Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.5 for me and a huge crash from 9.6 last night. Plus the fact I was actually going to eat ice cream with Mum. Can you believe it? At least I measured which I normally wouldn't bother, being in denial. When I saw the number no ice cream! :( I've got to get it together. I just can't seem to believe I'm diabetic. It still hasn't sunk in, only been since February 2016!
Good morning. 5.5 for me and a huge crash from 9.6 last night. Plus the fact I was actually going to eat ice cream with Mum. Can you believe it? At least I measured which I normally wouldn't bother, being in denial. When I saw the number no ice cream! :( I've got to get it together. I just can't seem to believe I'm diabetic. It still hasn't sunk in, only been since February 2016!
That's a great number to wake on @Ditto - well done for measuring and declining the ice cream, you'll get there! 🙂 If I find myself in that situation I'd go for some cheese instead of the ice cream! 🙂
Morning all. A 4.5 for me this morning.
Had some odd readings in the last 24 hrs which are leading me to think I may have a dodgy cartridge of Novorapid, but I'll post separately about them.
Morning guys 🙂 a biscuit for a 5.9 at bedtime last night has led to a 5.5 this morning, hope everyone has a lovely day 🙂 x
Good morning 3.9 today 🙂

Some blighter has given me a nasty cold...achooo! I needed 3 units of insulin for absolutely no food last evening to get my levels down from 17. I always feel cheated when I don't get any carbs for my insulin just some sneezing and coughing. ggrr!
Good morning 3.9 today 🙂

Some blighter has given me a nasty cold...achooo! I needed 3 units of insulin for absolutely no food last evening to get my levels down from 17. I always feel cheated when I don't get any carbs for my insulin just some sneezing and coughing. ggrr!
Oh no, hope you feel better soon! 🙂, people need to keep their germs to themselves and be a bit kinder and share something nice haha x
Ooh, snap! Just about to activate mine! 🙂 Hope it turns out to be a good 'un! 🙂
It's been in imminent danger already, and it's still on the I Hr set up time. It nearly became a victim of a Yorkshire Greeting. Our former neighbour, a Yorkshireman is doing some work for us, and always manages to greet me effusively by grabbing that bit of my arm, or patting me vigourously on the bit just where the sensor is!
It's been in imminent danger already, and it's still on the I Hr set up time. It nearly became a victim of a Yorkshire Greeting. Our former neighbour, a Yorkshireman is doing some work for us, and always manages to greet me effusively by grabbing that bit of my arm, or patting me vigourously on the bit just where the sensor is!
Aagh! Bl***y Yorkshiremen! 😱 😉

I'd forgotten about the extra hour it makes you wait as well, so it will be 25 hours for me! Nearly there... 🙂
Morning all, was a 7.9 for me today. No libre sensor on today, I miss it already. Had a message from my gp surgery yesterday I have to go in to see the nurse to get a new BG tester, so I have an appointment next Tuesday evening, hope its a good one.
Morning all, a 5.6 for the third day in a row.... 🙂
It's been in imminent danger already, and it's still on the I Hr set up time. It nearly became a victim of a Yorkshire Greeting. Our former neighbour, a Yorkshireman is doing some work for us, and always manages to greet me effusively by grabbing that bit of my arm, or patting me vigourously on the bit just where the sensor is!
OOh...ouch Robin!
Morning...up so early again...urghhhhhhhhh...despite that had a good sleep...feeling invigorated by the 'lively' discussions of the past few days...even that which fell well below the rain (yet) still fast asleep...quiet...bliss...time for more coffee...a 5.9 today