Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon all, 7.1 @ 6.24am gotta lay off the Richmond's Sossies, they spike me summat terrible! Mind you, there's no real need for me to have six every single time...can't go for flu jab yet, still got the sniffles and Mum's caught it now, it's that time of year, break out the Venos. Have a good day everyone. 🙂
What do you think of these sausages Ditto?
Asda's Extra Special Pork sausages
90% Meat per sausage
2.2g carbs of which is 0,7 sugar per sausage
Asda's Extra Special Pork cocktail sausages
90% Meat per sausage
1.3 carbs of which 0.8 sugar per sausage
Asda also do Extra Special Pork Cumberland sausages.
Enjoy! x
5.2 on 27th
4.2 yesterday
5.2 today
Blooming good. Even if I have eaten nothing for over 12 hours and gone to bed 8 hours earlier on a 5 or low 6 I usually wake on a high 6
Thanks for the sossie info. I have four for breakfast tomorrow, no idea what they are, they're in a pack with black pud and other breakfast stuff. 🙂 After that I will give sossies a rest for a bit.

My levels are going up and up but there again I'm quite stressed at the minute so maybe that's it. Very worrying, I don't like it. I'm only supposed to be pre-diabetic as well. Ha!
Thanks for the sossie info. I have four for breakfast tomorrow, no idea what they are, they're in a pack with black pud and other breakfast stuff. 🙂 After that I will give sossies a rest for a bit.

My levels are going up and up but there again I'm quite stressed at the minute so maybe that's it. Very worrying, I don't like it. I'm only supposed to be pre-diabetic as well. Ha!
Stress & worry won't do your bgls any favours Ditto ~ and you're not well so don't beat yourself up ~ as you recover so will your bgls.
You don't have to give up sausages all together ~ just choose the high % meat ones with low carb like I mentioned. The sausages in the pack you mentioned are probably low quality with low % of meat. Pleeeze pleeeze think twice before you buy those packs again🙂 x
Yes, I'm not quite over the sniffles yet, it was a really bad bug, so could be that.

Re sausages, I only really like the sausages I get to eat when staying in 'hotels' in Blackpool. They do fabulous sausages. 🙂 I can take them or leave them, like cakes and biscuits. I only had them so much this week due to that daft shop I did last week. 2 bags of Richmonds for a fiver. My brother wanted a bag and I ended up with the other. 🙄
Good morning folks. I hope you all have a good Saturday.
5.3 on meter 4.3 says Libre I’m loving this sensor.
Good morning and 3.8 after being low yesterday, don't know what is going on but have reduced lantus and rapid. This is the first time I have woken up to lows and now two of them!
My DSN didn't have a smart meter to give me and told me I must have lost hypo awareness because my Hb1AC was too low. I corrected her and said I feel low at 4.2 but she still wants me to have higher numbers.
I am spending the day learning the next level of my Restorative Justice training so hope I can stay awake. Just discovered The Last Leg was on last night, I am happy!
I wish you all a wonderful Saturday.
Thanks for the sossie info. I have four for breakfast tomorrow, no idea what they are, they're in a pack with black pud and other breakfast stuff. 🙂 After that I will give sossies a rest for a bit.

My levels are going up and up but there again I'm quite stressed at the minute so maybe that's it. Very worrying, I don't like it. I'm only supposed to be pre-diabetic as well. Ha!'re usually in the 6s...most of the time the lower half...still possible you're in pre diabetic range...just step away from those sausages:D:D:D.