Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Another wet and grey morning, and a third postee on a 5.7.
Off to see the dermatologist shortly, hopefully they are going to confirm funding for a new treatment for my psoriasis as it is getting out of control again :(
I hope you get the funding confirmed and that the new treatment works well.
Hello peeps! I awake with a 5.6 this morning. Very pleased as after last nights carb heavy meal, went to bed on an 8.5. Actually that wasn't bad considering I has a pudding which consisted of a chocolate muffin topped with chocolate blancmange, butterscotch angel delight, cream & crumbled flake.😱 Week today is my HbA1c. Good luck with yours today. @Bubbsie.
'Sinned' myself last night Mark...went to one of the best Fish & Chip shops in Waterloo...led astray by a friend...had the home to a 6.7...relieved...thanks
Morning, woke to 8.2 this morning, had a better sleep and i feel alittle better.
Hope you all have a good weekend.

Good luck with your appointment New-journey
Nothing like a decent sleep Barbara to perk you up...the weekend to look forward to...hope you get a chance to rest up.
Morning all, 7.8 for me today. And its the last day at my old office in southwark, we move to a new built office on Monday in Stratford (right next to westfield shopping centre). Will half my journey each day.
Tomorrow prediction...good number given the stress of this week with the eye problems.
Bubbsie the amount of times I've been through it and it never seems to effect my levels! Lol, I'm certainly not complaining about it though 🙂 hope you have a lovely day relaxing in front of the fire 🙂 just dont fall asleep too early! Haha x
Bubbsie the amount of times I've been through it and it never seems to effect my levels! Lol, I'm certainly not complaining about it though 🙂 hope you have a lovely day relaxing in front of the fire 🙂 just dont fall asleep too early! Haha x
A couple of little things to do...then home...feet lit...then just slumming it for the rest of the day🙂🙂🙂
A couple of little things to do...then home...feet lit...then just slumming it for the rest of the day🙂🙂🙂
Sound like utter bliss 🙂 x
Happy Friday everyone 🙂 5.8 for me today 😱 no idea what's going on lol. Even better had a lovely straight line through the whole night :D shot up to 7.9 within 2 minutes of my feet touching the floor but we're just going to pretend that didn't happen 😉
Sound like utter bliss 🙂 x
Home...all done...flu jab...feet up...indulging in a kitKat and another cup of about to be lit...hmmn...looking forward to a day for myself😛.
Pouring down here but hoping it will stop by the time I go out. I’ve got a cold and the whole family are like a coughing, snivelling nocturnal concert 😱 We are a sharing family!

Not surprisingly a 7.1 and have had to cancel my pneumonia and flu jab as a result. Still haven’t had my bloods taken for the diabetes review but that will have to wait. Im not keen on having them done whilst I feel like this as I know it will push the levels up. Hopefully ok in a day or two.

Enjoy your weekend everyone 🙂
Pouring down here but hoping it will stop by the time I go out. I’ve got a cold and the whole family are like a coughing, snivelling nocturnal concert 😱 We are a sharing family!

Not surprisingly a 7.1 and have had to cancel my pneumonia and flu jab as a result. Still haven’t had my bloods taken for the diabetes review but that will have to wait. Im not keen on having them done whilst I feel like this as I know it will push the levels up. Hopefully ok in a day or two.

Enjoy your weekend everyone 🙂
Hope you and your clan are feeling much better very soon 🙂
Afternoon all, 7.1 @ 6.24am gotta lay off the Richmond's Sossies, they spike me summat terrible! Mind you, there's no real need for me to have six every single time...can't go for flu jab yet, still got the sniffles and Mum's caught it now, it's that time of year, break out the Venos. Have a good day everyone. 🙂
Afternoon all, 7.1 @ 6.24am gotta lay off the Richmond's Sossies, they spike me summat terrible! Mind you, there's no real need for me to have six every single time...can't go for flu jab yet, still got the sniffles and Mum's caught it now, it's that time of year, break out the Venos. Have a good day everyone. 🙂
Get well soon 🙂 And get yourself some Black Farmer or Heck sausages - hardly a trace of carbs, and tasty! 🙂 Black Farmer are the best 🙂
Good afternoon folks ~ don't know what's going on with my numbers this week ~ some have been in the 6+.....7's.....8's! Unusual for me.
8.1 at 05.53am today then 7.3 at 11.14am.
Hope you're all ok ~ weekend almost here, take care friends x

Have A Great Friday Pictures, Photos, and Images for ___.jpg
Afternoon all, 7.1 @ 6.24am gotta lay off the Richmond's Sossies, they spike me summat terrible! Mind you, there's no real need for me to have six every single time...can't go for flu jab yet, still got the sniffles and Mum's caught it now, it's that time of year, break out the Venos. Have a good day everyone. 🙂
Myfitnesspal gives 2 Richmond sausages as 15 carbs. So 45 carbs for 6, that's as much as in a bowl of pasta!😱 As Northie says, get some Heck or Black Farmer!
BG: 26.3 ~ waking on Wednesday ~ did sick day insulin
BG: 21.0 Tuesday
BG: 18.8 ~ did sick day insulin
BG: 15.4 ~ did sick Day insulin
BG 15.1 ~ did sick day insulin + basal
Not eating all day Wednesday

BG: 19.6 Thursday ~ did sick day insulin
BG: 12.8 ~ did sick day insulin ~ waking
Basal insulin
BG: 12.3 ~ sick day insulin ~ ate x1 round of bread with soft cheese spread on ~ breakfast

So after my awful numbers the last couple of days here's how it goes
After the 12.3
8.9 ~ Bedtime ~ within target

7.7 ~ During the night ~ within target
6.4 ~ Waking ~ within target

Ketones are back to 0.1 which seems to be normal for me

So  🙂 🙂 right now I'm so happy that my BG numbers & ketones have come right back down again
@mum2westiesGill . Looks like you’re on the mend at last.
It always amazes me how our bodies know before we do that we’re ill.
I hope you’re feeling much better in yourself.