Group 7-day waking average?

Morning...early bed by 11pm...should have know better...up at 4am...peeing down outside...urghhhhh...eye screening this morning...after that will have to finish off my fun doing that 'bug eyed'...woke to a 5.1...working on those next bit on...oh maybe another coffee first before I try to interpret the results...I am such a technophobe:confused::confused::confused:.
5.1 is an excellent number to wake with @Bubbsie 🙂 Hope the eye screening goes well, and the drops don't sting too much 🙂
12.3 this morning. My BG levels are all over the place at the moment now that Mum is at the very final stages. SHould be an "interesting" diabetes review in a fortnight....
Hello there.🙂 4.9 here.😛

Scorrrrrchio yesterday.😎 Let's see what it does today. Ev1s going to need dark glasses - not cos of the sunshine, cos of my white pegs (we're having such a sun- free summer, they're as white as snow!).😱
12.3 this morning. My BG levels are all over the place at the moment now that Mum is at the very final stages. SHould be an "interesting" diabetes review in a fortnight....
(((Hugs))) AJ. We all know you'll do the best you can in the circumstances.
12.3 this morning. My BG levels are all over the place at the moment now that Mum is at the very final stages. SHould be an "interesting" diabetes review in a fortnight....
A very difficult time for you Amanda, wishing for peace for your Mum and the family {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning all, took me a few days to get sorted after our weekend away hehe, waking numbers have been good around mid 4's still erratic after breakfast even tho I eat the same thing each day it varies between 8-12 2 hrs after eating. Anyway it's my annual review this afternoon so lets see what the doc says 🙂 A good day to all :D
Good morning all, took me a few days to get sorted after our weekend away hehe, waking numbers have been good around mid 4's still erratic after breakfast even tho I eat the same thing each day it varies between 8-12 2 hrs after eating. Anyway it's my annual review this afternoon so lets see what the doc says 🙂 A good day to all :D
Good luck with the review Andy, I'm pretty sure is will go well, given the numbers you have been reporting! 🙂
{hugs}Amanda, good luck bubbsie and good news Kayla..
waking levels 11.1 but had cereal before early night.
Have a good day everyone
Morning all. A 4.7 this wet morning after an amazing thunderstorm last night.

Thinking of you and your family @AJLang
Morning all, 7.5 here, probably slightly overtreated a hypo at 1am. Abbott are replacing the dud sensor, they took me through the troubleshooting process on the phone, and when we got to the 'are there any error messages in Settings, especially one beginning with 3' lo and behold, yes the were!
Good Morning all 4.9 for me and went to a beautiful National Trust garden yesterday which was amazing and lifted my mood. Not taking any pain killers as they were making me ill. Wishing all a good day everyone.
12.3 this morning. My BG levels are all over the place at the moment now that Mum is at the very final stages. SHould be an "interesting" diabetes review in a fortnight....
((((Hugs)))) and BG levels are going to be all over the place at this most difficult time. Sending love to you and your family.
Morning all, 7.5 here, probably slightly overtreated a hypo at 1am. Abbott are replacing the dud sensor, they took me through the troubleshooting process on the phone, and when we got to the 'are there any error messages in Settings, especially one beginning with 3' lo and behold, yes the were!
Great that Abbott are being helpful and you had the error number! I expect you are looking forward to having a sensor back again, does help knowing about hypos before they happen. Missing mine.
Morning...early bed by 11pm...should have know better...up at 4am...peeing down outside...urghhhhh...eye screening this morning...after that will have to finish off my fun doing that 'bug eyed'...woke to a 5.1...working on those next bit on...oh maybe another coffee first before I try to interpret the results...I am such a technophobe:confused::confused::confused:.
Good luck with tests this morning and hope fitbit gives you a gold star or whatever it does!
Good morning my lovelies :D may I join you on the 4.9 step please @New-journey? Hope everyone has a fab day! And hope all goes well with the eye screening @Bubbsie x
Yes very happy to share it and better number for you, heading for the perfect number!
It can take 3 days to notice a difference with Tresiba, not sure if you can notice a difference sooner, but went to bed on a lotus biscuit for a 5.0 usually I'd still drop a bit x
Morning all, 7.6 for me today. New libre sensor on as I have almost 2 weeks of camping ahead of me and it makes life easier! Off to the brewery today until Monday for a weekend of camping, food and making beer! Then drive down to Dorset Tuesday for the Great Dorset Steam Fair, then home on the bank holiday Monday. So I might not be about much until the Tuesday after the bank holiday. Hope everyone stays safe and healthy and have fun. X
Morning. Hope you all have a good day.
Woke to 7.4 on meter and this on Libre
I think summats up.