Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning my lovelies 🙂 4.3 here after a 6.5 at bedtime, looking like the Tresiba may be needing reduced, lovely and bright here after a dull rainy day yesterday, hope everyone has a fab day! :D xx
Morning all, went to bed on 5.6 woke up with a 6.3. Nice steady line again through the night. Definitely liking these lower numbers now. Very rarely do I go into double figures now, usually only if I eat something I shouldn't. But its only into the 10's now rather than the 15-17 range I was hitting a few weeks ago.
@Bubbsie - fancy my company on the 5.5 bench? x
Oh snap WL...I've budged up a bit...have a idea where this week has INR clinic on Tuesday morning...remember that the perfect number...don't have to attend for another month...then work...suddenly it's Friday...have a good weekend.
Good morning all - 5.8 today
Good morning all. 6.8 for me today.

Blowing a gale and heavy, driving rain. Agh, I wanted to get into son's garden today.
No chance if this keeps up.
Morning all, 5.8 here after notching my basal up a half unit.
Wow, Lin, was the DF slipping you jelly babies in your sleep at 3am? That's quite the rise!
Nah I reckon she was spooning in golden syrup lol.
@Ljc -wow! The DF must have fancied a trip to Kent.
A 6.6 for me today. I seem to keep fluctuating for my waking reading on an almost daily basis from mid 5s to mid 6s for some reason.
Never mind, daily averages are low to mid 6s so hopefully HbA1c next Friday will still be good.
I rather wish she'd taken a nose dive into the North Sea instead :D
7.9 for me this morning. Was feeling very dizzy/muzzy head and slight headache. which was why i tested. my partner has had a heavy cold last few days so wondered if i was going down with it but have improved as the day goes on. Diagnosed type 2 couple of years ago. no medication just diet and exercise.
Couldn't sleep, so best up - listening to Michel Buble - need to listen to more music again, instead of crap TV.

So 5.8 this morning.

Have a good weekend people
I've been keeping you company @Hazel , its horrible isn't it. I hope you manage to get some shut eye later.

4.4 today. My graph is all humpty bumpty
Morning...heavy week at work...the time has flashed past...good sleep (makes such a difference) last night...not had the best control the last few days...woke to a 5.9...relieved.
Morning all. 6.6 vs 4.7 libre this morning.
Good morning my lovelies 🙂 4.5 here, looking like rain today :(, have a fab day everyone! :D x
Good morning my lovelies 🙂 4.5 here, looking like rain today :(, have a fab day everyone! :D x
Peed down here last night K...but...I was tucked in up this morning...wandered out into the that fresh clean feeling after it's rained...on a selfish note...won't have to water the lawn today...result!
Morning all. A 7.6 for me. Looks like the nutella on the oatcake was not required.
Chucking it down here.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Morning all, 6.3 for me today.