Group 7-day waking average?

Will be sleeping with all my clothes on and need to find wooly hat! Hot water bottle packed, and yes there is always my bed!
I cant even get water to drink just now! lol, looked a funny colour this morning but thought it was just my eyes cause I'd just gotten up, didn't think anything of the low pressure either, just found out there's a big fire at the abattoir just out the road from us! 12 crews there since just after 4 this morning x
Good morning all and 5.5 for this morning and rather regretting my decision to be living in a tent from today for eight days, it is for work and I could come back home to sleep at night! It will be freezing!
I wish you all a wonderful weekend.
ooh...I'd have the car parked outside the tent...sneak out under the cover of darkness...tents...ground sheets...wet grass...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...having said that...don't let me put you off...sounds like an idyllic eights days...😛😛😛.
Plenty of padding on me K...but...was starting to get so heating on this weekend...padding up...gonna drag the girls out walking...that'll warm us up...yes please...Fleecy PJ's would be welcome...have you told Bruce how much overtime he'll need to do funding all these PJ's😱😱😱.
Lol I've got money left over from my birthday and Christmas so could get the PJ's myself lol, he only bought me the pair the other day cause he was I'n Tesco doing some shopping and saw them and the bottoms are star print and I LOVE stars haha, anyway with his hands the way they are don't think overtime would do him ANY good, he's not back at work until Tuesday and I've asked if he could take a holiday to come to the consultant appointment with me, easier than tying to remember everything that was said myself you see, now on the other hand with this big fire out the road at the moment and the FIL being the head fireman he'll have been there about 5 hours now so maybe he could stretch to a nice pair of PJ's for my birthday or Christmas! x
Morning everyone. Sunny here and nice chilled weekend with friends. Unexpected 8.9 for me this morning. Going in right direction. Have a good weekend
Morning all. Its a birthday 7.4 for me today.
Morning...ouch...full on non stop day yesterday...never going to 'play' space hopper racing again (o_Oo_Oo_O)...or tag...or 'piggy in the middle'...with a flying dive bomb in the middle of the lawn...ouch (again)...woke to a idea how...carbs made a big appearance yesterday...just some Burgen bread & water today...honest!
Morning all. 6.2 here today. Went to bed on 6.3 so looks like steady overnight.
Morning all, 4.3 here after I woke a bit flustered and got dressed before testing oops, had a lousy night after tea was late and dropped to 4.1 again and felt crappy all night :( must get meal times sorted or at least snack in between hehe. Hope everyone has a good day :D
Hello there.🙂 5.3 here.😛

It's soggy Sunday here with the promise of sunny Sunday later.:confused: The cold n wet hasn't deterred the mozzies tho...I've got a few new nibbles this morning, including a really itchy one on my nose.😱 So the 'watch' that emits a mozzie-deterring noise doesn't work then - anyone got any (non-chemical) solutions?
Well Bubbsie where do I start No 1, Millionaires Cheesecake 😱 No 2, bottle of ros'e wine 😱 No 3, chips 😱 No 4, southern fried chicken 😱 No.5, pork & egg pie 😱 No 6, carrot cake 😱 No 7, white bread triangle mixed sandwiches 😱 and many more. I will hasten to add not all in go but over the weekend.

A 7.2 for me this morning have a good day everyone.
Well Bubbsie where do I start No 1, Millionaires Cheesecake 😱 No 2, bottle of ros'e wine 😱 No 3, chips 😱 No 4, southern fried chicken 😱 No.5, pork & egg pie 😱 No 6, carrot cake 😱 No 7, white bread triangle mixed sandwiches 😱 and many more. I will hasten to add not all in one but over the weekend.
Confession time Barbara?...okay here we go...Krispy Kreme (were for the neighbours)...dough better now...good levels this morning...have a feeling it will catch up with me at some point this weekend😱.
Hello there.🙂 5.3 here.😛

It's soggy Sunday here with the promise of sunny Sunday later.:confused: The cold n wet hasn't deterred the mozzies tho...I've got a few new nibbles this morning, including a really itchy one on my nose.😱 So the 'watch' that emits a mozzie-deterring noise doesn't work then - anyone got any (non-chemical) solutions?
Mosquito net?
Confession time Barbara?...okay here we go...Krispy Kreme (were for the neighbours)...dough better now...good levels this morning...have a feeling it will catch up with me at some point this weekend😱.

I don't feel so guilty now reading your naughties lol, it doesn't hurt once in a while does it. Good morning numbers for us both considering. Have a lovely day x
Not a Good Morning here as after put tent up, I fell in the dark as didn't see a guy rope. I went flying, winded myself, fell on frozen shoulder, ribs and my poor boob. My friend drove me home and had most uncomfortable night. Got to go back to give talk at ten, then coming home to rest. I ache all over!
Blood sugars weren't affected so one positive! 4.8.
Morning all, its a 7.3 for me today. I had a nice slice of homemade bread pudding as a birthday treat yesterday. Was lovely. Birthday yesterday, today its happy 2nd diaversary.
Morning lovelies 🙂 4.1 here again, finally got clean water late yesterday afternoon woohoo Lol, was quite warm yesterday afternoon and here's me with only 1 500ml bottle of water as Bruce forgot to get me some while he was out! Hope everyone has a fab day :D x
Not a Good Morning here as after put tent up, I fell in the dark as didn't see a guy rope. I went flying, winded myself, fell on frozen shoulder, ribs and my poor boob. My friend drove me home and had most uncomfortable night. Got to go back to give talk at ten, then coming home to rest. I ache all over!
Blood sugars weren't affected so one positive! 4.8.
Oh NJ sorry to hear this! Feel better soon! X
Morning all, its a 7.3 for me today. I had a nice slice of homemade bread pudding as a birthday treat yesterday. Was lovely. Birthday yesterday, today its happy 2nd diaversary.
Happy diaversary Stitch! X