Group 7-day waking average?

Late posting totally forgot but woke to 7.8 this morning and not being able to hardly talk (I won't repeat what the OH) said lol, although feeling slightly better still feeling under the weather.

Hope everyone has a good weekend x can't get too rigid about it...come to the conclusion if my levels are higher than I expect/like as long as I know why...I can address it...resolve it...but...have to be in the right frame of point in forcing things if not're thinking about it...things will settle...hard work being virtuous all day...every day...we have to give ourselves some leeway from time to time.
Thanks Barbara. Was really pleased as out for lunch and had garlic lemon chicken with mixed bean salad. Just checked level and 6.9 so my body and me can do it. Keep trying but live a little too
Thanks Barbara. Was really pleased as out for lunch and had garlic lemon chicken with mixed bean salad. Just checked level and 6.9 so my body and me can do it. Keep trying but live a little too
Absolutely Carol...I met friends after work on Thursday...went for fish & chips...ate the up to a 6.7 later...just started off again the next day...enjoyed it...great to have an evening off.
a that rate you could eat a whole packet if you wanted (not suggesting you would)
I so would! It's just logic to eat the whole packet and throw the wrapper away. 🙄 Closure.
Morning all.🙂 9.9 here...after a day of "how low can you go?" yesterday...ffflleeuurrrgh.🙄

Catalonia's separatists have got their illegal referendum today - tensions are running high, so I just hope no-one does anything stupid!😱:confused:

Relaaaaax, ev1, it's Sunday...😛
Morning all, a 7.4 for me this morning. Up and ready to travel to London for the Diabetes UK Thames bridges challenge.
Morning all. 6.7 for me. Best number for a long time.have a good day all
White rabbits! White rabbits ! White rabbits!

Good morning every one . I hope the weather isn’t too bad where you are , it’s gearing itself up to be rather wet here.

8.7 today, was too low to go to bed and somehow a scone managed to chuck itself down my throat rather than a 2 gingernuts .
White rabbits! White rabbits ! White rabbits!
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Good morning every one . I hope the weather isn’t too bad where you are , it’s gearing itself up to be rather wet here.

8.7 today, was too low to go to bed and somehow a scone managed to chuck itself down my throat rather than a 2 gingernuts .
Love the rabbits. Scones have a habit of sneaking up on you, especially cherry ones with a wee pot of jam, followed hot on their heels by stem ginger cookies. Can't buy ginger nuts, unless only in 2's, that's a bit like malteasers
Morning all. A 5.4 on yet another wet and grey morning :(. I hope the whole of autumn and winter aren't going to be like this again.
Good morning guys 🙂 @Bubbsie where's your head at this morning? posting your waking on @New-journey forgotten basal thread! Lol :D, 4.7 for me this morning, thinking I may need a further reduction, have a nice day folks! :D xx
Love the rabbits. Scones have a habit of sneaking up on you, especially cherry ones with a wee pot of jam, followed hot on their heels by stem ginger cookies. Can't buy ginger nuts, unless only in 2's, that's a bit like malteasers
I know , it’s a good job I didn’t have any jam in the cupboard else......😱, I have the same problem with malteasers too , so I just can’t buy them.
Good morning guys 🙂 @Bubbsie where's your head at this morning? posting your waking on @New-journey forgotten basal thread! Lol :D, 4.7 for me this morning, thinking I may need a further reduction, have a nice day folks! :D xx
Really?...clearly it's not on my shoulders...I blame the dogs snoring...and the lack of coffee...will nip over there...remove it...before anyone notices K...shhhhhhhhhhh...don't say a word...they'll never know😛😛😛.
Really?...clearly it's not on my shoulders...I blame the dogs snoring...and the lack of coffee...will nip over there...remove it...before anyone notices K...shhhhhhhhhhh...don't say a word...they'll never know😛😛😛.
:D sorry couldn't resist :D xx this time of the day (would love it more if I had a lie in) brewing...just about to enjoy my first sip...rudely interrupted by Harrys snoring...sounds like a cross between a tractor & Concorde breaking the sound barrier...look over...he is still sound asleep...with one eye open...woke to a 5.8.
:D sorry couldn't resist :D xx
All done K...a quick cut & one need ever know...urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...more coffee needed (clearly):D:D:D.
Love the rabbits. Happy october
October already...then Christmas...dam...didn't mean to mention that time of year (yet).