Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning from sunny E Kent.
5.7 today.
Dads got an appointment with the COPD doc at the gp today, first time ever since his diagnosis over 10 yrs ago. I'm off to the renal clinic tomorrow.
Bubbsie I reckon you'll crash & sleep for 15hrs or more after the girls have gone home🙄 Perhaps a cookery lesson is needed on one day to save you prancing around in the garden:D:D or garden games like who's there Mr Wolf - or small hoola hoops to throw over wooden peg in the grass - that is if Harry hasnt dug it all up!!!
WL...they played hula hoops yesterday...using each other as the targets (bless them)...thankfully we didn't have any real fall outs...then came in looking like they'd hadn't been washed for weeks...ate like they'd never been fed...Harry is not a calming influence...joining it with gusto at every opportunity...good to see them away from those computer games/screens...outside in the fresh air...getting myself ready...still quiet...time to slip in another coffee.
Good morning all 5.1 and did get more sleep last night. I ended up getting checked out at minor injuries unit as it hurt so much to breath. She was very thorough and told me the pain would get much worse and to take pain killers. Back to the camp soon but will come home to my bed tonight.
Have a good day everyone.
WL...they played hula hoops yesterday...using each other as the targets (bless them)...thankfully we didn't have any real fall outs...then came in looking like they'd hadn't been washed for weeks...ate like they'd never been fed...Harry is not a calming influence...joining it with gusto at every opportunity...good to see them away from those computer games/screens...outside in the fresh air...getting myself ready...still quiet...time to slip in another coffee.
What fun. :D Those girls will never forget their incredible fun time with you and Harry! I reckon you will sleep for a week after they have gone.
Sorry I'm a bit behind with this. Oooooo so not nice NJ - so sorry to read about your fall. No wonder you hurt & ache. Such a pity you had to return to camp to give a talk, you take care now NJ (((((hugs))))) x
Thanks @wirralass and working there all week, giving talks and workshops. I will manage it with coming back to sleep and painkillers!
Your long sleep sounds amazing, you must have needed it and hope you do not stay awake too long after it.
Good morning everyone. 7.0 after a 5am correction. Goodness knows why I thought potato salad and pork pie was a good idea for my dinner, I suffered afterwards but it was very nice and comforting 🙂
Morning guys 🙂 not a great night, neighbours playing electric guitar with amp cranked up to the max until half 1! Jeez give me a break lol anyway 4.1 AGAIN for me, looking rather beautiful outside at the mo, hope everyone has a fab day! :D x
Morning guys 🙂 not a great night, neighbours playing electric guitar with amp cranked up to the max until half 1! Jeez give me a break lol anyway 4.1 AGAIN for me, looking rather beautiful outside at the mo, hope everyone has a fab day! :D x
Oh No, not fun! i am wondering if you have thought of reducing your insulin? You have a fab day too.
12.1 this morning but worked hard to manage that. Having p&q last night after visitors for weekend and ate up some of fruit salad, crisps and.... a choc biscuit while slobbing before bed.,got packed lunch made for work and salad for tea so hopefully back on track. Have a good day all and good luck for anyone with appointments
Morning all, back to work today, hope you all had a good weekend. It was a 7.3 for me this morning.
Bubbsie I reckon you'll crash & sleep for 15hrs or more after the girls have gone home🙄 Perhaps a cookery lesson is needed on one day to save you prancing around in the garden:D:D or garden games like who's there Mr Wolf - or small hoola hoops to throw over wooden peg in the grass - that is if Harry hasnt dug it all up!!!
Good idea in theory WL...but...if I let those two loose it the kitchen...dread to what it would be like when they'd finished...two what on earth would be eating😱😱😱...if it was up to them...pop tarts...pop tarts & more pop tarts'
Good morning from sunny E Kent.
5.7 today.
Dads got an appointment with the COPD doc at the gp today, first time ever since his diagnosis over 10 yrs ago. I'm off to the renal clinic tomorrow.
Hoping the appointments go well for you both 🙂 10 years? Blimey, that really is a long wait! 😱 :(
Morning all, 5.6 here on this damp and drizzly start to the week. Just you keep your heavier stuff over your side of the Cotswolds, Flower, the builders have nearly finished the patio and I don't want them rained off!
Bubbsie I reckon you'll crash & sleep for 15hrs or more after the girls have gone home🙄 Perhaps a cookery lesson is needed on one day to save you prancing around in the garden:D:D or garden games like who's there Mr Wolf - or small hoola hoops to throw over wooden peg in the grass - that is if Harry hasnt dug it all up!!! must be physic...did crash out...not as you meant...straight on the floor...tripped over the blasted lap top charger...sitting here with a bag of frozen peas on my head...b***r that...teach me to be more careful!