Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. 12.1 today but not surprised after yesterday. I didn't feel well and my heart rate was 120 despite having doubled my tablets for heart rate that morning. I phoned 111 and as a nurse hadn't returned my call after 30 minutes I went to GP. Was there two hours had ECG and GP increased my tablets and gave me a copy of my ECG in case I needed an ambulance. I've got to see GP again at 8.30 this morning. Get home to find a policeman waiting outside my house....111 had called an ambulance because they were worried I'd had a heart attack. Ambulance couldn't get hold of me so called police who took back gate off of its hinges and smashed the door to search the house for me. Brilliant that they were that concerned and police officer was lovely, but what a day!
AJLang my goodness what a day for you I hope things have settled down for you now. Good luck at the doctors this morning. Good to know they responded to your 111 call seriously. Take care of yourself X
Morning, everyone woke to 7.3 not a great nights sleep granddaughter having operation first thing this morning she's having her appendix out a bit nervous for her I know she'll be fine but you can't help worrying can you :(
Good morning everyone. Not read any posts yet, so hope you are all hunky dory.
6.6 on meter 5.8 on Libre . Am well happy with how this day old sensor is behaving so far.
After some really stupid naughtiness last nigh, 2macaroons before bed 😱 I had to do a correction in the wee small hours. My graph was 😱😱😱 , no I’m not going to show it.
Woke up soooo hungry this morning, I’m chewing my fingernails have to wait another 30 mins before I can eat.
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Omg @AJLang I hope your Ok! Hope you have a better day today! @Barbara W hope all goes well with your granddaughter, I'm joining the no sleep club feeling sick due to the news received last night, friends daughter went missing last week and just before a press conference was due to be held yesterday afternoon there was a body found near where she was last seen :( sitting tight and praying it's not her, anyway 4.7 this morning and hope everyone has a good day x
Morning all. A meter 5.8 this morning. I forgot to put a new libre on yesterday so feeling naked 🙄.
Blimey AJ, what a day! Good to know that 111 do spring into action though and that if anything had happened the police would have found you. Hope you are feeling better today🙂
Omg @AJLang, what a day you had yesterday. I hope you are ok now.
Morning, everyone woke to 7.3 not a great nights sleep granddaughter having operation first thing this morning she's having her appendix out a bit nervous for her I know she'll be fine but you can't help worrying can you :(
No you can help worrying. Hop3fully you won’t have to wait too much longer before you hear she’s fine.
O Kaylz how awful for you all especially the girls family.
Omg @AJLang I hope your Ok! Hope you have a better day today! @Barbara W hope all goes well with your granddaughter, I'm joining the no sleep club feeling sick due to the news received last night, friends daughter went missing last week and just before a press conference was due to be held yesterday afternoon there was a body found near where she was last seen :( sitting tight and praying it's not her, anyway 4.7 this morning and hope everyone has a good day x
How awful :( I hope it's not your friend's daughter, and that she is found safe and well. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning everyone. 12.1 today but not surprised after yesterday. I didn't feel well and my heart rate was 120 despite having doubled my tablets for heart rate that morning. I phoned 111 and as a nurse hadn't returned my call after 30 minutes I went to GP. Was there two hours had ECG and GP increased my tablets and gave me a copy of my ECG in case I needed an ambulance. I've got to see GP again at 8.30 this morning. Get home to find a policeman waiting outside my house....111 had called an ambulance because they were worried I'd had a heart attack. Ambulance couldn't get hold of me so called police who took back gate off of its hinges and smashed the door to search the house for me. Brilliant that they were that concerned and police officer was lovely, but what a day!
OMG Amanda...what a nightmare...thankfully you have got through are you this you still need to go to the hospital?...please give us an update when you can.
Omg @AJLang I hope your Ok! Hope you have a better day today! @Barbara W hope all goes well with your granddaughter, I'm joining the no sleep club feeling sick due to the news received last night, friends daughter went missing last week and just before a press conference was due to be held yesterday afternoon there was a body found near where she was last seen :( sitting tight and praying it's not her, anyway 4.7 this morning and hope everyone has a good day x

Oh no Kaylz that's just awful news, hope it's not your friends daughter and she will be found safe and well. X
Omg @AJLang I hope your Ok! Hope you have a better day today! @Barbara W hope all goes well with your granddaughter, I'm joining the no sleep club feeling sick due to the news received last night, friends daughter went missing last week and just before a press conference was due to be held yesterday afternoon there was a body found near where she was last seen :( sitting tight and praying it's not her, anyway 4.7 this morning and hope everyone has a good day x
K this is the second time I've said OMG this morning...gosh no idea what to say...obviously hoping very much your friend is found safe & well...however...saddened to hear the news a body has been found...keep us updated...lets hope its positive news.
Morning, everyone woke to 7.3 not a great nights sleep granddaughter having operation first thing this morning she's having her appendix out a bit nervous for her I know she'll be fine but you can't help worrying can you :(
Ooh Barbara...of course its a worry...wouldn't be natural if you weren't concerned...I'm sure she will be fine...try not to worry too much...although having said is easier said than done...look forward to hearing good news...and very best wishes for her speedy recovery....spoil her rotten when she gets home (if you don't already).