Group 7-day waking average?

No damage, but it was great to watch.
I know . I do love a thunderstorm. We had sheet lightning , lots of loud bangs . Loverly , oh and heavy rain.
Morning all. 5.3 for me today on day 5 without a libre. Never thought I'd say it, but I'm getting used to not wearing one, so I think I'll go at least a week or more between them in the future.
No rain here yet but I wish it would as the garden needs it and I'm fed up of watering🙂
My third day without a sensor. I think once you get over those first couple of days it's not so bad, but at first it's really hard when you have got used to scanning 20 times a day! 😱
Checking in late...6.0 @ 5.31 for me this morning. Waiting for the storm... 🙂
Good morning all and 4.7, nasty cramp in the night but waking up to incredible view high above Lake Geneva with mountains all around. So beautiful! Have a good day everyone.
That is a view to behold NJ - what wouldn't I give to open my eyes each morning to a view like that 🙂 Hope all is going well for you x
@Bubbsie is very late this Morning, hope everything is ok! X
Hi time to check in here yesterday...had to dash off to Wales for work Tuesday morning...didn't get home until 02:30 Weds...three hours sleep...then back on the road again by 05:45...finally finished that job last night...home at 9pm...doing nothing but lazing around today...potter in the garden...catch up un some did your appointment go? & furious couple of days with work...up & down to Wales...early starts (very early)..late finishes...finally home at 9pm last night....been dreading testing...awful diet the last couple of days...mainly service station food (?)...woke to a 5.7 more coffee out in my garden...if that phone rings...not answering it!. & furious couple of days with work...up & down to Wales...early starts (very early)..late finishes...finally home at 9pm last night....been dreading testing...awful diet the last couple of days...mainly service station food (?)...woke to a 5.7 more coffee out in my garden...if that phone rings...not answering it!.
What a relief on two counts, day at home with your own food and great number! Enjoy a recovery and restful day.
That is a view to behold NJ - what wouldn't I give to open my eyes each morning to a view like that 🙂 Hope all is going well for you x
Thanks @wirralass , that was taken from my balcony, also see panorama of mountains over the lake. it's glorious here! It is for work but I feel very blessed. Yes, all going amazingly well.
What a relief on two counts, day at home with your own food and great number! Enjoy a recovery and restful day.
It was a relief Jo...until I wandered in from the kitchen heading out to the garden...with a hungry Harry shadowing me...clearly Harry must have peanut butter on toast & coffee for his breakfast...finally managed to circumnavigate him (no easy feat)...outside...another 'little present' on the patio from Churchill...cleaned up the poor dead bird with as much dignity as I could muster...think they may be protesting...not enough attention the last couple of days!
Hypo at 4.30 so had 15g fast acting carbs, then it was 3.2 at 6.30am.
That sounds exhausting and hope you feel better now and you have a gentle day. You are going through so much and then have to deal with a stubborn hypo, you deserve a break, are you listening DF?!
It was a relief Jo...until I wandered in from the kitchen heading out to the garden...with a hungry Harry shadowing me...clearly Harry must have peanut butter on toast & coffee for his breakfast...finally managed to circumnavigate him (no easy feat)...outside...another 'little present' on the patio from Churchill...cleaned up the poor dead bird with as much dignity as I could muster...think they may be protesting...not enough attention the last couple of days!
Naughty Churchill, (never thought I would write those two words together!) and am jealous of Harry's breakfast, delicious.
That sounds exhausting and hope you feel better now and you have a gentle day. You are going through so much and then have to deal with a stubborn hypo, you deserve a break, are you listening DF?!
Thank you New-Journey. I hope that the DF listens 🙂
Naughty Churchill, (never thought I would write those two words together!) and am jealous of Harry's breakfast, delicious.
Jo...Harry never got any...he's sticking to his own...crunchy dried doggy food...bit like my diet the last two days at the service for Churchill...he's out on the hunt again...will be watching for his return...anything in that mouth of his...I'm getting the water shooter out!
A flat 6.0 this morning. Fairly pleased with that as I accidentally gave myself twice as much bolus last night and then ate far too much to compensate😱. Felt far too full and sick. I know I probably should have just had dinner as normal and then had some glucose tabs but didn't think straight. 🙄 You live and learn!
Never happened before and hopefully won't again.