Group 7-day waking average?

Morning guys 🙂 crap night, Darth Vader sleeping next to me, cats fighting outside, the usual noise from the pub 🙄 despite all that and an 8.2 before bed a 4.8 for me this morning, needing to venture to the shop this afternoon so hopefully the rain will stop by then, have a lovely day folks 🙂 x
That's not good, maybe you can have a rest later? Wishing you a lovely day too.
Morning all, its a 5.7 for me this morning after experiencing my first hypo last night. We went to a friends engagement party last night so we ate dinner earlier than normal. I didn't fancy anything from the buffet so didn't eat during the party. Got to about 10pm oh was at the bar and I just started feeling all wobbly with tingly hands, yep 3.7!!! Shouted to my oh who got me a small glass of orange juice. And I grabbed a sandwich from the buffet. Left the party at about 10.45 with BG reading of 4.7. Feel fine this morning though.
First hypo, so scary but sounds like with the help of your OH you handled it very well! Great number this morning too.
Morning all, its a 5.7 for me this morning after experiencing my first hypo last night. We went to a friends engagement party last night so we ate dinner earlier than normal. I didn't fancy anything from the buffet so didn't eat during the party. Got to about 10pm oh was at the bar and I just started feeling all wobbly with tingly hands, yep 3.7!!! Shouted to my oh who got me a small glass of orange juice. And I grabbed a sandwich from the buffet. Left the party at about 10.45 with BG reading of 4.7. Feel fine this morning though.
Oh no Stitch! good job on treating it so well though and so glad your feeling fine today and don't have the dreaded hypo hangover x
7.7 for me this morning. Probably a rebound. Woke at for no apparent reason, which often means BG has dropped, tested then and was 4.3 so didn't eat anything.
That's not good, maybe you can have a rest later? Wishing you a lovely day too.
I'm being a bit of a freak later to be honest (well that's what others my age would say anyway) I've got the shopping list all written out for tomorrow so while I'm out at the ATM and shop I'm going to get myself an arrow word book and treat myself to a nice relaxing evening doing that with some smelly candles or incense burning away 🙂 (I had an obsession with doing arrow word books a few years ago and had to wean myself off lol but they are something I really enjoy doing) xx
@Stitch147 . Congratulations on weathering your first hypo.
Good morning from sunny E Kent. Hope you a have a good day.
Started a new sensor last night meter says 7.4, Libre says 5.6 , hopefully they will become friends soon.

Wish me luck. I'm going to be having great fun soon. After sorting out our pills for the week I've got the printer to sort out, The paper jammed in it last night and now it's sulking offline, so far it's resisted all my efforts to cheer it up.
Another dreich day here - I wakened at 5.30 for a loo break, went back to bed and not long up - shame on me.

5.8 on wakening
3.9 this morning but I can cope with that 🙂
Good morning everyone. 4.3
Dunno what I was up to when I was fast asleep
Morning...woke to a 5.6...more rain & one drenched cat who insisted on staying out all night...and is now complaining bitterly!
Good morning all, first post in this section and a nice low start of 4.4 this morning but if it follows my usual trend it will be in double figures after 2 slices of wholemeal toast with Bovril :(
Good morning all, first post in this section and a nice low start of 4.4 this morning but if it follows my usual trend it will be in double figures after 2 slices of wholemeal toast with Bovril :(
Morning Andy...good could try some high protein bread...lower carbs...I have the same as you...but use the high protein bread instead...hardly raises my BG's.