Group 7-day waking average?

Omg @AJLang I hope your Ok! Hope you have a better day today! @Barbara W hope all goes well with your granddaughter, I'm joining the no sleep club feeling sick due to the news received last night, friends daughter went missing last week and just before a press conference was due to be held yesterday afternoon there was a body found near where she was last seen :( sitting tight and praying it's not her, anyway 4.7 this morning and hope everyone has a good day x
I am hoping you get positive news very soon and how tragic they found a body. Wishing you a good day if it possible.
Good morning everyone. 12.1 today but not surprised after yesterday. I didn't feel well and my heart rate was 120 despite having doubled my tablets for heart rate that morning. I phoned 111 and as a nurse hadn't returned my call after 30 minutes I went to GP. Was there two hours had ECG and GP increased my tablets and gave me a copy of my ECG in case I needed an ambulance. I've got to see GP again at 8.30 this morning. Get home to find a policeman waiting outside my house....111 had called an ambulance because they were worried I'd had a heart attack. Ambulance couldn't get hold of me so called police who took back gate off of its hinges and smashed the door to search the house for me. Brilliant that they were that concerned and police officer was lovely, but what a day!
OMG What a day you have had, must have all been so shocking and worrying. I hope appointment went well today and you feel better.
Thank you everyone. GP emphasised that I have a heart problem. Based on the GP's advice yesterday I double my calcium channel blockers and my heart rate was down to 88 this morning. But I think he must still be a bit worried because he wants to see me first thing Monday morning and if my heart rate goes to 110 or above over the weekend I am to triple the heart tablets...
Sorry for not replying to individual messages but I'm feeling more than a bit fed up.
Morning all, 19.0 for me today. Feeling more than a bit fed up and resentful of sticking needles in my legs and then still feeling like cr*p anyway. Sigh.
Thank you everyone. GP emphasised that I have a heart problem. Based on the GP's advice yesterday I double my calcium channel blockers and my heart rate was down to 88 this morning. But I think he must still be a bit worried because he wants to see me first thing Monday morning and if my heart rate goes to 110 or above over the weekend I am to triple the heart tablets...
Sending ((((HUGS))))))
Thank you guys, unfortunately it has been confirmed it was her :( x
Thank you guys, unfortunately it has been confirmed it was her :( x
Oh Kaylz, I'm so sorry - how dreadful for the poor girl's family. Prayers and virtual {{hugs}} for them and for you :(
Another late post ~ Good evening everybody hope you're all keeping well & have all had a good day 🙂 it was another 8.7 for me this morning so I'm happy again with that because it's within my BG target range 🙂
Oh what a pain WL...I do that with most of my important things...always write with an ink pen...keep them in a box...which disappeared...couldn't find them....had to replace...cost me a small fortune...then...found the original one under the have five in total...should last me until l'm about 95...unless of course l lose them again.
Pleased to say the meter has turned up :D It was *hiding* under a cushion! Honestly quite how it moved itself from the meter bag to the cushion I'll never know🙄 The problem now is I have only 3 test strips left til the next lot is prescribed! Happy days!
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Good morning all, 4.6 after dreadful night, maybe I will go back to sleep amd cancel today!
Wishing you all a good day.
Only just caught up with this ~ sorry to hear you had a bad night NJ ~ hope by now you have recovered and have a better night tonight x
It's a late post today ~ Good evening everybody hope you're all keeping well & have all had a good day 🙂 it was 8.7 for me this morning so I'm happy with that because it's within my BG target range 🙂
Much better number than yesterday Gill and within your target range ~ well done x
Good morning everyone. 12.1 today but not surprised after yesterday. I didn't feel well and my heart rate was 120 despite having doubled my tablets for heart rate that morning. I phoned 111 and as a nurse hadn't returned my call after 30 minutes I went to GP. Was there two hours had ECG and GP increased my tablets and gave me a copy of my ECG in case I needed an ambulance. I've got to see GP again at 8.30 this morning. Get home to find a policeman waiting outside my house....111 had called an ambulance because they were worried I'd had a heart attack. Ambulance couldn't get hold of me so called police who took back gate off of its hinges and smashed the door to search the house for me. Brilliant that they were that concerned and police officer was lovely, but what a day!
OMG Amanda ~ so sorry to hear you had such a terrible day and truly hope you are feeling much better now. All praise to 111 ~ ambulance service ~ and Police. Take care of yourself now x

animated hugs jpg images.jpg
Sorry for not replying to individual messages but I'm feeling more than a bit fed up.
Not surprised you feel fed up Amanda after what you've been through ~ do try to relax & take It easy the next few days, take care now hun xxx
Morning...awake before 4am...urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...been full on with work this week...shattered...may be working this the most awful 'crick' in my neck...woke to a 5.3