Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning and 3.8 after being low yesterday, don't know what is going on but have reduced lantus and rapid. This is the first time I have woken up to lows and now two of them!
My DSN didn't have a smart meter to give me and told me I must have lost hypo awareness because my Hb1AC was too low. I corrected her and said I feel low at 4.2 but she still wants me to have higher numbers.
I am spending the day learning the next level of my Restorative Justice training so hope I can stay awake. Just discovered The Last Leg was on last night, I am happy!
I wish you all a wonderful Saturday.
Morning Jo, good luck with your training ~ need matchsticks to keep your eyes open? Some DSN's think they know it all ~ you know what you're talking about ~ you tell her! Thanks, you enjoy your Saturday too x
Morning...good sleep...after a hectic start had a quiet day enjoyed it...woke to a 5.7...looking forward to a relaxing at home...unless of course that phone rings😱.
Good morning and 3.8 after being low yesterday, don't know what is going on but have reduced lantus and rapid. This is the first time I have woken up to lows and now two of them!
My DSN didn't have a smart meter to give me and told me I must have lost hypo awareness because my Hb1AC was too low. I corrected her and said I feel low at 4.2 but she still wants me to have higher numbers.
I am spending the day learning the next level of my Restorative Justice training so hope I can stay awake. Just discovered The Last Leg was on last night, I am happy!
I wish you all a wonderful Saturday.
Frustrating for you Jo...but you have been manically busy...hopefully after a rest things will settle down...frustrating when our appointments become challenging...what happened to discussion...reason...I no longer see the DSN at the local practice...we agree on absolutely nothing in respect of my diabetes management...she considers my testing obsessive...enjoy your weekend.
Morning...good sleep...after a hectic start had a quiet day enjoyed it...woke to a 5.7...looking forward to a relaxing at home...unless of course that phone rings😱.
Morning Bubbsie ~ hoping you don't get that phone call so you can enjoy the weekend ~ unlike yourself no sleep again for me last night😡 Maintaining the 5's ~ you must be doing something right :D x
Stressful WL...hope you get to relax over the weekend...get that sleep pattern back in order...been a 'mad' couple of weeks for me...thankfully been managing to sleep at least...enjoy the weekend.
Thank you Bubbs ~ it seems my body doesn't recognise the word sleep:(hopefully I'll crash tonight. It's more than likely that current stress issues is the reason for not sleeping which need attending to x
Morning Bubbsie ~ hoping you don't get that phone call so you can enjoy the weekend ~ unlike yourself no sleep again for me last night😡 Maintaining the 5's ~ you must be doing something right :D x
So difficult to get back into a good sleep routine...often have several days where I'm up so early...seems like there was no point in going to bed at all...usually it settles down...the more we fret on it...the harder it is to overcome...hope this weekend brings you some relief...yes still managing to stay in the 5's...just...difficult to stick to a routine when my working hours are so erratic...we'll see early next week what the results of that are😱😱😱.
Frustrating for you Jo...but you have been manically busy...hopefully after a rest things will settle down...frustrating when our appointments become challenging...what happened to discussion...reason...I no longer see the DSN at the local practice...we agree on absolutely nothing in respect of my diabetes management...she considers my testing obsessive...enjoy your weekend.
Thanks and I will, I could almost predict word for word what she will say, does make me laugh! I do actually like her, she is just scared. Luckily I get my support here on the forum and not with my medical team! Enjoy your weeeknd too.
Morning...good sleep...after a hectic start had a quiet day enjoyed it...woke to a 5.7...looking forward to a relaxing at home...unless of course that phone rings😱.
Another good number, sure you will get a good result. I hope you can relax today and that the phone doesn't ring.
Another good number, sure you will get a good result. I hope you can relax today and that the phone doesn't ring.
I shouldn't really complain Jo...need to earn a I suppose its all good...finally got some invoices can relax a little hopefully.
Thanks and I will, I could almost predict word for word what she will say, does make me laugh! I do actually like her, she is just scared. Luckily I get my support here on the forum and not with my medical team! Enjoy your weeeknd too.
Same here Jo...although not sure the DSN is worried by what any of her 'charges' have to say...she just doesn't listen...she used to be lead DSN at a large local hospital...had high hopes...sadly dashed at my first appointment...can't believe how naïve I was before I joined the forum...would have put up with that to have a two way conversation...hopefully learn from it...not the case...learnt most of what I know you...straight from the horse's mouth.
Morning all! Can't test this morning. Battery in meter is dead. Has a lovely day out yesterday at the Peterborough Antiques Fair. Luckily the rain held off (just!). Made the mistake of not taking any lunch with me, so had to succumb to a hot dog. I wasn't going to not eat the roll too with what they charged!😱 Hopefully I walked it off.🙂
Morning guys 🙂 4.9 here, hope everyone has a lovely day! :D xx