Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 🙂 It's a basement 3.3 for me today.
Blimey Flower...definitely basement...if not in the car park!.
Morning! A disappointing but self inflicted 6.7 this morning. Was having dinner over my Brother's yesterday (as is usual for a Thursday) and pudding was an apple strudel!😱 I haven't had one for nearly 2 years, and thoroughly enjoyed it. 2 hours after, was 9.5 (not unexpected) but dropped to 6.7 30 minutes later & seems to have remained the same overnight. Fingers crossed this won't screw up my HbA1c in October.😳
First test showed 3.3 :( with no sign of feeling hypo or anything, thought something was wrong and retested with a 6.4, got to love faulty test strips.
Morning all. Shocker for me this morning, totally self-inflicted. First reading 6.3 @ 6.32 which wasn't bad after double helping of CocoPops and whole milk at midnight last night, but then had two bags of rice, egg fried rice and Chinese prawns rice, for breakfast and of course I eat both bags all to myself, so greedy. Two hours later 11.1 @ 11.44am. 😱 Right, it's got to stop, I'm being pathetic...
Carol...why not try ringing their customer care...tell them meter not working...I have just done a new meter & extra testing strips for the ones I meter had new batteries a few weeks before too...always worth a try.
Good idea. If they replace it I could leave one at work or send back the ordered one.thanks. Add on - I have emailed home and Heath with my problems, so they are supposed to reply within 2 the space
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Good idea. If they replace it I could leave one at work or send back the ordered one.thanks. Add on - I have emailed home and Heath with my problems, so they are supposed to reply within 2 the space
Good Carol...I would never have thought of it unless told by someone else...but...why not...if anything else were faulty we'd send it interested to hear what response you get.
Morning...up early again...although fit bit tells me I had a whole six and a half hours sleep...half of it in the big comfy chair...always happens...think I'll just have a brief sit down...then off like a light for a couple of hours...wake up as stiff as a board...drag myself off to bed...woke to a 5.5.
Good morning. After a fitful night 6.2
For everyone who is meeting up today, I hope you have a grand day.
Bubbsie ~ I have often fallen asleep on my couch and like yourself woken up a few hours later wondering should I take myself off too bed ~ or stay put ~ usually I stay put because I know by the time I reach my bed.....I'm wide awake & slumber eludes me! Your numbers are very consistent ~ I guess you have your impending HbA1c in mind x
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Bubbsie ~ I have often fallen asleep on my couch and like yourself woken up a few hours later wondering should I take myself off too bed ~ or stay put ~ usually I stay put because I know by the time I reach my bed.....I'm wide awake & slumber deludes me! Your numbers are very consistent ~ I guess you have your impending HbA1c in mind x
Morning WL...on occasion I have slept in the Chair the whole night...not had a bad sleep...maybe next time I'll stay there...see how I fare...up early...had to write a very important reference for a friend...should have done that yesterday...oops...and of course there is the impending HbA1c in mind...bit like waiting for your exam results...have I passed😱😱😱...numbers haven't been too bad...but mindful of that blasted infection...that wouldn't have helped...still have two weeks to make a real effort...fingers for more coffee.
Morning...up early again...although fit bit tells me I had a whole six and a half hours sleep...half of it in the big comfy chair...always happens...think I'll just have a brief sit down...then off like a light for a couple of hours...wake up as stiff as a board...drag myself off to bed...woke to a 5.5.
Worse or best thing I did, was buy a recliner. Feet up,eyes down and wake up after bed time to drag myself off to bed. Put pj's on early in preparation. Suppose you could say a self fulfilling prophecy lol