Group 7-day waking average?

Hope the talk goes well and you are able to rest up this afternoon @New-journey .

Happy diaversary @Stitch147 🙂
I don't feel so guilty now reading your naughties lol, it doesn't hurt once in a while does it. Good morning numbers for us both considering. Have a lovely day x idea what got into me yesterday (apart from excess carbs of course)...complete abandonment...reckless...rebellious behaviour...wait a minute...having a Scooby Doo moment here...'darn those pesky kids'...all their fault!
Not a Good Morning here as after put tent up, I fell in the dark as didn't see a guy rope. I went flying, winded myself, fell on frozen shoulder, ribs and my poor boob. My friend drove me home and had most uncomfortable night. Got to go back to give talk at ten, then coming home to rest. I ache all over!
Blood sugars weren't affected so one positive! 4.8.
Oooooh...winching as I read that lights & all those guy ropes/tents sounds treacherous...hope they'll attend to that...before someone else gets are you this morning?...thank goodness you got home...take it easy today...I know how seriously you take your work...however...No:1 has to come first great if you can deliver your talk...but put yourself first...home with a good hot bath later?.
Oooooh...winching as I read that lights & all those guy ropes/tents sounds treacherous...hope they'll attend to that...before someone else gets are you this morning?...thank goodness you got home...take it easy today...I know how seriously you take your work...however...No:1 has to come first great if you can deliver your talk...but put yourself first...home with a good hot bath later?.
In truth I hurt! Today is just a short talk, tomorrow is much more important. I did get rescued by a lovely couple, as was whimpering on the grass, so shocked and hard to breath. Pain killers are starting to work, don't think the rib is broken, my friend will drive me home. Not going to stay there today, yes long hot bath and rest time.
In truth I hurt! Today is just a short talk, tomorrow is much more important. I did get rescued by a lovely couple, as was whimpering on the grass, so shocked and hard to breath. Pain killers are starting to work, don't think the rib is broken, my friend will drive me home. Not going to stay there today, yes long hot bath and rest time. must make sure you get straight home (ooh sounds like an order)...god...that awful fear when you're down...wondering how/if anyone will come to your rescue...I went flying yesterday...landed on the grass...fortunately Harry came to my recue...shall I send him over...he'll go anywhere for a gravy bone treat...seriously look after yourself...get home...see how you are tomorrow.
Morning all 5.9 for despite going to bed on a 9.6 after making a complete a*** of my bolus last night. Calculated my dose carefully then injected a totally different amount. Snacked to compensate but went an oatcake too far.
Have a good day everyone.
Good morning from sunny E Kent . Not had a chance to read any posts yet.
4.8 today.
Not a Good Morning here as after put tent up, I fell in the dark as didn't see a guy rope. I went flying, winded myself, fell on frozen shoulder, ribs and my poor boob. My friend drove me home and had most uncomfortable night. Got to go back to give talk at ten, then coming home to rest. I ache all over!
Blood sugars weren't affected so one positive! 4.8.
Ouch . Sorry to hear this, I know how painful it can be when you fall on a frozen shoulder.
Morning all 5.9 for despite going to bed on a 9.6 after making a complete a*** of my bolus last night. Calculated my dose carefully then injected a totally different amount. Snacked to compensate but went an oatcake too far.
Have a good day everyone.
@khskel. It's easy done . Hope you're feeling ok this morning
good morning all - 5.9 today
Mosquito net?
...other than a mozzie net! 😛 I'm sure the little buzzy- b*****ds'd get inside the net during the day and be trapped there all night, with nothing better to do than bite, bite, bite.😱🙂

Hope your dire-adversary's going well, Stitch.😉
Just realised I forgot to post this morning, I'm joining all the other 5.9ers today, there are quite a few of us.
Sorry late posting this! Happy 2nd Diaversary Stitch - I can almost hear you say "Thats gone quick!" Well time does fly by when you have diabetes - busy busy times ensuring bgls stay in range! x
Not a Good Morning here as after put tent up, I fell in the dark as didn't see a guy rope. I went flying, winded myself, fell on frozen shoulder, ribs and my poor boob. My friend drove me home and had most uncomfortable night. Got to go back to give talk at ten, then coming home to rest. I ache all over!
Blood sugars weren't affected so one positive! 4.8.
Sorry I'm a bit behind with this. Oooooo so not nice NJ - so sorry to read about your fall. No wonder you hurt & ache. Such a pity you had to return to camp to give a talk, you take care now NJ (((((hugs))))) x