had 15g carb at 4am for a 4.1 but was then woken up at 5.30am by a 2.6!
Thanks and journey was better than I had imagined due to some of my fellow passengers who stood with me at the end of the plane, we had such a laugh and the ten hours went fast. I had my own food with me which helped and now recovering from losing some sleep.
You're not supposed to be enjoying yourself...are you?...thought this was all about hard work😉.
Praying for rain here in NW Spain to put out all the forest fires - all started on purpose apparently, 3 people have died. 😡
Hadn't heard about this Bloden...what reckless senseless behaviour...not surprised your levels are up...will be echoing that prayer for rain...keep safe.