Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning folks 🙂 5.9 for me on this chilly morning :( lol, don't have a clue what is going on but spent the day in the 7's most of yesterday :( anyway have a nice day my lovelies! :D xx
Good score K...great if only your mother would turn the heating on:D:D:D...could be a perfect weekend.
Morning all. Bit of a spike in the early hours but then steadily downwards until I woke to a 4.7
Was due for review tomorrow but it's been put back to the 27th. I'd timed my sensor to run out just before the appointment as well. Ah well.
Have a good Sunday everyone.
Good morning all, 3.8 not so good, maybe need to reduce lantus again. I am going to post a thread about going to the States and a 8 hour time difference, my sensor for the States has arrived!
Enjoy your Sunday everyone.
Good morning all, 3.8 not so good, maybe need to reduce lantus again. I am going to post a thread about going to the States and a 8 hour time difference, my sensor for the States has arrived!
Enjoy your Sunday everyone.
Bit low idea about the lantus reduction...could write what I know about insulin on the back of a postage stamp...hope that does the trick...while you're off to the doubt I'll be dispatched up North somewhere...but...will enjoy your trip there...albeit vicariously😛.
Bit low idea about the lantus reduction...could write what I know about insulin on the back of a postage stamp...hope that does the trick...while you're off to the doubt I'll be dispatched up North somewhere...but...will enjoy your trip there...albeit vicariously😛.
Yes, too low, my pancreas is up to tricks at the moment. It better behave in the USA! I will make you very jealous as just checked weather, it will be hot! Enjoy the North! :D
Morning...although up at 5am...good sleep last night...busy day today...lots of issues to deal with...I just love a challenge😛😛😛...paper work to do...must raise some invoices (my favourite part)...looking forward to my day...looks like the sun is about to appear...good long walk with Harry...if I can wake him up...he is comatose...snoring like a good un' right now...another leisurely cup of coffee...then on with my day...woke to a 5.4...hope everyone enjoys their Sunday🙂.
Great number and enjoy your walk, send the sun to Somerset, rather grey here.:D
Good score K...great if only your mother would turn the heating on:D:D:D...could be a perfect weekend.
Was hoping Bruce would bring me breakfast in bed so I didn't have to leave the cosy bed but no such luck! lol, tempted to switch it on just now for a while as she's at work but she'd just moan when she got home! xx
Have a lovely Sunday.

Battled a persistent 3.4 last night with several swigs of apple juice, about 14 dextrose tablets which got me to 3.6 :confused: I hit the cupboards then raided the
fridge 😱, I woke to 10.3 feeling a bit yuk.
View attachment 4919
Have a lovely Sunday.

Battled a persistent 3.4 last night with several swigs of apple juice, about 14 dextrose tablets which got me to 3.6 :confused: I hit the cupboards then raided the
fridge 😱, I woke to 10.3 feeling a bit yuk.
Oh No, sounds scary and hope you feel better soon, can you rest and recover today?
So sounds like a flat line yesterday, excellent! Keep warm today and have fun. :D
Meant to be heading to the shop later but really not sure I want to go out if I'm shivering in the house! Lol x
View attachment 4919
Have a lovely Sunday.

Battled a persistent 3.4 last night with several swigs of apple juice, about 14 dextrose tablets which got me to 3.6 :confused: I hit the cupboards then raided the
fridge 😱, I woke to 10.3 feeling a bit yuk.
Oh no hope your feeling better soon! x
Yes, too low, my pancreas is up to tricks at the moment. It better behave in the USA! I will make you very jealous as just checked weather, it will be hot! Enjoy the North! :D
I'm not bitter at all Jo...want you to enjoy your trip...after all while you're slumming it flying over the Atlantic...being served food & drink by the charming cabin crew...staying in a swish hotel...I'll be driving up the M1...or even better the M6...way up north...stopping off at the best of service stations...dining from their Al a carte menus...continuously stopping for petrol...where as I fill the tank I can admire the scenery...receive compliments from the charismatic truckers parked in the waiting of the nicest compliments I ever received was that classic one liner from a charming trucker...who gently shouted as I checked my tyre pressures...''ooh can't get anymore in those dahlin...they're full to the brim already'...even though he was staring at my top half😱😱😱...sure he just wanted to help with the correct tyre pressures...keep me nothing to be envious of is there?
View attachment 4919
Have a lovely Sunday.

Battled a persistent 3.4 last night with several swigs of apple juice, about 14 dextrose tablets which got me to 3.6 :confused: I hit the cupboards then raided the
fridge 😱, I woke to 10.3 feeling a bit yuk.
Oh no, that sounds awful. I hope you have a better day x
I'm not bitter at all Jo...want you to enjoy your trip...after all while you're slumming it flying over the Atlantic...being served food & drink by the charming cabin crew...staying in a swish hotel...I'll be driving up the M1...or even better the M6...way up north...stopping off at the best of service stations...dining from their Al a carte menus...continuously stopping for petrol...where as I fill the tank I can admire the scenery...receive compliments from the charismatic truckers parked in the waiting of the nicest compliments I ever received was that classic one liner from a charming trucker...who gently shouted as I checked my tyre pressures...''ooh can't get anymore in those dahlin...they're full to the brim already'...even though he was staring at my top half😱😱😱...sure he just wanted to help with the correct tyre pressures...keep me nothing to be envious of is there?
:D:D:D:D:D:D Oops just spilt my coffee laughing!
Woke at 6.45 this morning. Tested at 7 o'clock and BG 7.0. Washing on and back to bed with a coffee and Gretchen Becker book. Housework and slobbing day, with maybe a bit of gardening thrown in. Have a good day all, and hello to all the newbies on the forum
Carol...I've recommended that book so often wish I had a share in her is such a good read...believe it should be supplied on interested to hear what you think of it?
No I can understand that. Are you walking as sometimes movement helps us get warmer. If your hip is feeling better could you do some stretching? Otherwise duvet on the sofa it is. :D
Hips still sore as injection goes right into the muscle and as I'm trying not to lie on the sensor I'm having to sleep on that hip at the moment! lol, duvet day sounds fab haven't had one of those in a long time :D x