Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all, 5.5 after a very strange evening with levels of around 4 after I had eaten for five hours! I have never experienced that, no movement at all from before I ate til just before bed. Eventually after eating loads it went up to 5. Straight line all night. Oh well new day and sure it will be different.
So lots of trampolining during the wee small hours must be shattered with all that 'upping & downing' day...better day:D:D:D
@New-journey its only a check up today so shouldn't be at all painful! lol and @wirralass mines is very very easy on the eye :D, not looking forward to having to make the appointment for an extraction as with me having lost weight that will reduce the amount of anaesthetic he can give me, I need the strongest stuff and a couple of years ago took the maximum of 7 injections to get a tooth out and still felt it slightly, the roots were slightly twisted though! x
oh dear - wakened to 6.9 this morning which is higher than normal for me.

then I remembered, a went on a sweetie binge after news from my GP.

ach well......
Morning all. A very nice 5.1 on a grey and damp Wednesday.
Afternoon all. 6.7 for me after a lie in. 🙂 Are you supposed to jump up and measure as soon as you're awake?
Afternoon all. 6.7 for me after a lie in. 🙂 Are you supposed to jump up and measure as soon as you're awake?
That's the general rule I believe Ditto...however...the theory is much easier than the practice:D:D:D.
Good grief...I wake up at all times, bleary eyed for the most part, then I stagger back to bed. The cat bites me awake at the crack of doom usually.
Good grief...I wake up at all times, bleary eyed for the most part, then I stagger back to bed. The cat bites me awake at the crack of doom usually.
Oh dear...that made me laugh so much Ditto...similar here...crawl out of bed...en route to the at my feet...urghhhhhh...can't deal with anyone here...not until had coffee...then more coffee!
Well that wasn't as bad as I expected, haven't been to the dentist in a year when I last had work done 😱 had trouble with my teeth for years permanently needing things done yet I get diagnosed with diabetes haven't been in a year and all I need is the extraction I knew about, 2 small fillings, a crown and a scale and polish :confused: that's the least amount of work I've needed done after a check up and I'm usually there for it every 6 months x
@New-journey its only a check up today so shouldn't be at all painful! lol and @wirralass mines is very very easy on the eye :D, not looking forward to having to make the appointment for an extraction as with me having lost weight that will reduce the amount of anaesthetic he can give me, I need the strongest stuff and a couple of years ago took the maximum of 7 injections to get a tooth out and still felt it slightly, the roots were slightly twisted though! x
Maybe your GP or dentist could give you a light sedative prior to the L.A? x
Afternoon all. 6.7 for me after a lie in. 🙂 Are you supposed to jump up and measure as soon as you're awake?
Nooo Ditto - don't jump up - or get out of bed until you've tested - you should have a lower reading if you test before getting up - no matter how desperate you are to have a widdle🙄:D
Once you put your feet on the floor your bgl will start to elevate😱 x
@Ditto - just one of those days - no appetite - you ate enough for the two of us - did my invitation get lost in the post then?!!!:D
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I find if I don't move or swing my arms a bit the blood doesn't come out. 🙂
I find if I don't move or swing my arms a bit the blood doesn't come out. 🙂
Dont laugh but can you swing your arms in bed 🙄 touch shoulders then stretch arms up again - or rub your hands together then give them a shake?:D blood flows easily when your body is warm - but if this doesnt work Ditto then feel free to do your usual morning jungle dance:D:D:D x
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Good evening all, been a yucky day with no energy :( started this morning with a not too shabby 4.9 which 2hrs after brekkie was 10.4 grrrr did some shopping and spent the missus' money for her 😉 forgot to test before lunch but 2 hrs after was 8.6 slept most of the afternoon. Dinner is in the oven and have to stop eating and drinking at 8pm cos its the big blood tests in the morning ( fingers crossed for a good HbA1c so I can have my foot op).Hope everyone that is poorly gets better and those that aint stay that way :D
Thank you Andy, that is very kind of you to think of others when you've clearly had a miserable day yourself with topsy turvy levels - hopefully these numbers will settle down following your HbA1c tomorrow. Hope the result is in your favour so you can go ahead and have your foot operation. Good luck & take care x